Please help ! Not sure what i am doing wrong here.... I want



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    good point pmb! if she's truely at 600 cals/day, she's definitely in starvation mode.
  • brookefoley
    brookefoley Posts: 104 Member
    1351 cal for your BMR is what your body needs to burn just to function if you are laying around on the couch doing nothing.
    If you want to exercise and jog and all that, you should probably eat more. Also eating your exercise calories means on top of your daily 1200 cal, if you work out, say you burn 200 cal from the elliptical trainer, then you should eat 1200+200 cal = 1400 cal for that day.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Also, in some of my studying it mentioned that for some the loss of appetite is a sign of "starvation" or metabolism issues (like it slowing WAY down).

    Just something to think about...also yes water is good but don't kill physical hunger with it. Your body NEEDS food.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I'm in a similar spot as you. I'm the same height, and at my heaviest was about the same point too. My goal is also 125. I hit 137 and stayed there for 2-3 weeks. MFP is giving me 1200 calories to lose .9 lbs per week. I've now lost another 2, and (hopefully) broken my plateau. Here's what I did:

    I did find that 1200 cals was too low, regardless of exercise. With my exercise calories, I now usually hit around 1400-1500, which seems better.

    I changed up my workout. I had just been using my elliptical machine. I'm now doing the 30 Day Shred video. I plan to change things up after I've made it the 30 days with that.

    I am trying to drink more water and less diet soda (sounds like you're already doing this).

    It sounds like you're already doing a lot of things right, so maybe something simple, like changing your routine, and increasing your calories will do it for you. Hope this helps!
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Thank you very much - According to my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Calculator

    this is me

    Your estimated BMR is: 1,351 calories/day*

    I will eat more but i honestly do feel full - is it because i mostly drink about almost 3 liter water a day -

    i will give it couple weeks with eating more i hope something changes 'cause i have been the same weight last little while - and it's possibly what you all said my body thinks i am starving - lol

    I am so happy to be here and thank you all for your support


    The BMR on here calculates only what your body needs to function if you did nothing but lie still for 24 hours. Your body NEEDS calories to function. I assume you do more than lie around all day so you are burning more than 1351 per day. Please, PLEASE eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day. It's so very unhealthy to eat less than that, especially only 600! When I first started I was eating only the 1200 and occasionally going under by about 100 or so calories. I wasn't eating my exercise calories. I only lost about a pound every other week or so. When I decided to see what would happen if I added in an extra 300-400 calories (exercise calories) I began losing about 2-3 lbs per week consistently. Mind you, I had a LOT of weight to lose at the beginning so I lost more than I do now. Your body needs fuel to function and calories are the fuel. Please search old threads for more information. I promise you that if you eat right, enough calories, and workout you will get to your goal! :flowerforyou:

    Here's a helpful site to understand your BMR:
  • wannabeflaca
    I read an article on that said intervals are one of the fastest ways to shed fat. It stated that women who spent 20 minutes mixing sports with jogging lost three times the fat than those jogging steady for 40 minutes.
    Hop on any cardio machine and and use an exertion level of 1 easiest and 10 being next to impossible.
    warm up 4 minutes level 3
    sprint 30 seconds level 7
    recover 90 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 8
    recover 90 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 9
    recover 30 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 7
    recover 90 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 8
    recover 90 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 9
    recover 30 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 7
    cool down for 3 minutes, 30 seconds at level 3

    Mix up your exercises to shake up your metabolism and see how that works for you. And eat your allotted amount of calories. DO NOT GO UNDER YOUR CALORIES NOT GOOD!
    Remember diet and exercise changes with our bodies all the time and you have to adjust accordingly.

    You are doing great!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Eat more lady! You will see the weight come off. Also, add a little walking or running or something to your daily routine. Watch yourself change then :)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I just wanted to chime in and say that Bunny and Banks are right! 600 cals/day is not enough for your body to function correctly.
    so, my advice is along the same lines:
    1. Increase your calories immediately. Your body needs to "trust" that it will be nourished before it will give up any reserves. Do not go below 1200, calculate yours based on 1 lb/week loss and stick to that.
    2. Keep it up with the water. That's a great amount to drink and will help a lot.
    3. Resist the temptation to weigh yourself for at least the first few weeks after increasing calories. Or, if you are like me and cannot resist, at least understand what you are seeing is only temporary and will go back down (and will continue to go down)!
    4. Understand that MFP already haas a deficit built in, so eat all of the calories that are allotted to you. If you exercise and earn more, eat those too! Your metabolism will function better if you do this.
    5. Trust the system. we have members who have lost 150, 200 lbs by following these principles. No need for super-strict (only 1 oz of fish?!) measures.
    6. Stay positive. You are doing good thing for your body, be proud!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I just wanted to chime in and say that Bunny and Banks are right! 600 cals/day is not enough for your body to function correctly.
    so, my advice is along the same lines:
    1. Increase your calories immediately. Your body needs to "trust" that it will be nourished before it will give up any reserves. Do not go below 1200, calculate yours based on 1 lb/week loss and stick to that.
    2. Keep it up with the water. That's a great amount to drink and will help a lot.
    3. Resist the temptation to weigh yourself for at least the first few weeks after increasing calories. Or, if you are like me and cannot resist, at least understand what you are seeing is only temporary and will go back down (and will continue to go down)!
    4. Understand that MFP already haas a deficit built in, so eat all of the calories that are allotted to you. If you exercise and earn more, eat those too! Your metabolism will function better if you do this.
    5. Trust the system. we have members who have lost 150, 200 lbs by following these principles. No need for super-strict (only 1 oz of fish?!) measures.
    6. Stay positive. You are doing good thing for your body, be proud!

    Oh, fyi, I'm Banks, sorry, confusing I know. Don't ask, its a long story. :ohwell:
  • melisay
    melisay Posts: 75 Member
    oh wow thank you guys ! just grabbed salad with chicken and some yogurt with sugar free jam in it - yay :) all this talk made me hungry to eat more more so i loose more more and moreeeeee
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    This is just an opinion... but are you maybe being too strict?

    I really agree with you. NO red meat? NO sugar? NO butter? It's ok to have these things sometimes as long as you watch your portion sizes. Also, like you said, you've lost 30 lbs... So I don't know why you are concerned about your progress. The last few lbs can take FOREVER to lose. It's all about patience.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    I read an article on that said intervals are one of the fastest ways to shed fat. It stated that women who spent 20 minutes mixing sports with jogging lost three times the fat than those jogging steady for 40 minutes.
    Hop on any cardio machine and and use an exertion level of 1 easiest and 10 being next to impossible.
    warm up 4 minutes level 3
    sprint 30 seconds level 7
    recover 90 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 8
    recover 90 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 9
    recover 30 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 7
    recover 90 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 8
    recover 90 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 9
    recover 30 seconds level 4
    sprint 30 seconds level 7
    cool down for 3 minutes, 30 seconds at level 3

    Mix up your exercises to shake up your metabolism and see how that works for you. And eat your allotted amount of calories. DO NOT GO UNDER YOUR CALORIES NOT GOOD!
    Remember diet and exercise changes with our bodies all the time and you have to adjust accordingly.

    You are doing great!

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!

    Created by - Calorie Counter

    A co-worker just sent me that article! I printed it off and am going to do it tomorrow! :smile:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I've noticed on a few of the posts by people like you- overly restrictive with calories but don't seem hungry- that you're drinking A LOT of water. 8 cups a day is what's recommended. That's 2 liters a day. If you're drinking 3L a day, maybe you're filling up too much with the water! It's often recommended to drink a lot of water to decrease your appetite.

    Does anyone else agree? Too much of a good thing...:grumble:
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    I have also read too much water can be harmful as well? Any other thoughts on that? Your body is set to handle so much, too much can throw things really off?
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I have also read too much water can be harmful as well? Any other thoughts on that? Your body is set to handle so much, too much can throw things really off?

    It takes A LOT (I mean HUGE amounts) of water to throw your body off enough to be harmful.
    As a nutrition teacher my kids always say, "I heard too much water is bad for you..... I heard you can drowned from drinking too much.....etc"

    It's about electrolytes and there have only been a few, extremely rare, cases where people actually drank enough to cause that issue... Also, typically it was involved in physically demanding situations... like races, etc where OTHER factors were also having an impact.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I didn't mean these people are drinking TOXIC amounts of water, just enough to be overly full- no room in the tummy!:smile:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I didn't mean these people are drinking TOXIC amounts of water, just enough to be overly full- no room in the tummy!:smile:

    Oh no.... my comment wasn't in response to yours.
    I get what you are saying.
  • gone2gym2befit
    Go back to your boxing work out!! That is awesome!!! Try to eat more protein/fiber at breakfast.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I have also read too much water can be harmful as well? Any other thoughts on that? Your body is set to handle so much, too much can throw things really off?

    It takes A LOT (I mean HUGE amounts) of water to throw your body off enough to be harmful.
    As a nutrition teacher my kids always say, "I heard too much water is bad for you..... I heard you can drowned from drinking too much.....etc"

    It's about electrolytes and there have only been a few, extremely rare, cases where people actually drank enough to cause that issue... Also, typically it was involved in physically demanding situations... like races, etc where OTHER factors were also having an impact.

    I drink a gallon a day (the doctor has told me to try and keep it to a half a gallon) because I am always thirsty. I was up to 2 1/2 gallons a day, and was tested for diabetes (nope, tests are all good). The doctor was concerned about me messing up my system, which is why he told me to only drink the half gallon a day. (Oh, and no, my sodium intake in my diet isn't especially high, generally 1600-2000, 2600 maybe once or twice a week).

    I only found drinking so much water to affect my hunger when I hit the 2 gallon mark. But then again, when I was drinking that much, I was also drinking to the point where I couldn't physically drink anymore because I was so full, I was going through 32 oz at a time, like chugging a beer.