Pleasantly shocked: I lost 16.6kg (36.5 pounds) in my first week on keto diet



  • DerangedPixi
    DerangedPixi Posts: 84 Member
    No dated before or after photos? I call bull on this entire post. 36.5 pounds in 7 days? I mean I know people can retain a lot of fluid but that is just stupid talk. Change the batteries in your scale and try again.

    That much extra water retention is organ failure level of retention.

    I am more than well aware of what that level is actually, that is what i mean this entire thread is ridiculous.
  • FatWithFatness
    FatWithFatness Posts: 315 Member
    They say John Wayne had 40lbs of impacted fecal matter removed upon his death, my guess is you took a big dump.
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    *kitten*. People who have wls don't lose 36.5 pounds in a week.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    No dated before or after photos? I call bull on this entire post. 36.5 pounds in 7 days? I mean I know people can retain a lot of fluid but that is just stupid talk. Change the batteries in your scale and try again.

    That much extra water retention is organ failure level of retention.

    I am more than well aware of what that level is actually, that is what i mean this entire thread is ridiculous.

    Yup I was agreeing with you. I've seen it too and it is definitely not normal and quite obvious that you are carrying a huge amount of extra fluid and is a medical emergency
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    There's so many different time scales here. 7 days, 9 days 1 week. "so long"
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Most people, including men on keto lose like a stone, which is 14lbs not kilograms...6.36kg in other words, in the first week. Been there, done that.

    No idea if this is spam or trolling...or someone trying to not only back up but hype up the keto diet.
  • BishopWankapin
    BishopWankapin Posts: 276 Member
    edited September 2017
    For any new people who happen to discover this thread, let me show you why the scale can be a poor indicator of success. First consider this:

    Then consider the scale itself. Here's a picture of a pretty recognizable figure holding some old school style scales:

    The way these scales work is they start off balanced with nothing in the bowls. Then you place a known weight on one end, and what you're wanting to weigh on the other, then add or subtract known weight until the scales are balanced again. If the bowls are out of balance before putting anything into either one, then it's going to give you a misrepresentation of the final weight. Pretty much every common bathroom scale works on the same principle. There is a weak spot in my bathroom floor. If I move the scale to it and weigh myself, then move it just a few inches in either direction, the final number can vary as much as 15-20 pounds.

    In order for a bathroom scale to give you any kind of usable data, you need to:
    1. Keep it in the exact same spot every time you weigh.
    2. Recreate the conditions (time of day, same amount of clothing, anything eaten or drunk before weighing.) as closely as possible each time.
    3. Measure over a longer period of time and average your weights to account for variations.

    There are others I'm sure, but keeping these three in mind can be incredibly helpful. Also, beware fantastic claims. There's a reason they sound too good to be true. They are.

    **ETA" 4. Even with the above conditions, consider taking it with a grain of salt, and go by body fat measurements.*

    *Also learn about the different methods and pros/cons of using different body fat measurement devices.
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    Something is totally off here and I am guessing your original weight was off for some reason.

    I'm 5'1" and started at 257. I lost the majority of my weight using keto (127 lbs). The first week I lost 9 pounds. More than 35 pounds in a week is probably impossible.
  • BishopWankapin
    BishopWankapin Posts: 276 Member
    Let's do some maths then:
    1 kg of fat contains the energetic equivalent of ~ 7,500 kcal
    Which means to lose 1 kg of fat per day you'd have to consume 7,500 kcal less than your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure).
    Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate (The number of calories your body burns at rest, with zero activity)) Is assumed with 2,500 kcal.
    You state you ate ~ 1,400 kcal per day
    2,500 - 1,400 = 1,100
    7,500 - 1,100 = 6,400
    Lucky you are: 6,400 kcal is quite exactly what you burn if you are doing a marathon

    So, when eating 1,400 kcal and run a marathon every day you will:
    a) lose 1kg fat per day
    b) die a most horrible death
    c) all of the above

    For you this means: A double-Marathon per day would be required to come close to the weight-loss rate you claim to have.

    I'd suggest to get a new scale.
