JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 13



  • PlummerBecky
    PlummerBecky Posts: 47 Member
    This is my first Round with this so goal is 179.XX
    I always seem to stall at 180 and I my ultimate goal is 148.00
    I am hoping this helps to keep on track daily

    8/09 181.2 SW:
    8/10 181.0 Had a bowl of Ice cream last night
    8/11 182.4 Bowl of Ice cream day 2.. and eating bad at home Not real accountable today
    8/12 180.6 No ice cream.. Ate better... trying to remember 1 day at a time
    8/13 180.6 stayed the same No up and down so I am going to figure this is my real weight
    8/14 181.2 back to the starting weight... Went to Casino and had sub for lunch and dinner so that didn't help
    8/15 Forgot to weigh in the morning
    8/16 182.00 -working from home today.. hoping to curb the bad snacking
    8/17 181.2 - going back down but still at my start weight... Hoping to see some progress by end of round
  • bl3ss3dmfp
    bl3ss3dmfp Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in again. I am so, so very happy to start round 13 too! I did it peeps. As of this morning, I have hit my 20lb mark! I've lost all the weight my doctor told me to lose. :) However, I know it's still not my ideal weight by any means, so I'm going to keep pushing on. :)

    CW: 182 lbs
    GW: 180 lbs
    UGW: 125 lbs

    08/11: 182...Woo hoo!!!! I'm doing a happy dance!

    08/12: 180.8...completely shocked by this #. It's such a big drop all at once, so I'm expecting it will more than likely go up tomorrow. I put in a lot of steps between housework and grocery shopping.

    08/13: 180.4 lbs...still shocked over seeing this number, and it is working on creeping down still. I biked 6 miles yesterday. If I get in the 170s at all, this will be the first time since 2004 that I've seen it. After the birth of my first child, 3 years of depo were not good for me. So, I packed on 80 lbs. Idk what I'll do WHEN I see that number again.

    8/14: 180.2 lbs...remaining steady now that I had the big WHOOSH. I had a harder time getting 48 oz. of water in yesterday. I didn't "exercise," but I did imo. I rearranged furniture in two rooms, and I swept my car and cleaned out the interior. I have 5 kids that ride in it, so that was a major undertaking.

    8/15: 181 lbs...I was expecting a gain to happen, and it did. In a way, I am bummed because I really want to see that #7. In a way, I'm not because I was anticipating it, and it's still close. I stayed within my calories, drank 48 oz of water, and had a 10-hour work day. I did end up having to eat around 7:30 because of that, and I'm not supposed to eat after 6. I think that could have contributed. On to tomorrow...

    8/16: 181.2 lbs...Okay, I'm going to be honest here...that sudden weight loss was unexpected, but I am starting to get bummed by the fact that it's still creeping up. I decreased my calories a bit to get the # back down the last few days, and it hasn't worked. I refuse to go any lower than I have. Maybe soon it'll start creeping down again.
    I almost reached my goal for steps yesterday too. Water was once again a struggle for me. I need to step it up.

    8/17: 181 lbs...Has anyone ever felt like that they've just run out of energy? They are tired of tracking calories and making all these healthy recipes and just want a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger? I am so there right now. However, I keep eating healthy and ensuring that I get up and move. I am proving to myself that my will power is stronger than I ever knew.
    I've been there... I stayed firm in the 180s for months not seeing the 170s then summer came and I just packed on the pounds until I was back in the 200s!!! I've been on the weight loss journey on and off for 5 years so trust me I understand. I lost 89lbs in 2012 and got back to high school weight but since then had 2 other little ones, moved and returned to college and now I am a homeschooling mom of 4 all of which helped me gain again. Weightloss unfornately is a roller coaster, but just STAY ON! Your weight is going back down and if it's getting redundant change it up a bit. If it makes you feel any better I would gladly switch and be in the 180s lol. I WAS that size when summer started... now I am 205 :-/ Oops.
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    A couple days late but would like to put in 8 days this round.

    8/11- N/A
    8/12- N/A
    8/13- 160.8 I have not weighed myself in forever and this is better then expected. I am going to lose 25 pounds.
    8/14- 161.4 Not sure why I'm up. Wouldn't have changed anything I did yesterday so I'll have to take it.
    8/15- 161.0 This should not be so. Anniversary dinner and movie popcorn not conducive to weight loss. Not sure what my body is up to.
    8/16- 161.4 No big surprise here. My sugar intake is out of control... again. I am no longer hiding from it, though, as I have been the last few months. Getting on the scale is a reminder of what it is doing to my body.
    8/17- 160.4 Good day yesterday. Feel like it's going to continue on today o:)
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,361 Member
    SW, 212 (highest recorded weight) I've no idea what my highest weight was!
    R09, (my R1) SW 203.4
    R10, (my R2) SW 200.4
    R11, (my R3) SW 200.6
    R12, (my R4) SW 199.4
    R13, (my R5) SW 195.4

    my start weight for this round is a new fluke (i think) low, SO I don't expect to get any lower this round

    goal for R13 to make being under under 196lbs permanent

    UGW 140

    10/8- 195.4 - <<< yay!!! .... muscles screaming in agony This is a new low :)

    11/8 - 196.8 - I expected this ^^^ that was a big drop ^^^ possible dehydrated -- THIS is still a drop from the day before! sore muscles, cals are low by average, Rest day drank my 2L water
    12/8 - 198.8 - strained a muscle, in my shoulder and calf, so I am assuming this is water retention just NO HIGHER
    13/8 - 198 - muscles feeling a bit better, calf completely pain free today, shoulder still niggling 25 miles NO water
    14/8 - 200.2 - WTH - I know its not "real" but *sigh* ---- Rest - feeling ill and bloated NO water
    15/8 - 200.2 - still ill bloated and no water,
    16/8 - 200.2 - NOT the number I wanted to stick at - how absolutely disheartening is this!!! went back to bed this morning in the hopes of waking up to a different number .. but NOPE the scales are hating me right now TRUST IN THE PROCESS - calories are fine but getting water down me is impossible, I can't stand the taste at the best of times, let alone when I am feeling ill. DRANK 2L WATER
    17/8 - 198.8 - still a little ill but much better, choked down my water yesterday so I don't know if the number on the scale is a reflection of that or if its a reflection of feeling a bit better today, or if indeed drinking the water is why I feel a little better. the mysteries of the body!!!

  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    Round 13 (R5 for me)

    Original start weight 155

    R8 SW 140.8
    R9 missed
    R10 SW 138.6
    R11 SW 134.6
    R12 SW 133.6
    R13 SW 130.4

    Current weight 130.4
    Goal weight for R13 130 (readjusted)

    Ultimate goal weight 128

    8/11 130.4 I was SHOCKED to see that number this morning.. I moved the scale & weighed myself 3 times just to make sure! This week I took a break from daily weighing, still got exercise in most days and was under calories. My last known weight (on Monday) was 133.2. I’ve been dealing with a summer cold, so have felt kind of blah, but am finally feeling better and hoping that number wasn’t a fluke and can continue on the downward path. I’m sooo close to my ultimate goal weight!

    8/12 130.8 Small gain, lots of cheese last night, so I expected it.

    8/13 132.2 Yikes!! Kind of let it go yesterday and just had a free for all day.. time to real it back in!

    8/14 no weigh in

    8/15 no weigh in

    8/16 132.0 Small loss, as I’m nearing my ultimate goal I’m definitely noticing it getting harder to lose and to stay motivated to be good (eating).. I have the mind set of “oh it’s only a few more pounds to go, I’m happy here…” but I’m going to keep trying and stay as motivated as possible.

    8/17 132.4 Over calories yesterday, enjoyed dinner & wine with friends, so it’s worth it. I have a feeling this round will be a wash/gain, lots of upcoming plans that aren’t good for weight loss, but that’s alright.. I’ll get through them then get back on track afterwards.

  • Arkie_Ali
    Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
    R12 SW: 159.6 (my first round)
    R13 SW: 155.2

    R13 GW: 153
    UGW: Somewhere around 125

    8/11: 155.2 I ate too much sodium yesterday. I can feel it in my hands and feet. It hasn't affected my weight yet, but it may not show on the scale until tomorrow. All I can do is keep hydrated today.
    8/12: 155.4 Bad day logging. Ate like crap I know it will show on my weight this week.
    8/13: 156.8 Yikes. Over eating and high sodium intake over the last couple days. Gotta get back on track.
    8/14: 155.8 Getting there. Back to work, so back to routine (which helps me tremendously)
    8/15: 154.2 Woosh! I've always been a member of the "Big Booty Judy" club...starting to look like I might need to surrender my membership :wink:
    8/16: ?? I forgot to weigh in. Whoops!
    8/17: 155.0 Not sure I'll hit my goal for this round, but at least I'm still mostly trending down
  • sheilajean58
    sheilajean58 Posts: 263 Member
    Highest weight April 2016 117 lbs
    Starting weight for 2017 112 lbs

    R9 SW 108.4
    R10 SW 108.5
    R11 SW 107.6
    R12 SW 108.5

    Goal Weight Round 13: maintenance of 107 lbs plus strength exercise (I have been neglectful and lost some shape)

    8/11 107.3 lbs
    8/12 107.0 lbs - <1400 kcals - no exercise yet, will make room for it today.
    8/13 106.6 lbs - < 1400 kcals - Standard Old Fashion Free Weight Training + House & Yard Work (also bathed 3 dogs - almost forgot about that ;).
    8/14 106.3 lbs - temporary - short on water yesterday - ate okay but above goal calories.
    8/15 107.8 lbs - temporary - goal remains to maintain 107 lbs + build muscle :neutral:
    8/16 106.8 lbs - I love this habit!
    8/17 108 lbs - temporary - I feel great!