Group for people wanting to lose 15 pounds -September



  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I have only been doing the three running workouts. I have found that my body does need to recover after a workout because I have never ran before this. Plus, I am still getting over a stress fracture in my foot, so I don't want to push it. :)

    Before C25K, I was doing TurboFire, and once I finish C25K, I'll probably switch between running and my favorite TurboFire workouts for my cardio.

    How long do you run for?

    The program is 30 minutes, but it goes up in the next couple of weeks. It's walk/run that starts off slowly and has you running for longer amounts of time each week. Week 4 is 16 minutes of running combined.
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    Alright people, this week is a new week!!!
    Im sure some of us had a slip up or 2 this weekend, i know i did (choc banana birthday cake and cream) but i enjoyed and have moved on!
    What are some your goals for this week?? Any updates for weigh ins?
    Today the scale said 64.1kg / 141.3 lbs so i had a loss, Super happy about it!

    My goal this week is to start the C25k program but im thinking of skipping the first week as i have already done it and it doesn't give me a good enough work out. any thoughts?

    Its the 1st of the month (In NZ anyway) so just over a month left to shake those pounds off, my goal being 3rd September, 22nd Birthday followed by 1 year wedding anniversary September 6th. I find reminding myself of these goals keeps me going.

    Lets do it!!
  • prettyinpink246
    This week was a really BADDDDD week, I exercised thank goodness everyday (I acutally havent taken a break in 2 weeks I think), but it just seemed to be a week of eating out. Not that I ate bad stuff, but it was a lot of sodium. When I eat at home, I rarely salt things, so when I eat out I bloat up. I gave it a few days and then went back down to my current weight (thank goodness) so im glad there wasnt a gain. This week Im going to try and increase my workout again to running a full mile and still walking 2ish-2.5ish. I don't know if I am I guess I will tell you guys tomorrow :) But I do have to say I got more lazy about when I was getting on the treadmill this week. I got on everyday, but it seemed like every other day I thought to myself I can take a break and have a rest day. But as soon as I got on and started exercising, I was sooooo glad I did! :)

    Congrats Rosie! Keep it up!
  • newyorklover91
    newyorklover91 Posts: 77 Member
    I want to too! I just dont know where to start...
  • prettyinpink246
    I want to too! I just dont know where to start...

    I increase my workout when I can do it without wanting to quit :). I first started walking 4.5mph for 30 min for 2 weeks, then last week I bumped it up to running 1/2 mile at 5.0( approx 6 min), this week im goingto try and run 1 mile (5.0) and walking 2 miles in just about 30 min. Just gradually increase :). In the end I want to be running 4 miles + in 30 min. I am just increasing what I am doing in 30 min rather than just adding time. ( because I personally can't stay on the treadmill longer then 30 mins). I also plan on increasing the reps of crunches and arm exercises I am doing :) Good LUCK! Not sure where you are in your exercise process, put try something like increasing the speed for 5 min or just add an additional 5 or 10 min to your workout routine! :) hope this helps! :)
  • frankmmafreak
    frankmmafreak Posts: 15 Member
    Well it's Sunday, time for my check in. Current weight 198. That's 12 pounds lost.
  • RosieGB33nz
    Well it's Sunday, time for my check in. Current weight 198. That's 12 pounds lost.

    Your doing amazingly well!! Keep up the fantastic work!
    Whats your goal weight?
  • jettichicken
    Count me in too!

    I go to the gym three to four times a week. I either do an hour of Treadmill w/incline of 3.0 at 3.0 mph or higher...about 3 miles. Or I swim laps in the pool for 30 min. some days I do a little bit of both.

    SW: 135 - todays weigh in
    GW: 115
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    I want to start C25K too. Does anyone know if there is a good android app for it?

    I'm struck down by either hayfever or a cold (should be able to tell by tomorrow morning), so i might have to wait until mid week to start, but count me in!
  • frankmmafreak
    frankmmafreak Posts: 15 Member
    Well it's Sunday, time for my check in. Current weight 198. That's 12 pounds lost.

    Your doing amazingly well!! Keep up the fantastic work!
    Whats your goal weight?

    My goal by 8/29 is 195. My goal weight is 175 or 180. The crazy thing is if I look up my BMI it says my ideal weight is like 120 - 160. I haven't weighed 160 since I was about 15, when I started working out pretty hard for sports. I'm just not built to weigh 160.
  • prettyinpink246
    Count me in too!

    I go to the gym three to four times a week. I either do an hour of Treadmill w/incline of 3.0 at 3.0 mph or higher...about 3 miles. Or I swim laps in the pool for 30 min. some days I do a little bit of both.

    SW: 135 - todays weigh in
    GW: 115

    We have the same goal!!! I want to be 115 and im 5'2ish as well! Ahhhhh i would LOVE to be able to swim, but I don't belong to a gym. I could use the one at my university, but its inconvient to drive there just to swim and with my luck I would go when the swim team meets :( lol. Not a bad thing for the eyes, but def ot good for the exercise part.
  • RosieGB33nz
    I want to start C25K too. Does anyone know if there is a good android app for it?

    I'm struck down by either hayfever or a cold (should be able to tell by tomorrow morning), so i might have to wait until mid week to start, but count me in!

    Didnt even think of getting an android app for it, will have to look into it. Im only doing half day so i will be going home shortly to start week 2 on C25k, skipping the first week as i have already done it.
    let me know when you are better and starting :smile:
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    This past week I saw a new low of 146.6! Super excited about that! My goals for the week are to work on week 5 of C25K. :)
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    I want to start C25K too. Does anyone know if there is a good android app for it?

    I'm struck down by either hayfever or a cold (should be able to tell by tomorrow morning), so i might have to wait until mid week to start, but count me in!

    Didnt even think of getting an android app for it, will have to look into it. Im only doing half day so i will be going home shortly to start week 2 on C25k, skipping the first week as i have already done it.
    let me know when you are better and starting :smile:

    Thanks Rosie, will do!
    What do you use as a guide if not an app? I think I could start on Thu, it's only 3-4 times a week, right?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I LOVE all these "good news" reports. My news, alas, is NOT good. I had a SUPER work-out on Saturday - actually the best work-out I've had in MONTHS (I'm a gym rat...). And, then I weighed myself. NOT. ONE. LB. LOST.

    Zip. Zero. Nil. Zilch.

    Talk about DEFLATING. (I thought I'd be down about 1.5 lbs because I put in a good week of workouts and ate sensibly, too!

    So, I just cruised the rest of the weekend, not really caring that much. I had a good work-out, yesterday, and did over an hour of walking, today. I'm keeping my nutrition in check all the remaining days of this week and CROSSING MY FINGERS for a 2 lb. drop by Saturday, to counter the SHYTE weigh-in from last Saturday.
  • prettyinpink246
    I am avoiding getting on the scale for the next couple of days! Ah today was a great workout, I did an additional walk tonight, just a mod paced one. Where I live has lots of hills, so its a tough run, but a great walk! I did splurge tonight and get a snowball which was AMAZING because I have been craving one so bad. But other than that one splurge...[ lots of sugar ): ] , I have eaten well and worked out great the past few days. I think it might be a push, but I want to work out 2x tomorrow for some reason? lol
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I LOVE all these "good news" reports. My news, alas, is NOT good. I had a SUPER work-out on Saturday - actually the best work-out I've had in MONTHS (I'm a gym rat...). And, then I weighed myself. NOT. ONE. LB. LOST.

    Zip. Zero. Nil. Zilch.

    Talk about DEFLATING. (I thought I'd be down about 1.5 lbs because I put in a good week of workouts and ate sensibly, too!

    So, I just cruised the rest of the weekend, not really caring that much. I had a good work-out, yesterday, and did over an hour of walking, today. I'm keeping my nutrition in check all the remaining days of this week and CROSSING MY FINGERS for a 2 lb. drop by Saturday, to counter the SHYTE weigh-in from last Saturday.

    Keep your chin up! I lose weight (on the scale at least) for one week out of the month. Seriously. I go up when I'm ovulating, up when TOM is coming, Up when TOM is here, despite working out and eating right. Then there is that golden week where I see a loss. It's very frustrating, but easier to understand now that I know that's just how my body works.

    Keep working hard, ladies! :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I am sure you are right. Which brings up another point...I am expecting my period in the next few days, so will I REALLY see a 'drop' on the scale this weekend??

    C'mon, where are all the "lose 15 pounds by September" crew??

    Where's the gal that started this thread in the first place?? And all the "me, too" crew??
  • prettyinpink246
    I am sure you are right. Which brings up another point...I am expecting my period in the next few days, so will I REALLY see a 'drop' on the scale this weekend??

    C'mon, where are all the "lose 15 pounds by September" crew??

    Where's the gal that started this thread in the first place?? And all the "me, too" crew??

    I'm here! :) Haha i've been working by tush off for the last 3 weeks! :) Yesterday was the FIRST day in 2 WEEKS!!!! that I took a day off! I am more determined then ever to get this weight loss on a roll, because once september comes, my schedule is going ro be so hectic and I need to be in shape already, not just getting back into shape then. I hear you, im definitely here to stay!

    But about your question, I'm not quite sure if you will see a drop because of the "monthly present", some people gain during that time and some people do lose, I think its more of an individualistis thing. That would be lovely if we all did drop :) I can't really say what happens with me because I don't seem to weigh myself ever during that "time of the month"!