Healthy Sleep Challenge - Who is with me?



  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    My sleep has not been great the past two days. Tuesday (5hrs 13 mins) and Wednesday (4hrs 20mins). Going to aim for a minimum of 6 hours today. Already had 3hrs 20min. I really must try to get my sleep in one go rather than in several naps.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    @serser28: For me it is all a matter of how exhausted I am before I go to sleep. I think I didn't fall asleep till after 2 am last night. Several nights ago, before I joined the challenge, I only slept for 3 hrs. Ugh. I've been trying to drink a huge mug of chamomile tea about an hour before bed. I do have a bad habit of watching something on the computer till I get sleepy.

    I've had insomnia for a long time. I find the best thing for me is not to stress about falling asleep. My husband and the dog can fall asleep in less than 5 mins. No kidding. The cat and I are night owls.... In fact, she is next to me looking at the laptop!

    I have a Fitbit Surge. I'm considering getting the Ionic, but it isn't out yet.

    I do wake up in between, but try to relax as much as possible, otherwise I will wake up fully.

    My friends who have no trouble sleeping just don't get it. My husband, thankfully, is completely sympathetic. I do have some time-released melatonin. I think I'll take one of those tonight, as I have a ton going on tomorrow.

    Do you have any tried and true methods for sleeping longer? Which Fitbit do you have?

    I totally relate to only getting around 3 hours sleep. Before this challenge I routinely only slept between 2-4 hours per day. Just being more conscious of my sleep pattern has increased it.

    You may want to try not watching something on the computer or on your phone before falling asleep as I have read somewhere that it doesn't aid quality sleep. Anything is worth a try.

    I agree that it's important to not stress about falling asleep - that only makes it worse. Good idea with camomile tea.

    I just changed my Fitbit Charge HR to a Fitbit Alta HR which I like.

    I don't have any tried and tested methods that make me sleep longer but I am now going to dedicate some time in finding what works. What I have done, which helps on occasion, is wind down at least 30 minutes before I want to go to bed so I can relax and do some light meditation/listen to sleep podcasts. I also use a lavender sleep mist which I spray over my pillow and duvet. I think it helps me relax and because I love the smell so much it makes me snuggle under then duvet which aids my sleep.

    How did you get on with your sleep last night?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Just checking in. Slept about 4 hours Tuesday night. Last night, did everything right. Yoga 7-7:30, computer,etc off 10 pm,warm shower, clean sheets, lights out 12. Slept 12-3, napped 7:30-9:30. So tired of this. Really want to sleep.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    I feel your pain @corinasue1143. Sometimes no matter what we try it just doesn't work but don't give up. Keep at it. Hopefully one day your body will realise and get into the habit of sleeping for longer periods. I have only slept for 5hrs and 17mins today in total and that's by taking 3 separate naps. First sleep was for 3 hours, second nap for 1hr 57 and the last one 20 mins. I still believe we will get there in the end. Have you tried doing something more strenuous during the day (seems to work for @DresdenSinn) and on the occasions I workout real hard I seem to sleep for a bit longer in one go. Hope tonight is a better night for you.
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    Well I didn't nap again so I retired somewhat early and I did pretty well although I had 1 brief wake event:


    A couple of other things worth mentioning is that I never have to get up during the night to use the bathroom, I don't intake any more water after dinner at 6pm other than enough to swallow my nighttime supplements at 7:30/8pm which consist of a ZMA product (Zinc/Magnesium Aspartate and a natural/herbal sleep supplement.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    well after a few days of making it through the night without waking, last night wasn't so good. I blame my movements the few hours before bed though -

    I went for a long run after work, an hour and 45 minutes, then by the time I drove home, showered and cooked it was 9pm before I ate. I took some paracetamol to stop my calf muscles hurting (as that has made me struggle to sleep before now) and a herbal sleeping tablet. I got to sleep okay but then had an apnoea moment after about half an hour of sleeping. I've noticed I tend to sleep at my deepest within the first few hours, and the apnoea happens in those deep sleep times. It shook me up a bit (it's unpleasant, makes me feel like I've come back from the dead, and my heart was racing) and I then was restless the remainder of the night.

    Oh well, at least it's Friday and my legs don't ache as much as I expected.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Last night slept 12-2, 7:30-9:15.
  • Priyarose
    Priyarose Posts: 22 Member
    I'm averaging 5-6hrs a night but as the week goes on, going to bed later and later. I've set an alarm so I'll be more mindful
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,881 Member
    @serser28: Sorry I haven't checked in with you!! I will update you later today (it's after midnight here.) I have allergies and have been having a sneezing fit. Hope all is well with everyone :) .
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    So with the weekend upon us I stayed up a little later (even though I did not nap yesterday) and I also had a snack of cottage cheese and almonds right before bed but neither seemed to impact my sleep:

  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Good going Dresden. I slept 12-5:30, napped 6:30-9:00. Yahoo! It's gonna be a good day!
  • nads_ayoub
    nads_ayoub Posts: 24 Member
    I put on my headset and listen to this 30 day weight loss meditation every night and I sleep incredibly well after that.
  • brittanydashnay
    brittanydashnay Posts: 203 Member
    nads_ayoub wrote: »
    I put on my headset and listen to this 30 day weight loss meditation every night and I sleep incredibly well after that.

    I will try this tonight!
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    Last night was nearly identical to the night before:

  • imlightning
    imlightning Posts: 38 Member
    Count me in! I usually try and sleep by 10:30 pm and I'm up at 6:00 am. I always wake up in the middle of the night (say around 3:00 am).

    I'm limiting my drinking, which I know can affect your sleep pattern.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    1:30-7:15. Another good night. I'm a happy camper!
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    Sorry for going MIA. I'm from South Florida and evacuated last week. Needless to say, stress is super high, and sleep hasn't been great (especially since we are on an air mattress in a friend's apartment). I am recommitting to this challenge tomorrow as best as I can. I really need to focus on self-care and good (or at least decent) sleep is the foundation for me.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi all,

    Lost a bit of focus over the past few days and not posted - sorry!

    Friday I managed to get 5hrs 58 mins over several naps. Just missed the 6hr goal.

    Saturday I only managed 2hrs 32mins of restless sleep - not good at all.

    Sunday I made up for it by getting 7hrs 2mins over several naps but have now been awake for over 30 hours without sleeping. Going to try to get at least 5 hours sleep now before I have to go work tonight.

    Will respond to everyone's post later - going to do some meditation and aim to get some sleep now.

    Hope everyone's doing okay.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Brittdee, hugs! Wish I could help. You can't change the situation, you can only change your reaction to the situation. Sleep, take a deep breath, and make the best of it. Take good care of your friend who took you in. I wish you the very best!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Slept about 12:30-1:00, then 6:00-8:30. That's what happens after 2 good nights in a row.