Please say it gets more easier and enjoyable!

Nads36 Posts: 108 Member
I weigh 256lbs = 18st 4lbs (was 271lbs = 19st 5lbs) and I have to admit I am not enjoying exercising at this weight. I do remember loving exercise when I was lighter in previous years. Just wondered when did it get easier and more enjoyable for you? Thanks in advance!


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    Depends on what you're doing. Is it an activity that you love, or are you doing it because you think you need to?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    set yourself some fitness goals, then you aren't just working out for the sake of it.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Find something you love. Join a fun class like Zumba or clubbercise (its in the dark with glowsticks and disco lights, so no-one can see if you are going wrong!), go for nice long walks enjoying nature, find a friend to walk or workout with. But you must find something you enjoy.
  • valkongr
    valkongr Posts: 27 Member
    I know people that they are doing it for years and they are hating it. Push yourself for some months and decide.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited August 2017
    As others have said find something you enjoy that helps and yes it does get easier and more enjoyable.
    Personally I started simply walking and increased that more and more - did yoga (always loved that) and Increased slowly over time. It became more enjoyable and still love both but also felt the need to challenge myself over time. I now also do a cardio class, weights and run. But all in good time listening to what I like doing and to what my body was ready for
  • NelwynnValala
    NelwynnValala Posts: 29 Member
    Ah, this is my problem too. I was about 250 when I started (now 230) and losing through diet is not as hard as I thought it would be. But I just get bored really quickly when I do plain exercises. It feels like a really annoying chore, so I don't do it as much as I'd like to. I'm trying to solve it by walking as much as possible (to work etc.) and by just dancing with my headphones on + swimming. Once I've shed some more, I will join a gym because I do presume that it will be easier once you are lighter on your feet. :-)
  • JoJosAnatomymfp
    JoJosAnatomymfp Posts: 178 Member
    I could barely exercise when I started. Small walks is how I started. When the distance got easier, I walked for longer. It definitely got much more enjoyable. I know you don't feel comfortable now, but set yourself little mini goals to keep yourself motivated. It will be worth it. I started January 27th of this year. 202 days later and I'm at a 72lb loss.
  • pikachuFL
    pikachuFL Posts: 75 Member
    I had to fight myself to keep on walking when I was doing that for exercise because I hated it but then I switched to biking, which I've always loved, and now I look forward to getting my exercise! You might want to switch to something you actually enjoy so exercise isn't such a chore. Or combine walking with something else, like bird-watching or walking at a zoo, to make it more enjoyable.
  • smc92079
    smc92079 Posts: 219 Member
    I find that, when it gets hard, I remind myself of why I'm doing it. I mostly walk right now. I've been slowly trying to add some jogging intervals in, but that's just because my personal goal is to learn how to run. You have to find something that you don't dread doing. At first, it was hard for me to make myself go out and walk. Now, I don't feel like my day is complete unless I've done it. I even went and got a gym membership the other night because it was storming and I needed to access to a treadmill just to get my walk in. You certainly don't have to do anything crazy strenuous or exercise for hours and hours. You got this!
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    I would never tell you not to exercise but remember that it's not necessary for weight loss. Diet does the work for that, any exercise you do is gravy!

    Find something you like and/or start slow. There's the old fashioned term 'get the blood moving'. Try to keep this in mind...recurring exercise should feel invigorating while you're doing it and you generally should only be working out at intensity levels where you're fully conversational (that is, barely breathing heavy).

    Shorten your sessions to 30 minutes and find the intensity level that will keep you coming back. Between the short time and easier effort, you'll find that most of your workouts will be over before you even knew they began. Over time, I guarantee that you'll find yourself gradually lengthening your sessions and naturally working at a higher intensity level.

    If you find yourself stuck with exercise options that you do find boring, then find a way to take your attention off of how much you don't like them while you're doing it. When I'm stuck inside and have to do the elliptical I'll watch TV shows on my tablet...I'm actually to the point now where I love the elliptical because it gives me time to catch up on my boob tube watching! My regular workout sessions fly by and I've found myself adding extra elliptical workouts just to see the latest episodes!
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    It's not going to the same for everyone but yes exercise can get both easier and more enjoyable, but you do need to find something you enjoy.
    When I first started losing the weight I struggled to walk across the room, but by slowly increasing my activity level I'm now at the point where I do some form of training 6 days a week and couldn't imagine not exercising.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited August 2017
    I started at about your weight and found that getting down to about 230 made a huge difference in my abilities, particularly anything that involved jumping. Then there was a further change in ability at about 200, which coincidentally was about when I crossed the line from obese to just overweight. Right now I'm at 182 and starting to notice even more new abilities - for example I can do pull up negatives now whereas before, dropping my whole weight onto my arms was too much for me, and a lot of floor-based abs exercises are much easier since there's less belly in the way.

    I'm not a person who enjoys exercise but I have to admit there's something satisfying in being able to easily do things which used to be difficult. Keep at it and you'll get better!
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    You can lose weight without exercise. Find exercises you enjoy such as walking, hiking, yoga, tennis, backpacking, gardening, fixing up your home, etc. options are endless.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,878 Member
    Nads36 wrote: »
    I weigh 256lbs = 18st 4lbs (was 271lbs = 19st 5lbs) and I have to admit I am not enjoying exercising at this weight. I do remember loving exercise when I was lighter in previous years. Just wondered when did it get easier and more enjoyable for you? Thanks in advance!

    When I hit my highest weight, I struggled with the cycling I used to enjoy so much. That was one of the reasons I lost the weight ... I wanted to enjoy cycling again.

    16 weeks in, I started enjoying cycling again. :)

    It does get better!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    It does get easier. Whether or not it gets more enjoyable is an individual thing but you remember enjoying it once, so I would bet it gets more enjoyable to you soon!

    Everyone's advice to find something fun for YOU is key. Keep exercising- even the stuff you don't enjoy but keep trying new things. Then when you do find something you like, or at least something you like more than other stuff do that one more.

    Everything is easier now that I'm 20 pounds lighter, but the exercise bike still feels like torture because it is SO boring to me. Swimming, on the other hand is very hard for me right now as I'm reintroducing a more structured swim workout. But I find so much fun that it is very enjoyable.

    So hang in there and good luck!
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    It doesn't get easier. Once you accomplish a goal you set another one.
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    Nads36 wrote: »
    I weigh 256lbs = 18st 4lbs (was 271lbs = 19st 5lbs) and I have to admit I am not enjoying exercising at this weight. I do remember loving exercise when I was lighter in previous years. Just wondered when did it get easier and more enjoyable for you? Thanks in advance!

    I am finding that I look forward to my workouts a bit more now than I did when I started - not in the OMG GIMME SOME SWEAT! way, but more in the I know I feel better after so lets do this. I am also finding myself wanting to do physical activity more - last weekend I went kayaking. I weigh in at 217 lbs, and I have no upper body strength to speak of yet, but I had a blast.

    Finding things that you like is important - if you hate running? you're not going to hate it less to start.

    Getting more flexible and feeling confident in the exercises (repetition can help here for a bit) leads to better confidence and hopefully some level of enjoyment.

    Are you setting goals and possibly rewards for your exercise and non-scale victories?
  • ijsantos2005
    ijsantos2005 Posts: 306 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    Nads36 wrote: »
    I weigh 256lbs = 18st 4lbs (was 271lbs = 19st 5lbs) and I have to admit I am not enjoying exercising at this weight. I do remember loving exercise when I was lighter in previous years. Just wondered when did it get easier and more enjoyable for you? Thanks in advance!

    It never ever gets easier. You just try to push harder and lift more.
    It doesn't get easier. Once you accomplish a goal you set another one.

    I'll echo what these posters said.

    It doesnt get easier, you just get better.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    edited August 2017
    Nads36 wrote: »
    I weigh 256lbs = 18st 4lbs (was 271lbs = 19st 5lbs) and I have to admit I am not enjoying exercising at this weight. I do remember loving exercise when I was lighter in previous years. Just wondered when did it get easier and more enjoyable for you? Thanks in advance!

    It got enjoyable for me when I started doing the things I enjoy rather than the things I thought I should do as per fitness magazines and the like. Exercising for the sake of exercising and just doing some random thing because it''s trendy and hot at the moment sucks...

    I primarily cycle and do some rock climbing and a little hiking here and there...I really enjoy all of those things. I did not enjoy doing random crap on cardio machines or bootcamp (HIIT) classes or DVDs, etc...I also really tried to be a runner even though I loathed it...but I was fairly convinced that to be fit you had to be a runner...I know better now...