At what point did you start losing dress sizes



  • Rosemary7391
    Rosemary7391 Posts: 232 Member
    I think it really depends on your shape. I'm 198 pounds, only 3'' shorter than you but still in size 18 trousers unless they're really stretchy. But most of my weight is in my stomach so trousers won't stay on unless they pinch :( they tend to be way too lose at the hip.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i started at almost 300 and am 175 now. i cant tell you when the sizes dropped, but i can tell you it takes longer, in larger sizes. they have more give and stretch and are made (unfortunately to go bigger and not smaller). i went from a 22/24 to a 12 and sometimes a 10 now (at 5'1).
  • sdolan91
    sdolan91 Posts: 250 Member
    I started the year at 200 pounds. I'm at 167. I still wear the same clothes. I guess they feel a little looser... But I don't know. My body is weird I guess?
  • rolenthegreat
    rolenthegreat Posts: 78 Member
    Try taking progression photos of yourself too. I'm mostly here on MFP for recomp even though I haven't changed clothing sizes, I can see a difference in photos.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    edited September 2017
    I am down 40lbs and still wearing mostly the same jeans, I've recently bought one pair which are a size smaller than I normally would be, like you I have an hourglass figure and even at my slimmest and a normal BMI I would never be able to get into smaller jeans than a UK size 16 (maybe a generous 14 at a push) because of my hips. Progress pictures are awesome for seeing the change though. Looking at myself in the mirror I can't really see the changes because it's been slow and steady progress but looking at my start picture compared to my current picture I can definitely tell there has been progress.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    As you can see from the wide variety of responses, it really varies. At 300+ I wore size 24 and at 260 I was in 22. Not a big change. At 219 lb, I was in between US sizes 14-18 depending on the item of clothing. At 170, I wear size 10.
  • rosyone1
    rosyone1 Posts: 32 Member
    I have a straight, fairly thick waisted figure, wore US 14 jeans when I started, and lost around 25 pounds before I needed to shop for 12s. And I started smaller - only 180 pounds. Another 25 pounds brought me down to size 4. Toward the end, I was lucky to get more than a couple of wearings out of new jeans before they began to sag a little.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    The smaller you are the faster you see clothing sizes going down. At 161.8 (July 31st) I was a tight 8. This weekend, I bought 6 shorts, and I'm 153 today, so in 8ish pounds I went down a good size. But honestly it depends on how the clothes are made. Not all sizes are made equal. I have a pair of Eddie Bauer Denim Capri's that are a 6. I need to be under 152 to wear them. I also tried on 6's that that I didn't purchase in a different brand that were a bit too big and will be VERY big in 5 more lbs.
  • Anna_137
    Anna_137 Posts: 167 Member
    I lost 20lbs and was disappointed because my jeans didn't feel any different at all. However I soon discovered A bunch of dressed that I'd bought but were too small now fit me. Before I couldn't get the zip up over my back/shoulders.

    Don't focus on just one part of your body because the fat may be coming off other places
  • rosyone1
    rosyone1 Posts: 32 Member
    Most people lose excess fat in the more or less the reverse order that they packed it on, which means you probably won't notice much of a difference in your long standing problem areas in the beginning. It will come from areas you hadn't identified as problems yet. In my case, it was my upper back.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    92joann wrote: »
    I've lost 26.5lbs currently, had lost almost 29lbs but then PMS from hell decided to gain 5 back). Currently about 219, 5"4, I've been between a UK 14 and 16 on bottom since before I started losing weight, nothing is changing on the outside. Anyone with similar stats able to tell me when they had to go clothes shopping? I try to channel ed Sheeran and tell myself "life is more than fitting in your jeans" But I'd really like to fit smaller jeans haha

    52 lb so far since Feb 1 and I have not lost a dress size yet. I HAVE lost 2 pants sizes though and my dresses and tops are fitting much better. Unfortunately, the "girls" lose their fat last.
  • rosyone1
    rosyone1 Posts: 32 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    52 lb so far since Feb 1 and I have not lost a dress size yet. I HAVE lost 2 pants sizes though and my dresses and tops are fitting much better. Unfortunately, the "girls" lose their fat last.

    Other way around for me. I needed new bras before I needed new jeans. And I went through a period when most of my tops were loose in the shoulders and chest but still a little snug around my hips.