Too fat, never going to lose weight!!



  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    What are your stats? (Height, starting weight, goal weight?)

    I am down 113 lbs (20-ish to go) - there are no quick fixes. This took me over 2 years of sticking with a plan ... if you are committed and realize it is a long process, you CAN succeed!!

    I am 5'5" and weigh about 235lbs .. My ultimate (wish) goal would be to weight what I did before I had my daughters (125lbs), of course that was about 20 years ago! I really just want to lose as much weight as I can (or that I need to) to feel good about myself, be healthier, not get out of breath going up ONE flight of stairs etc etc! Whether that ends up being 125lbs or 155lbs.

    Losing weight won't necessarily make your feel good about yourself, that's a mindset issue you need to work on too. As was already mentioned above, you need to work on your attitude towards yourself too, self-love is a far better place to improve yourself from than self-loathing.

    I started out at 255lbs, currenly down to 218lbs, it's been slow and steady progress so far, but at 218lbs I am still heavier than I have been earlier in my life, but I am a whole lot fitter than I ever was at my slimmest and I have lot more confidence in myself.

    Enter your stats in MFP, don't necessarily go for the fastest rate of loss, fast isn't better, sustainable is, get yourself a food scale, log your normal food intake honestly and accurately for a couple of days and then review it to see what small sustainable changes you can make to get from what you were eating to what you need to eat to lose weight. As time goes on you can start focusing on making better nutritional choices, but concentrate on calories first so as not to overcomplicate things.

    Start doing little things to be more active, it doesn't have to be exercise necessarily. Walk up the stairs instead of taking an escalator or lift, if you drive - park further away.

    Little changes add up.
  • myfavoritealpha
    myfavoritealpha Posts: 44 Member
    Agreed. Just enter your stats, take one day at a time. Lift Heavy, change your workout plan every couple months and eat good foods at a caloric deficit. Find some good friends to motivate and possibly participate with you.
  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    my motivation is someone who says "you cant do that". change the attitude and you will
  • bobshuckleberry
    bobshuckleberry Posts: 281 Member
    Set a small goal, reach it, set another. Along with a weight loss goal, set attainable lifestyle change goals. Like starting tomorrow I will park as far as I can from the store, my office, wherever. And I will not have dessert/sweet treat more than twice a week. Once you master those, add new lifestyle goals. It has to be something you can do the rest of your life and you are comfortable with.
  • malikahaha
    malikahaha Posts: 4 Member
    Oh my god, no! I had a colleague who weighed about 24 stone. She would sit and eat all kinds of rubbish so when she told me "I need to lose 12 stone" I said ok, good luck, and never spoke of it again. One say she came in and said "I've lost 2 stone" and honestly, I was really proud of her. I then left that place of work but she recently posted on Facebook that she's hit her 5 stone mark! Honestly we were all guilty of thinking she couldn't do it!

    Get it girl, you'll be able to do it I promise you x
  • edspader
    edspader Posts: 1 Member
    This is how I have felt for the past few years, honestly. I've been working off-and-on trying to lose weight through my entire 40's. I'd lose 10 pounds and then plateau or stall, I'd gain 2 pounds out of the blue and become frustrated, etc. But I wasn't looking at the bigger picture. Every grain of sand in the hourglass.

    Recently, I've lost 20 pounds. That's 1/3 of what I want to lose. I did that taking small steps and making sure I stayed on course. One of my biggest flaws was celebrating little victories. I'd lose 8-10 pounds and say to myself, 'You know, self, you have worked hard! You deserve a little something, you know what I mean? Something to make all of this worthwhile." But I failed to recognize that what makes it worthwhile is being around to see my kids have families of their own.

    So, baby steps! Stay on course! Add me if you want, I'd love to help keep you motivated!
  • batters1964
    batters1964 Posts: 14 Member
    Like others have said one day at a time. I started this year weighing over 300 lbs. I have lost just over 60. I know I have so much more to lose to be healthy.

    I set mini goals. I set MFP to maintenance if I am eating out or celebrating for that day. My target loss is currently 1 lb per week because that is achievable for me to do without feeling I am on a diet, which I wouldn't be able to maintain.

    Honestly, I feel so much healthier and confident now and that keeps me going.

    You can do this!