21 Day Without Sugar



  • Ultio70
    Ultio70 Posts: 12 Member
    Sugar is a hard one. Big results if you can just walk away from it though. I'm in my 3rd week of no sugar and Low carb. I think the 2 biggest contributions to my success so far have been maxing out my physical activity and changing the rest of my diet to meet the needs for that activity. Being distracted by the new routine and the never ending quest for protein. I started working out before I quit the sugar. Once I stop eating sugar and drinking soda to the weight started coming off quickly.
  • Veganvibesss
    Veganvibesss Posts: 123 Member
    Are you talking about no added sugar or no sugar? Because tons of healthy foods have natural sugar. I think it's going to be way to hard to cut off sugar completely and you should be cutting off added sugars to begin because eating fruit isn't bad for you if you don't over indulge. I still believe it's a healthy part of your diet. Added sugars however are the devil lol.