When will people recognise my weight loss



  • livendive
    livendive Posts: 23 Member
    First person that said something to me was when I was down 20 lbs and he hadn't seen me in a couple months. Now down 35 lbs and only one person at work has said anything...a guy with whom non-work related conversations are common. My wife says stuff, but she sees me having to discard clothes that no longer fit and buy new, smaller sizes.
  • Nykkismommy21
    Nykkismommy21 Posts: 224 Member
    How many kilos will it take for the world to see that I'm losing weight? The scale is showing yea I myself know but people are not noticing any difference. Even when I ask "did I lose weight" They reply with "No you look the same" . That's so annoying. Bruhh

    This what I have always heard. 4 weeks before you yourself notice ypu lost weight. 8 weeks before your family and friends notice. 12 weeks before the rest of the world notices. So anywhere between 2 or 3 months. Or maybe after 20-30 lbs.
  • Nykkismommy21
    Nykkismommy21 Posts: 224 Member
    How many kilos will it take for the world to see that I'm losing weight? The scale is showing yea I myself know but people are not noticing any difference. Even when I ask "did I lose weight" They reply with "No you look the same" . That's so annoying. Bruhh

    So why are you asking people if you get annoyed at the answers?

    Frankly, asking people just makes you look like an attention hog.

    Hey now,i I dont see anything wrong with asking someone you know if they notice if you look different or lighter or whatever. That's not being an attention hog. It's the same thing posting when people post results, or talk about their losses. I think she is fine in asking . Sometimes people, need a lil heads up,especially if they're too stuck in their own heads.
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    For me personally it takes about 70-80lbs for the world to see a change but about 30-40 for my friends to see it and about 15-20 for my family because I rarely see them.

    I would also like to say that it also may be because I am 100+ lbs overweight so it is going to take a lot more weight for most to see a significant change.

    Depending on your weight and body comp, people may start noticing it by 10lbs down.
  • SugarHigh7131
    SugarHigh7131 Posts: 1 Member
    I have lost 42 lbs. No one has said anything. Well, my husband said... "Oh, you are losing weight!" I know because of the scale and I can fit in old clothes. It's disappointing when no one sees your progress. I like having support and having someone cheer you on. It gives an extra boost. But in the end you can see the changes and that's what matters the most. Maybe people are afraid to point it out.
  • Kapoten
    Kapoten Posts: 327 Member
    I once heard a colleague spontaneously congratulate another colleague on her visible weight loss. We later learned that the woman who had lost weight wasn't trying to lose weight--she had advanced cancer. Don't be surprised if people at work don't say anything. People lose weight for many reasons, and not everyone wants to be congratulated (some because the weight loss is due to illness, others because of the implication about what they looked like before, that their weight is anyone else's business, etc.). The safest path is not to comment on other people's weight loss unless they bring it up with you first.

    TL;DR - people may notice but not say anything.
  • Archcurl
    Archcurl Posts: 239 Member
    I've lost about 7 kilos and people don't say anything. Just be patient. Remember you aren't doing it for everybody else's opinion but only your health and for your benefit.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    It took at least 30 pounds before anyone (other than people who knew I was trying to lose weight) said anything. Now that I'm double that, almost everyone who hasn't seen me in a while comments. I like to hear it but I'm not doing this for the compliments, I'm doing it for me.
  • Karliemyalgia
    Karliemyalgia Posts: 146 Member
    Others will recognize your success as you continue, I don't think your focus should be on when will others validate your for your accomplishments though. Learning to be comfortable with yourself, and validate your own accomplishments instead of seeking validation from others will lead you to a more fufilling journey. A journey for your own health, looks, personal development.

    You don't need to trust a scale, consider how you FEEL, how things have become easier, or how your clothes fit you - mark your accomplishments in ways that don't involve the scale (since fluctuations are common from water weight, muscule loss/gain, etc...)

    But honestly, when I see "When will people recognize my weight loss"
    People will recognize it when YOU recognize it, when YOU feel better when you act better because you feel better, in result you look better, you glow with a light and excitement once lost to fatigue from being overweight.

    Good luck,
  • umamageswary52
    umamageswary52 Posts: 68 Member
    Muana1005 wrote: »
    Depends on your shape. Pear shaped women often have to lose more than apple shaped women just to go down a dress size. It took a 40 pound weight loss for anyone to notice my weight loss (40 pounds was one dress size!!)

    Yesss I am pear shaped :(
  • umamageswary52
    umamageswary52 Posts: 68 Member
    Others will recognize your success as you continue, I don't think your focus should be on when will others validate your for your accomplishments though. Learning to be comfortable with yourself, and validate your own accomplishments instead of seeking validation from others will lead you to a more fufilling journey. A journey for your own health, looks, personal development.

    You don't need to trust a scale, consider how you FEEL, how things have become easier, or how your clothes fit you - mark your accomplishments in ways that don't involve the scale (since fluctuations are common from water weight, muscule loss/gain, etc...)

    But honestly, when I see "When will people recognize my weight loss"
    People will recognize it when YOU recognize it, when YOU feel better when you act better because you feel better, in result you look better, you glow with a light and excitement once lost to fatigue from being overweight.

    Good luck,

    Thank you love
  • KetoZombies
    KetoZombies Posts: 63 Member
    I think it depends on how much you have to lose, and where your body loses from first - If I lost 20 pounds in my legs, you'd barely be able to tell - If I lost 20 pounds in my face/upper body - people will be asking left and right. Trust the process, do this for you <3
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Who cares, Do it for you. People who have succeeded did so once they learned to depend on themselves, And do it for themselves. Can you notice? Do you feel beter? Thn keep on keeping on.
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    Sometimes after I lost a pound I'm like, DO PEOPLE KNOW?? THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!

    External validation is hard to come by in the early stages.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    It took about 15lbs and a clothing size (12 to a loose 10) for anyone to comment...and it still was only like 2 people. I told a girl I see weekly that she was looking good and I could tell she had lost quite a bit of weight and it turns out her life was kind of in turmoil and she was the most stressed she'd really ever been...I wanted to take it all back. I don't really comment on people's weight anymore, rather just say that look great or look nice that day or whatever. I do like to compliment people, but tend to be more vague these days;)
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    I think for some people there may also be the issue that while you are losing weight, they are gaining weight or at least not making an effort to lose weight that they would like to lose. Commenting on how good you look makes them feel worse about themselves so they ignore your success.

    It may also be that they have seen you go up and down and up and down and don't want to say anything because they know that the next time they see you you may look completely different. Saying you look good now will make it harder the next time.

    Then there is pure obliviousness. My husband seems to be oblivious of my weight loss and gains. After 25 years he's seen me at a lot of different weights. Occasionally he'll make a positive comment, but it's very rare. TBH, I don't think he likes skinny me, so he says nothing rather than upset me by saying so.
  • IsabeausRose
    IsabeausRose Posts: 129 Member
    I've lost 45 pounds and still no one notices but my parents.