(LADIES) Birth Control?



  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Birth control. Listen to some screaming kid for 5 min.
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    edited September 2017
    kbmnurse wrote: »
    Birth control. Listen to some screaming kid for 5 min.

    I get to listen to my neighbors' screaming kids most days, it sure is effective! :D
  • lizzy_yak
    lizzy_yak Posts: 9 Member
    I use the copper IUD (paragard) and generally speaking have had no issues. As a warning to you, I found insertion very painful though - I needed cocodamol to ride that out for a couple of days! But after that, I've had 9 years of stress free, birth free living, hooray! I did initially start with heavier slightly more painful periods, but that settled up nicely within a few months.
  • xxkaylamae93
    xxkaylamae93 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on Microgestin? I have been for almost ten years... I even checked the pack, lol.
  • I can't take a combined pill due to migraines but when I did I took Levlen and had no complaints.
    I've also done the depo provera shot. I had no period but I definitely gained a lot of weight. I found when I went off it I lost about 10kg/22lbs. I went back on it for 2 shots and gained back 5kg/11lbs so I decided to try implanon instead.
    I've had implanon almost 3 months and so far so good. No bleeding, no side effects and I've lost 2kg of the 5kg I had gained.
  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    I can't take oestrogen due to a genetic blood clotting factor.
    I mean, I took it for years (Microgynon), because I just bled ALL the time when I tried a progesterone only pill at uni. But eventually my GP pulled it as my clotting risk was increasing with age (despite still being in my 20s...)
    We found a better progesterone only pill for me (Cerazette), which was much better.
    I still worried about forgetting to take it, taking it at funny times as I was travelling long haul a lot for work, or it not being effective if I'd vomited though.

    As part of a cost and appointment efficiency drive (really!), my GP encouraged me to think about a LARC (long acting reversible contraceptive). I went for the Mirena, although I'd heard some horror stories about copper IUDs, and I absolutely love it! I'm on my second one now, and literally NEVER have periods any more! Occasionally a little spotting. In my opinion, it's 100% worth the slightly unpleasant fitting procedure - no more worrying at all!
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    Have you tried the IUD with a menstrual cup? :-P

    I kid.

    I don't know, I was on birth control for 2 weeks and was bleeding nonstop and had mood swings. I believe it was Loestrin Lo. I was miserable. If something works for you, more power to you.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    I may be in the minority here but I've been on Yasmin (28) for 10 years and it's been great.

    I know there were a lot of issues with Yasmin (and Yaz, for that matter) however I had a previous blood condition (Protein S deficiency) whereby my blood clots and doesn't break down so I've been on blood thinners since I was about 6 so it wasn't a risk factor for me.

    I have very light and short periods (most is about 5 days, and the last day is just like the "spotting" or what I call the clean up and it's super light). I don't get mood swings or anything crazy. I didn't experience significant weight gain BECAUSE of the pill . . . I have gained weight while on the pill but that isn't because I was on it.
  • x_stephisaur_x
    x_stephisaur_x Posts: 149 Member
    Hopefully the lower oestrogen helps! I'm on the progesterone only pill as I've had bad results with the combined pill. Mine is called Cerazette and it's been fab so far. I like the routine of taking one EVERY day too lol :)
  • I take Blisovi- but have not had the same effects. Everybody is different! I'd say if you aren't 100% happy with your pill, to request a new one.