How many eggs per day do you eat?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I go through phases. Who said 7 a day?

    No more than 7 per week is what I think OP is talking about. Used to be a common recommendation.

    It's one I (daringly or not) ignore. I usually eat 2 eggs in an omelet around 5 mornings per week, and sometimes eggs at a non breakfast meal, so I'll average around 12 per week, although sometimes I go through stages where I am tired of them and eat less or even none. My guess is around 500 per year. ;-)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I go through phases. Who said 7 a day?

    No more than 7 per week is what I think OP is talking about. Used to be a common recommendation.

    It's one I (daringly or not) ignore. I usually eat 2 eggs in an omelet around 5 mornings per week, and sometimes eggs at a non breakfast meal, so I'll average around 12 per week, although sometimes I go through stages where I am tired of them and eat less or even none. My guess is around 500 per year. ;-)

    Right, a week. I should have read my own post before hitting reply. Thanks.
    I guess I've never heard that exact edict before. hmm.
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    I eat about 12 egg whites per week...if I do fry whole eggs I will usually do one with 2 or 3 egg whites.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It varies. Probably 1 a day on average.
  • imlightning
    imlightning Posts: 38 Member
    Usually 2-3 per day. Hard boiled egg for breakfast, lunch and late afternoon snack before dinner. Adding a hard boiled egg at meals has helped keep me full and satisfied.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    0-3 per week. Any more or more often than that and I get gastro issues.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member

    I'd like to eat more eggs (they're low cal and I find them filling), and occasionally I can have a couple (like once every 3 or 4 months) ... but if I have any more than that within the next week or so, I'm in agony. Feels like my gallbladder area.

    So, I think the last time I had eggs was on holiday at the end of June ... and I didn't feel particularly well that night or the next day.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    2-4 eggs most days of the week, I keep boiled eggs in the fridge.....never get tired of them.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I eat a hardboiled egg every single day during the workweek for a snack. On the weekends, I might eat 2 eggs a day for breakfast, so I'm definitely a little over that.
  • CindyWard2
    CindyWard2 Posts: 88 Member
    My husband and I raise chickens and always have an abundance of eggs...I eat a minimum of 2 per day and sometimes 3 or even 4 if I eat them for 2 different meals.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Usually none. Only on days that i make breakfast for dinner because I don't eat actual breakfast (in the mornings)
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I eat 2 for breakfast almost every day. And I sometimes eat more at other meals or in recipes.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    edited September 2017
    I eat as many eggs as I want! Some days I have none, some days I have 2-4. It just depends on what I feel like eating. Recent research indicates that the link between diary cholesterol and blood cholesterol is not as sound as we once thought; I don't worry about it as long as I'm eating a variety of good foods.
  • bigmamabird
    bigmamabird Posts: 55 Member
    I usually eat two eggs for breakfast each morning. Paired with an apple it keeps me full till lunch.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Cheap. High protein. YES. I go through 3 doz ish a week. So that's... five a day, on average. Maybe a little more. We get 4 dozen at the store, but my husband eats some of them.

    In fairness, I do almost always separate mine and eat just the (cooked!) whites.
  • codystar
    codystar Posts: 7 Member
    An egg a day keeps the doctor away. I eat around half a dozen and I havnt been in to see doc in quite awhile
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    2 for breakfast nearly every day; sometimes 1-2 more. Best thing I know of for chasing the hunger demons away.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    One egg a day as part of my breakfast!
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    None most days; 3 when I do which is usually only once a week or 2 at most.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I don't have them every day but if I'm averaging it from a weeks worth probably about 1-2 whole eggs per day. I'm not a fan of skipping out on the yolk either.