40 pounds and I don't see the difference



  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    Are you kidding me? You look great! There is a huge difference. You need to find a more supportive friend.
  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member
    Definitely a huge difference!! Especially in your face, neck and shoulders. You look fantastic!! Keep up the great work and don't let unsupportive people get you down. You are doing a great thing for yourself and even if you don't see it yourself right now, keep going and soon you will. :)
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    omg! Huge difference! Your friend is just jelous I think. Congrats, you have LOTS to feel great about. Sometimes it takes longer for our mindset to catch and realize the difference when looking in the mirror.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    As Billy Crystal used to say, "you look mahvelous"!!!! There is definitely a difference and you do look great!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    Huge difference. I guessing your friend is either too close to notice the difference because it is gradual, they are just blind to changes, or they are subconsciously jealous. Keep going you are doing great.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I've lost 29lbs so far & it's hard to see the difference because we see ourselves in the mirror everyday. Find a picture that was taken of you before this journey, and take a picture now and look at the two next to each other. I'm sure you'll see a big difference! =)

    When I started I was the same size as a friend of mine. Last time she saw me she said he weighed less than me and was a lot small (which isn't true because she actually got bigger) she said this to make herself feel better. Maybe she is jealous that you are losing, and she secretly wants to lose too!

    We're women, it's okay to get worked up when ppl say something that offends us.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Darling, you look fantastic. Your loss is very noticeable to me.

    I highly recommend getting rid of all clothes that are too big as you lose and replace them with clothes that fit along with a piece or two of clothes a size too small for motivation. I replenished my entire wardrobe that way by picking up clothes at thrift stores. Granted, I've always shopped at thrift stores, but that practice has allowed me to be able to find the cute stuff for cheap.

    On occasion, I'll buy in a dept store but I NEVER pay retail for anything. If it's not at least 50% off the original price, it's not going home with me. Today I bought $241 worth of clothing for $59.64.
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    As Billy Crystal used to say, "you look mahvelous"!!!! There is definitely a difference and you do look great!

    awwww.....you made me smile so much I'm crying!! thanks!!!
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    Darling, you look fantastic. Your loss is very noticeable to me.

    I highly recommend getting rid of all clothes that are too big as you lose and replace them with clothes that fit along with a piece or two of clothes a size too small for motivation. I replenished my entire wardrobe that way by picking up clothes at thrift stores. Granted, I've always shopped at thrift stores, but that practice has allowed me to be able to find the cute stuff for cheap.

    On occasion, I'll buy in a dept store but I NEVER pay retail for anything. If it's not at least 50% off the original price, it's not going home with me. Today I bought $241 worth of clothing for $59.64.

    what an inspiration you are!! you have done amazing and you look fabulous!!
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    It is CRITICALLY important to take BEFORE pictures.

    Sure, you don't see a difference - it's to be expected. You see yourself every single day, as you stop out of the shower in the morning, do your makeup, fix your hair, ect. The change happens SLOWLY.

    If you had taken a BEFORE picture - you'd look at it and say "Holy Crap!! I never realized I looked like that".

    So, grab your cell phone. Drop to the skivvies or swimsuit, or put on a sports bra and shorts - and take some unflattering pictures. Don't suck it in! Front, side and back. From your knees to the top of your head. Revel in your weight.

    Then, after another 20, look again. The difference is there, I assure you. Youv'e lost the weight of a small child - it most definitely shows!!
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Darling, you look fantastic. Your loss is very noticeable to me.

    I highly recommend getting rid of all clothes that are too big as you lose and replace them with clothes that fit along with a piece or two of clothes a size too small for motivation. I replenished my entire wardrobe that way by picking up clothes at thrift stores. Granted, I've always shopped at thrift stores, but that practice has allowed me to be able to find the cute stuff for cheap.

    On occasion, I'll buy in a dept store but I NEVER pay retail for anything. If it's not at least 50% off the original price, it's not going home with me. Today I bought $241 worth of clothing for $59.64.

    what an inspiration you are!! you have done amazing and you look fabulous!!

    Just so you know, it takes time for your mind to catch up to the changes your body is going through. Believe it or not, there are times when I don't feel like I've lost any weight at all and I still see that "fat" girl in the mirror. It's at those moments when I have to sit down, pull up my before and current pictures and look at them side by side. I kept one piece of clothing from back when I started (a skirt in a 24w) that I hang on to just to remind myself of where I came from and to keep myself in check. You are doing an amazing job and you're going to blow them out of the water when you've achieved your goals.
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    Who nees a friend like that? The difference is so noticeable,and I have yet to buy new clothes too. They kind of hang on me..but I should probably pick up a pair or 2 or shorts that actually fit and I'm not constantly pulling up. Great job with all you've done so far. 40 pounds is no easy feat. Keep on doing what you are doing...it's totally working :)
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    OMG, you can see the difference, your looking good.

    When we look in the mirror we don't see the weight loss, its only until you see someone who hasn't seen you for a while. Or in my case looking at old pictures hehe.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Okay after seeing pics, I'd suggest you offer your friend a ride to Lens Crafters cause if she can't see the difference she probably should not be on the road. :laugh:

    You look great huge difference in your face arms, legs. You go girl,
  • mmlovers90
    mmlovers90 Posts: 21
    Wow! I loved seeing the pictures! It really is a HUGE difference between the two pix. I am so proud of you!!! I am also inspired. I have had a very rough couple of days and was about to give up. I was eating way too many pretzels and decided to log on here for inspiration and your picture did it! Thanks for inspiring me to keep going! I want to see a difference like that in me as well! You are beautiful!!! I think your friend was just jealous!
  • shels67
    shels67 Posts: 11
    wow.....40 lbs is a huge accomplishment !! so congrats to you firstly. and secondly, YES there is a HUGE difference that i can see from you pics...your neck and face is a start. you have lost it 'all over' in my opinion, from what i can see there in your pics. and the one thing i really want to encourage you about is that 40lbs lost is not just about how we look on the outside, but how much healthier we are on the inside!!! my goodness you have come SO far...don't get discouraged. i have battled the last 5 lbs for 3 months now! 5 lbs lost and then gained and lost and then gained!! lol....and i have 25 to go! now THATS sad, but you know what...i am not giving up and you cannot give up and get discouraged :):)

    You CAN see a difference and your husband and friend see you every day and it's not the same as others who look at that pic. take pics today, it's is critical to take pics of before and during and after. you KNOW you have lost and tell yourself to keep going because soon and very very soon, you will turn that corner, and everyone will be able to see the definition and the changes in your body.

    and in the meantime, meditate on that greatness that you have accomplished so far! and you are SO much healthier 40 lbs lighter on the inside! you should be SO VERY proud of yourself dear!!!
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I definitely see a difference....I don't know what your friend is talking about.
  • effinger
    effinger Posts: 2
    It helped me to take weekly pictures of myself, and then I made a video of my weekly progress. I could literally see my fat disappear from my belly... I lost 28 pounds in 90 days. But I will say, taking the weekly pictures made the difference, because even though my clothes were getting bigger, it happens gradually, so you get use to it as it happens. But since I took weekly pictures, then made a little video with my weekly pictures, I could see myself getting smaller.

    If you have lost 40 pounds, you must be getting smaller.

    Take your measurements, and pictures weekly, and you should be able to see a difference.

  • change_happens
    you have lost 40lbs.... wow! 2 dress sizes down? amazing!!!!! when i visited my fam they didn't notice my weight loss. but i know it happened.
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    I know every one has already said it....You look amazing!!! Keep up the hard work...If your friend cannot be more supportive, maybe it is time for a new friend...
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