
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Lenora. Thank you what you stated on FB. It must be his is busy, and hasn't gotten the time to write. Also what my son said, that they mail out in bunches. It might not be his fault. Thanks for talking me down. I still have a pit in my belly, and an ache in my heart. There is no quick remedy for that. Hugs
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    On those long St. Louis trip I would have veggies cut up and grapes to eat. Hard boiled eggs are good too. It helps me handle the trip better.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    I did not do much today but I am content enough. Found my thyroid pills on base and there is a 90 day supply. Got e-mail that 3 prescriptions are on their way mail order. My treadmill new cord arrived. Weed-ate for 30 minutes-now the machine needs a new head so line will come out. Going to bed early and having high hopes for tomorrow! 178 pounds. Hoping to make 170 by mid-Sept. Made deviled eggs today-I worry that I am cooking too much and then I have my favorites in frig; however, I notice that my eggs are fewer in number. My husband used to eat the eggs practically before I could even get to the next meal and now I see the boy is chowing down on them. I ate just 1 for snack tonight. I thought I made 22 but my plate is not nearly crowded.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did 45 minutes of a step dvd. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Personal training with Jackie dvd. I'm glad Jess has weights up here.

    Drove to VA, not sure what I'll do tomorrow. In a sense, I wish I was in NC so I could go in the pool. Oh well.....

    Glad I brought food with me but may go food shopping tomorrow.

    Lenora - i know jess tried to make a really special bridal shower for Jess. She put a lot time and effort into it. Now I know she's at the point of "screw it". I feel sorry for her. I guess what happens, happens. But you are right, if things go south, she'll be devastated. I bet Maria won't let them get divorced if that's what they want. You're right, they couldn't care less about anyone. But I'm expected to jump thru hoops if they want something and make sure it's exactly the way they want it. Those are the invites Jess made. She cut out all the wine bottles, glued them to the invite, glued the rope, the flowers and jewels. I thought they were spectacular. In one sense, I do hope people go to the wrong location. Will serve Amanda right for not investigating the two wineries and realizing this one won't work. Hope your toe isn't broken. Yup, that's a rolly poly. Since most of the pics I have are Polaroids and she might cut them, Polaroids break apart so what I'm going to have to do is take a picture of the pic, then print it out. Boy, is this going to be a pain! Why did she have to decide NOW to do it? Well, if I send them to Denise late, they're going to be late. On top of that, denise needs to get them in time for Pete to drive them to his mother's. Oh well... I'm not changing my plans for maria. It does make me feel good to know that denise wants me there at the fitting and to help her pick out her veil

    Lanette - can you send Maria something more than zits?

    Rye -silly as this may sound, don't forget those individual packs of baby vegetables (I think you can only get green beans and carrots if you want just vegetables. Don't forget baby carrots

    Michele now in va from NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lamette, the 'ground zero' place for us to view the eclipse is Hopkinsville, Ky. They are calling themselves Eclipseville also. The news report on TV tonight was that this tiny town already has an extra 45,000 people there and are expecting a total of 150,000 people! I am staying home and making the little pinhole in a paper plate thing to watch. The glasses are going for $10 now if you can find them.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.50min, 147mhr, 13.8mph. 2.9mi = 116c
    apple watch- 93c
    TREADMILL slow jog-50min, 5.1-6.0sp, 144mhr, 10.56min mi, 4.57mi = 462c
    apple watch- 509c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.37min, 137mhr, 12.9amph, 1.4mi = 71c
    apple watch- 40c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 13.23min, 144hr, 13.6amph, 3mi = 143c
    apple watch- 117c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.58min, 135ahr, 148mhr, 9.40min mi, .5mi = 69c
    apple watch- 16c wrong..
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.29min, 9.53min mi, 148mhr, .4mi = 57mi
    apple watch- didn't record
    bike dome 2 hm- 19.04min, 8.2amph, 155mhr, 2.6mi = 182c
    apple watch- 143c

    total cal 1100
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Hello ladies: I have had a busy day. I went to the bank, Safeway, Walmart and put gas in my truck. Picked up DD's car from repair shop so she will have it when she gets home today or tomorrow. Heard from DH. He and son made it safely to Rapid City but took a shortcut through the reservation. Not a wise choice in my book. Glad I did not know they were going to do that. There is a viewing tonight and the funeral is tomorrow morning. They will leave after the funeral to drive back home, stopping overnight somewhere along the way probably in Montana. I am enjoying my time alone.

    Barbie - The patio is looking nice. Hope you get lots of enjoyment out of it.

    Mary - Thinking good thoughts for your DH and the transfer. What will you do with the Minnesota property?

    Marcelyn - Your pics are awesome.

    Dorrie - Hope things start going better for you soon.

    Katla - Sorry you are not going to DSIL's for the eclipse. I know you were looking forward to that visit. DD and I are going to the finals of the Extreme Mustang Makeover in Monroe tomorrow night. The ten finalists do their freestyle routines to determine the winner and then the horses are auctioned off. I saw this once in Wisconsin and it was quite amazing what a trainer could in 100 days of training starting with a wild horse that has never been handled.

    Pip - Sounds like major frustration, but glad Twinkie is getting spiffed up.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Michele, can you scan the pics and email them to the MIL to print out with her ink? Or take pictures of them with your phone and email them to her.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) We finally got things settled today for changing auto and house insurance to a new company with better coverage, better rates and an excellent reputation. The agent at the old company is a friend and we hated telling her but now it's done

    :) Line dance class was lots of fun. Attendance was low because this is the weekend of the county fair and lots of people are involved in activities there.

    :) I'm riding the exercise bike and sort of watching the Mariners game. Right now they are winning

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening my dear Friends,
    I got behind so not responding to anyone specific. I love all the pictures and travel stories. Sending good wishes and hugs for all that need them.

    We thought the concert last night might get rained out because about 4:30 it started raining buckets. It quit after about an hour and the temperature dropped to a very comfortable level. The band didn’t look or sound like the Beatles but they did play only Beatles songs, so we had a good time.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Marcelyn: Your underwater photos are fantastic. Makes me miss living near the ocean.

    Dana: I love Panama City beach with that beautiful soft sugar sand. Glad your back feels better.

    Dorrie: ((hugs)) That quote from your dad at the bottom of your posts has wormed into my head. I find myself repeating it a few times a day. Thank you.

    Joyce and Lisa: You’re giving me serious kitten-envy.

    Michele: Wishing you peace of mind in the midst of the sworl that this shower has become. If you get the photos copied at Walgreens, you can direct them to print them at Denise’s closest Walgreens. That saves on the mailing time. Or just scan and email .jpgs.

    Katla: Crossing my fingers we can meet up when you and DH come to Colorado.

    KarenNY: So glad to hear the procedure went well.

    : I’m excited for you. Is there a plan B if for some reason you DON’T get the condo?

    Mary: I’m holding good thoughts for your DH and Arizona job prospects.

    Lanette: I hear you about the day Elvis died. I was the receptionist for the production office of Ice Follies in Hollywood, CA.

    : I have never seen wool pennies before. What are they used for? So pretty!

    : Ouch! Hope your ankle and foot heal quickly.

    Missing GodMomKim.

    Colorado Foothills

  • Siouxrx
    Siouxrx Posts: 4 Member
    Glo and everyone else who made snack suggestions for car trips - great ideas! Hubby and I are driving from AZ to MD on the 26th. 3 long days ... So, I've taken note of your healthy nibbles ideas :) Obviously can't have my usual chips ... But flattering wedding pics are my goal so I will suck it up!!!

    Have to share with you what happened a couple of days ago ... I got a chocolate craving so I gave into it and made myself a 'chocolate cake in a mug' which I've made many times before. Well, I used 1/3 less sugar than the recipe said but it still tasted soooo sweet to me that I nearly threw up! Ditched most of it down the sink. I think eating healthier is really changing my taste buds!! Who knew!

    Prayers and hugs to all who need it and high fives to everyone! <3

    Sue (AZ)
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    As Sue said, thanks everyone for the car ride snack suggestions. My go to is homemade beef jerky - and I'd planned to have homemade protein bars in the car in case meal choices wherever we are suck. Now I'll also make sure to get baby carrots, take some fresh almond butter, and cut up some cucumber and put it in Tupperware. My mom used to like to knosh on celery- but I hate celery, maybe I can find some fennel instead. I need to remember my sweet tasting herbal tea bags too!

    It will be a test of my willpower for sure, Unfortunately our hotel does not have a swim pool :( so I will have to be aware of every walking opportunity to try to keep my activity level up.

    Happy weekend all!

    Rye in TX
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Margaret – Thank you for the recipe; I will try it this weekend. This plant is a large cactus/succulent type of plant. Only paid $10 for it. It’s about 3 feet tall. The way it grows it just gets harder to get at those little buggars. But, I took it out of the porch and put it out on the deck to start the process of getting rid of them. I definitely do not want them to spread to my other plants. Especially not to my large Jade plant. I have been treating it just ‘in case’. I’ll replace the top 2” of soil. I would not look forward to ‘repotting it’. I’d probably have to wrap it in a towel and still get stuck. Are there any plants that won't get them? That's what I need ... a pest-free plant (just not a 'silk' one).

    I missed my appointment with the OrthoMD today. Had called earlier and then just ‘forgot’ it. They’ve rescheduled for Tuesday. The entire side of my foot is now bruised; but, I can’t say it hurts because it is numb. Some of the swelling from this morning has gone down. I was able to pull on it, in case I had just ‘jammed’ it. Like I said, it is numb. It did not feel jammed. It has a big bump on the part that is sore, so I am pretty sure it is broken.

    Glo and Allie – I consider Cracker to be a ‘companion dog’ … I don’t think I could bear losing her over a move; I’d try anything. It’s worth a try. But, I can understand why some places are 'pet-free zones' ... they don't want to end up with having to deal with 'pest control'.

    Becca – The absolutely hardest thing to do, is to ‘let go’ (and let God) or his Superiors to take what we have so ‘carefully’ tried to mold in a manner that we think is ‘perfect’; only to have that ‘taken out of our hands and remade – new again – and he will be ‘new’ (more grown-up, more respectful, and part of that is [BECAUSE of y’all’s] raising him up, I know in the best of conditions. But, you will be ‘so proud’ of him as you are of your other Navy guys. He wants to be ‘like’ them … I know as the ‘baby’ of 3 girls that I wanted to be like them, too. But, as adults … we are so different than we were ‘growing up’. However, I have no doubt that our parents would be proud of us. They raised us ‘right’! Although we are far apart insofar as ‘location’ … I think we are closer, more understanding of our ‘differences’. There are a ‘few’ things we just ‘agree that we disagree’ and we try not to be ‘confrontational’ about two subjects (religion and politics). But, we do tend to stand our ground. Our oldest sister is now the Matriarch of the family and she stays 'in touch' with us by calling us every Sunday on their way to church. My middle sister posted something on FB and I just ‘had’ to respond to it. Our oldest son also responded to it. Louis told me that I need to 'watch my mouth' or we might get 'uninvited' to our beach trip. NAH! I know my sister too well, she'd never do that. We all have way too much fun when we get together. Sometimes we play together and sometimes we play together with our spouses/SO.

    Nope, no quick remedy for missing getting physical {{{{{HUGS}}}}}; but, I know you are the one thing that he thinks about when he lays down his head at night, tired or not. You’ve done your best, now what he is going through at all the ‘tweaking’ that neither you, nor your Navy husband, could do – and that is learning to take an ‘order’ and do it without questioning. Kids tend to try to ‘fuzz over that line we attempt to set for them’ … especially boys.

    Sounds like you had a very close bond to Oswain, just like I did with my boys … probably more so with Will, the youngest. HA! HA! IF I had had him first, there would not have been a 2nd one. When they turned 6, Louis took over being the role model; he did a fabulous job of it, too. We both are very happy that we did NOT have any girls. He did; but, that doesn't count, since she isn't in our lives. We have only granddaughters, so we've been able to 'spoil them unmercifully and hand them back to their parents). LOL! <3 Realizing that they really ‘thought’ I was carrying twins was ‘scary’ … still ‘is’ … I don’t think I would have handled two of Will (if they had had the same sort of personalities). As it is they (both our boys) are polar opposites and they have always been very close. I ‘worry’ more about Trey (who is right next door) and Louis worries more about Will who is out in Louisiana. Has been west of the MS River for the past 20 years. No chance in Hell that he will ever move back east of it. That’s been ‘home’ to him for a longer period of time than SW GA has been. Time flies!

    Michele – I’m not sure if it is because I happen to be the ‘baby’ and have always been strong-willed (or because I am an Aries – therefore RAM-headed); I would have said something by now. You are showing far more restraint that I could under the same circumstances. Of course, with both boys married now – I do try to ‘test’ the waters before just ‘throwing it out there’. Just always keep your ears open for whenever Denise decides to ‘open up’. At some point, she will probably ‘respect’ you for not interfering, even ‘if’ you have wanted to. I tend to just ‘speak my mind’ and I don’t always make the ‘best’ impression of people who have not been around me long enough to know me.

    Maybe you need to try realize that apparently wherever Denise is; wherever Maria has grown up, their way of doing things isn’t the way we would do them. Seems like people who have ‘never’ lived in the South do not understand our ways. We’re not lazy nor are we stupid. We just know what ‘isn’t right’ and we have the tendency to want to 'make it right'. The Mother of the Bride (unless she is deceased or totally disabled) still has the privilege of planning her daughters’ weddings. Is Maria just as pushy with her daughter as she seems to be ‘protective’ of her son?

    I’m pretty sure that my toe is broken. I don’t know exactly when or how I did it … probably walking in the dark. It is numb and bruised all the way up the side of my foot. Tender walking on it. I tend to pull up the ball of my foot when walking. I don’t think I would ‘go out of my way’ to be on Maria’s Timeline. If you get them done, in time, fine – otherwise don’t worry about changing your plans. Glad that Denise is letting you in on those Motherly plans in choosing a veil. My Mother made all our dresses. I actually wore the dress I used as my wedding gown to my senior prom. I designed a lace sleeveless jacket to go over it. Both sisters and nieces had the same dress in an avocado green. Mimi crocheted beaded belts. They carried little wicker birdcages with flowers in them and I carried a bouquet of Tuberoses. Smelled wonderful! Maybe Maria will stay at home. If not – take your double barrel cut-off [shot]gun with you. That’s the reason I don’t have a ‘carry permit’ … HAHAHAHAHAHA! It would take a lot of restraint for me to ‘think’ first before I used the butt-end of it on her head.

    Like I said earlier – I imagine Maria with a wart with hair growing out of it somewhere on her face. Get a Skittle, and a little Super Glue – next time she pipes up, glue it to her face. I’ll try not to be ‘mean’ … I thought I was going to have a ‘sty on my eye’ on my wedding day. Thankfully, whatever our family MD gave me kept it from being so. Dried it right up overnight. At least you have pictures. Louis’ daughter took ALL the family photos, therefore the only pictures I have of Louis are from our dating days forward. I do have 3 others when he was a baby and young boy. I’ve stopped asking. Knowing her, she has ‘chunked them in the trash’. Not so much as a “Screw You!” from her in 10 years. KARMA!!!!! It will strike twice in one place. So I have kept myself out of the picture.

    Joyce – I’m doing the cardboard and white sheet to look at it like we did in 7th grade when we had a ‘partial’ eclipse. Don’t forget that 2nd plate or white paper. It works just as well as the $10 glasses … and since you do it yourself, you don’t have to worry about non-working knock-offs.

    KatieBug had a great idea … scan them and let her use ‘her’ ink to print them out. She’ll probably ‘think’ it is too much trouble to deal with.

    Welcome to all the “Newbies” … loving the pictures that are getting posted. Leaving a week from today to go to LA; this time, next week … we will be with Will, Tami, and Mallory for a week. I am ‘sooooooooooooooooo excited’! I only get to see them once, occasionally twice a year.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Rori, if you are kitty jealous, I am sure mybMelody would love for you to relieve her for a day. He can be a handful when he wants to be a little pest. He loves to jump and pounce on her when she is walking by. But she is doing better at swatting him. I love catching the, when they are having their stare offs. I would love to know what they are thinking. Melody is always the one sitting up and Mozart lying down. So I guessthat is the correct position. But it sounds like a herd of buffalo running when they are chasing each other down the hall

    Many people have told Charlie that he looks like John Voigt. We don't see it but many others do it. So so,e one at Karaoke tonight wanted a picture with him!

    I finally got to watch Project Runway tonight. Some people have such a strange sense of style. The challenge was for the red carpet. So why does a lady make a pair of tiny sporty shorts and cape? This person is an identical twin and they are both on the show. It will be interesting seeing their dynamics. This season, the models are size 2 to 22. And each week they will M have a different model. I am glad they are thinking about plus size women. Of course I hate that a size 14 is a plus size. Size 14 is just a normal everyday woman. Don't put that connotation on her!

    Allie, are you sure you want to be able to see your dogs at Tom's????? I like he idea of a trusted friend getting custody of one of them and you see that dog there.

    Seems like a lot of you are traveling for some reason or another this weekend. Safe travels.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Safe travels my friends. <3. Katla, I hope it all works out for you. <3
    Lot of swell this morning. Might take a pill again. I'm trying to decide if I want to go ashore today. Part of me can't be bothered. I've got last day moping. :'(
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    So, I was away on a camping vacation after having DGD and DGS for our August Long Weekend. I misjudged/couldn't see the fence when I made a uturn. I still can't believe that happened Fence 1/ toyota 0.

    Marcelyn - - Loved the fish photos.

    DJ - Praying for good results for the biopsy.

    Carol - That is a truly amazing photo of your grandson and his dog.

    Dorrie- You've got a lot to handle. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

    I would write more but too tired.

    Love you Ladies.

    -Sharon in Smoky southern Alberta.