running while fat?? I so want to do this ya'll. Possible?



  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    This is what I posted on my wall today :

    "This was an AWESOME morning!!!I have 3 victories!!! 1 SV and 2 NSV!!! SV= I lost 1.4lbs since Tuesday! NSV#1 = I jogged for 45 mins straight without stopping! This if HUGE for me!!! I got on the threadmill to get my HRM (Polar) training session started and it always asks me to start walking and then sometimes even jog. So I started jogging and I just kept at it. I was like "hmmmmm I think I can continue. 10 mins later, I feel great I can keep going. 30 mins into the run I was thinking to myself "holy **** I'm running and I'm not tired!!!!". At the end of 45 mins, my legs were numb but a good work out numb (nothing to worry about) and I had just started having issues with my breathing!!!! Granted I wasn't going 6.0mph more like 3.8-4.0 but still I have NEVER been able to run more than 5 mins! I am so HAPPY right now!! NSV#2: I finally fit into my cropped pants and other skirts with no muffin top!!! Oddly enough I fit well in some 16's and in other 16's I don't and I still fit in some 18's but some 18's in my closet are loose as hell to the point where if I wear them I might flash someone because they will just fall down!!!! :D And I don't even bother in my size 20's anymore. I am VERY happy today!!! Thank you ALL for your support! Bigs hugs to all of you for helping me through this! :D "

    I have 50+lbs to go to my goal weight so yes, you can run. If I can, you can.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    Go for it!

    I considered a gym or jogging in addition to the implemented drastic diet change. I chose jogging and tried to jog around the block. I jogged very slowly and for short period of time at the beginning.

    When I started I was completely out of shape. It was hard and I felt the weight every step I took. But every time I forced myself do to it I was proud of myself after I finished. I slowly increased the distance and currently I jog three times around the block, which equals to approximately a mile.

    I don’t jog for the weight loss. We can’t effectively lose weight simply by jogging. We don’t burn enough calories to be worth performing solely for that purpose. If you your weight is weigh 200 pounds and you jog a mile, you will burn 150 calories.

    I achieve weight loss through other means. I jog because of my heart condition. Plus the feeling is great every time I finish. I also noticed other benefits of jogging. I wish I had started jogging years ago.

    If you can, go for it. Jog slowly and be careful with your knees. Don’t feel embarrassed by your slow pace. If people look at you, it means they wish they had the courage to jog like you.

    In the book I read “Run Your Butt Off” the authors recommend walk, run, walk, run, walk, run approach at the beginning for everybody.

    Start today.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Bump for later
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    I JUST finished Week 4 Day 3 with fanastic time. yes, it wasnt easy, but its gotten easier from the first time i did it. When i first did the C25K it was 60 sec runs and 60 sec walks.... can i just tell you i was literally in tears and thought to myself, how the hell am i going to be able to do this, 60 secs is so hard. Keep in mind i am 200 pounds. as time progressed on and i got better and found my rhythm and my ZONE. listen to music and i do it with my fiancee and he pushes me to keep going. i NEVER thought i would make it this far. and i just did 3 min runs and 5 min runs.... i amso impressed with myself,... my diet can be better so weight loss hasnt really happened as quick, BUT inches are melting off me and my face, legs and arns are all slimmed and toned up, and my tummy... well, still has a ways to go, but it drastically went down. ANYONE can do this program, i am running proof!! :^D
  • traceywaugh
    traceywaugh Posts: 144
    Big people run too! I'm proof of that. I don't run very fast, even when being chased, but I do run. It's already been suggested but I'll reitarate: C25K is awesome!

    This cracked me up!! :laugh:

    I ran in public for the first time this week. Not very long and not very fast but I DID IT!! And if I can so can you! Watch out world the chubbies are running!!!!
    love this made me smile iv been enjoying running again recently iv done a 5k and 10k couple of years ago and weigh about 200 so you can do it. a friend used c25k its abs brilliant wish knew about it when i styarted a couple years ago
  • traceywaugh
    traceywaugh Posts: 144
    Wow - this thread is inspiring! I downloaded C25K over a month ago and then talked myself out of it - but am gonna definitely give it a go after reading that running while being quite a bit overweight is a real possiblity.

    I used to weigh 19 stone (am in the UK, 14lbs to a stone) - dropped 4 stone through changning eating habits. Need to tone up and use exercise to drop further to my ideal weight - probably about another 4 stone. I am hoping running will help me tone up and shed the weight.

    is american stone dif to ours? mine weight is very similiar to yours although i was slightly heavier when started.
  • traceywaugh
    traceywaugh Posts: 144
    First, get fitted for a really good pair of running shoes. Go where they really know what they are doing.

    Second, (I'm assuming you are female from your handle) invest in a really good sports bra.

    Third, start with a fast walk/jog and build it from there.

    I started with 5 minutes walk, 2 minutes jog, 5 minutes walk, 2 minutes jog and it worked well. I'm now up to 5 walk, 5 jog and am averaging almost 6mph. Not bad for a fat girl.

    You can do this!
    i would agree fitted trainers and good sports bra aee a must
  • kristinabb
    kristinabb Posts: 18
    Sometimes big goals seem so much more unattainable than they are. I started at 215 pounds in December. I really did not want to think about running or try to run but once I got to about 205 / 200 i started trying. I could run 4 min. My shins hurt so bad but in a couple weeks I was up to ten min, 15, 20, 30 (very slow moving but I made it) Now I am down to 135-140 range it varies and I can run a 5k in 20:08 and up to 15 miles without stopping in 2 hours or so. Add distance and speed LITTLE bits at a time. You CAN do it, I used a tredmill for most of my running and started at 5 mph then upped it just 0.1 mph every time I ran ending up here doing a 5k at 9.3 mph. It takes TIME but the weight will fall off and I swear by running to lose the bulk of your weight. Now I will say the body can only handle so much running I soon found out and now I mix it up more because I am at my goal weight. I might run 30 min then spin bike an hour then jog 15 more or something but running is by far what got me where I am and you can do it. I was 5'5" 200 pounds and it is possible to run while heavier.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    @melsinct, I am so glad you posted that video, I was going to if someone else hadn't! I love Ben, he is a real inspiration. That video is a great motivator. :)
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    it's very possible. where good supportive shoes for heavy runners, (Brooks) and don't over do it. start off by walking for 5 running for 3, (min) that is and gradually increase. listen to your body, if you knees, ankles or hips are throbbing back off. make sure you stretch, and just enjoy your work out.