Gain muscle, reduce body fat

I've just started to track my macros I'm not entirely sure what I should be getting, I'm about 6ft1 and weigh about 13,10. I've been going gym for a while but had a period of 6 weeks of poor training due to injury and holidays where I lost some muscle and put on 8lbs of weight, I'm now keen to keep hitting the gym but wanting to drop my body fat, any suggestions and what macros i should be aiming for?


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    A wide range of macros have worked for people, so just eat a balanced diet in a slight calorie deficit with enough protein and you'll be fine. :+1:
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    Quickest way to lose body fat is cardio, although you will lose muscle as well.

    Look into the cut/ bill stuff if you're so inclined
  • avolo909
    avolo909 Posts: 3 Member
    when i have to lose weight my macros are 45-40-15 % (carbs-pro-fats), keep going to the gym is useful but it depends which is your aim.
    If you don't eat more than you need your muscle won't grow, but losing body fat you will appear more muscled.
    So keep lifting weghts to preserve your muscles and do cardio to lose weight faster
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    belleflop wrote: »
    Weight loss is all about diet/eating habits. So if your main goal is losing weight I would consider cutting back on the gym as muscle gain will offset fat loss. Now if your goal is to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously go with bodiemans7043's recommendations and find something that works for you for the long term. Just expect the weight loss to go slower, watch your composition instead.

    Sweet. Looks like scale weight is all fat. I don't know how physique athletes/bodybuilders/powerlifters/strongman competitors manage to have measurable mass on earth, but they seem pretty lean what with all those muscles getting in the way of their fat loss.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    belleflop wrote: »
    Weight loss is all about diet/eating habits. So if your main goal is losing weight I would consider cutting back on the gym as muscle gain will offset fat loss. Now if your goal is to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously go with bodiemans7043's recommendations and find something that works for you for the long term. Just expect the weight loss to go slower, watch your composition instead.

    really? in what world would someone be able to put on muscle at a rate that would offset fat loss?
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    belleflop wrote: »
    Weight loss is all about diet/eating habits. So if your main goal is losing weight I would consider cutting back on the gym as muscle gain will offset fat loss. Now if your goal is to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously go with bodiemans7043's recommendations and find something that works for you for the long term. Just expect the weight loss to go slower, watch your composition instead.

    really? in what world would someone be able to put on muscle at a rate that would offset fat loss?

    Not to mention, how do you maintain weight when eating in a deficit even if assuming the offsetting were true?
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Rule of thumb for weight loss is Protein ( 40/50%), Fat (30/40%) and carbs (10/30%). Fat never falls below 15% of total calories but make sure you prioritise healthy fat sources. no no...rule of thumb is eat less than you burn for weight loss - I have lost 10lbs and now maintaining/recomping eating 50-60% carbs a day (3-400g on avg)
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    belleflop wrote: »
    I think most of you didn't read my whole post and just stuck with the first sentence. That's too bad. The point I was making is, if your goal is ONLY weight loss (disregard comp) then a diet is the only thing that matters eating less calories than you burn. HOWEVER, if you want to lift weights and gain muscle while losing fat (yes this is very possible and too boot lifting weights while losing fat is complimentary, not competing), granted the offset is NOT 1:1 and you need to eat more calories (most likely at maintenance) to not damage your body. You should focus less on weight and more on your comp because the scale will go slower. Does that make sense now?

    It's not complimentary, that's ridiculous. Why do you think bulk/cut cycles exist?
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    belleflop wrote: »
    I think most of you didn't read my whole post and just stuck with the first sentence. That's too bad. The point I was making is, if your goal is ONLY weight loss (disregard comp) then a diet is the only thing that matters eating less calories than you burn. HOWEVER, if you want to lift weights and gain muscle while losing fat (yes this is very possible and too boot lifting weights while losing fat is complimentary, not competing), granted the offset is NOT 1:1 and you need to eat more calories (most likely at maintenance) to not damage your body. You should focus less on weight and more on your comp because the scale will go slower. Does that make sense now?

    This is still mostly a no.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    edited September 2017
    belleflop wrote: »
    I think most of you didn't read my whole post and just stuck with the first sentence. That's too bad. The point I was making is, if your goal is ONLY weight loss (disregard comp) then a diet is the only thing that matters eating less calories than you burn. HOWEVER, if you want to lift weights and gain muscle while losing fat (yes this is very possible and too boot lifting weights while losing fat is complimentary, not competing), granted the offset is NOT 1:1 and you need to eat more calories (most likely at maintenance) to not damage your body. You should focus less on weight and more on your comp because the scale will go slower. Does that make sense now?

    Still nope. Maybe do a little reading over at BodyRecompostition?
  • belleflop
    belleflop Posts: 154 Member
    My argument was purely that you CAN gain muscle and lose fat at the same time as the title of the post is "Gain muscle, reduce body fat." Pointing out extreme examples of people 4-5 sigma from the mean isn't going to change that fact.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    belleflop wrote: »
    I think most of you didn't read my whole post and just stuck with the first sentence. That's too bad. The point I was making is, if your goal is ONLY weight loss (disregard comp) then a diet is the only thing that matters eating less calories than you burn. HOWEVER, if you want to lift weights and gain muscle while losing fat (yes this is very possible and too boot lifting weights while losing fat is complimentary, not competing), granted the offset is NOT 1:1 and you need to eat more calories (most likely at maintenance) to not damage your body. You should focus less on weight and more on your comp because the scale will go slower. Does that make sense now?

    What you are describing is body recomposition, which is a fairly long process. If the immediate goal is fat loss, a deficit is more ideal and more aligned to the OPs goals. Whether or not the OP is going to gain muscle is driving by a lot of factors and really doesn't matter all the much unless the OP plans on getting multiple dexa scans.

    OP, set a moderate deficit (~15 to 20% below maintenance), have protein around 160 to 180g per day and get on a well structured lifting routine. Play with fats and carbs for satiety and compliance. And most importantly, dont over think it too much.
  • belleflop
    belleflop Posts: 154 Member
    I agree psuLemon, well said.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    edited September 2017
    belleflop wrote: »
    You guys say its impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Please link me to your scientific evidence that this is so, or is it just bro-science brains convinced it's impossible? I mean my extensive panel work is showing my Muscle Mass has been going up and my percent body fat has been going down for awhile now, I must be a freak!

    Also I've checked out BodyRecompostition before. He claims science based facts but just gives his opinion and tries to sell his book/products, pretty typical from an "expert". It's his way or nothing (so you buy his products). His over-use of the word diet, body shaming and absolutes (never, always) is evident throughout. Might want to try a more actual fact/science based information source that isn't out to sell you something.

    Just to clarify, you can be in a slight hypo-caloric state and maintain a positive nitrogen balance for protein biosynthesis. Anyone that says you have to be in either a cut or a bulk is either taking steroids or just plain mis-informed.

    How are you measuring your body fat and lean mass?

    And LOL at trying to discredit Lyle.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    edited September 2017
    belleflop wrote: »
    You guys say its impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Please link me to your scientific evidence that this is so, or is it just bro-science brains convinced it's impossible? I mean my extensive panel work is showing my Muscle Mass has been going up and my percent body fat has been going down for awhile now, I must be a freak!

    Also I've checked out BodyRecompostition before. He claims science based facts but just gives his opinion and tries to sell his book/products, pretty typical from an "expert". It's his way or nothing (so you buy his products). His over-use of the word diet, body shaming and absolutes (never, always) is evident throughout. Might want to try a more actual fact/science based information source that isn't out to sell you something.

    Just to clarify, you can be in a slight hypo-caloric state and maintain a positive nitrogen balance for protein biosynthesis. Anyone that says you have to be in either a cut or a bulk is either taking steroids or just plain mis-informed.

    Methinks you don't know what complimentary means.
    Complimentary = it aids each other.
    The fact that you can't gain as much muscle in a deficit as in a surplus shows it doesn't, you even had to specify slight deficit because you seem to be perfectly aware of the fact that an actual deficit for losing weight before the next ice age is not going to result in muscle gains.