Desk divas???



  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    I work at a desk job 5 days a week, 9-5. I only get a 30 minute lunch break, but I spend it walking. Getting in at least 20 minutes makes me feel better about sitting all day. I do try to use the bathroom furthest from my desk and take the long ways around the building. I walk in the evenings 4/5 days a week too. I always bring my own breakfast/lunch/snacks to work and stay clear of the coffee area where people usually leave doughnuts/other treats. So far it's been working, but I do think it'd be easier if I had a job where I moved around a bit more.
  • Ems_weightlossjourney17
    I'm a mix of working at home, and office with some long drives mixed in. I have two dogs though so I focus on walking them before and after work as well as Zumba twice a week. It's the snacking I struggle with so have some snack plans helps.
  • JadeQuetzal
    JadeQuetzal Posts: 95 Member
    edited August 2017
    Me. I'm a senior analyst (IT for pharmaceutical accounts), but because our room is small for this account, walking the floor to help first levels isn't even a thing. Luckily, we live across from a public trail (converted railroad bed) and we have a bunch of state parks within a reasonable drive. When the weather is nice, I'll go walking or biking with my husband and/or daughter after work or on the weekends. If the weather is not that great, I'll go walking around stores.
  • Joannehoyx
    Joannehoyx Posts: 7 Member
    I also work in an office job, i find keeping yourself busy with work distracts you from boredom eating and thinking about food. i start work at 9 and find time to go the gym before work, i also try and make 10,000 steps a day by walking that bit further to a train station each day and walking on my lunch hour. I actually find office life to be benefitical to my weight loss journey as it provides me with a set routine.