Can anyone suggest an exercise to trim inner thigh and knees please...



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    cmc228 wrote: »
    Hi! The best way my clients lose weight in this area is in their diet. OVerall, you will lean out through what you are eating vs what you are working out in the gym. I'm sure you have heard you can spot- train to lose body fat. Losing body fat in general will help trim these areas. Any leg exercises, especially compound movements like squats, RDL's, Leg Press, all kinds of lunges, and doing them WELL with good form and progressive intensity will develop muscle in your legs which will help increase your overall metabolism, which can help to your body fat loss.

    If you find you are losing body fat from all areas BUT some are being stubborn, this could be a hormonal issue. When hormones are imbalanced we hold body fat in certain areas and it doesn't let go until those hormones are balanced. Think about when we first get our menstrual cycle, the body is producing new hormones, and the balance of where we hold body fat changes- (adds to breasts, hips, thighs). Other hormones in our body from thyroid to cortisol (stress hormone) could cause our body to hold onto body fat stubbornly. Certain food choices and timing of nutrients, how and what time you workout, as well as supplement support (vitamins and minerals) can help balance these out again.

    Hope this helps!
    Christine Coen

    Thank you for your professional advice. I will take it on board. In your opinion what time of day is best to exercise? And with losing body fat I find myself keeping to the daily calories mfp has calculated for me but sugar is my enemy! How important is it to keep under my sugar allowance in order to lose body fat??

    Any time of the day that you can exercise is what will be ideal. So whatever provides you the most energy and allows you to be the most compliant.

    Sugar isn't the enemy and will not prevent fat loss outside of increasing calories. Fat loss is controlled by calories.
  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    Iwanttolosemymummytummy Posts: 82 Member
    edited March 2017
    psuLemon MFP Moderator sugar not my enemy? Whoop! Whoop! I can have jam!! (In moderation of course) I agree that anytime we can fit exercise in is better than not doing any at all. But I sometimes find myself doing a workout at 10pm because I haven't been able to fit it in any other time. Are there any benefit/drawback to this? One drwback - takes longer to wind down afterwards to get to sleep.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon MFP Moderator sugar not my enemy? Whoop! Whoop! I can have jam!! (In moderation of course) I agree that anytime we can fit exercise in is better than not doing any at all. But I sometimes find myself doing a workout at 10pm because I haven't been able to fit it in any other time. Are there any benefit/drawback to this? One drwback - takes longer to wind down afterwards to get to sleep.

    The only drawback to very late exercise would be if it interrupts your ability to sleep. If it doesn't, then it's all good. I workout around 830-930 every night and go to bed around 10... hasn't been an issue yet.

    You can look at my diary if you want, but sugar is regularly 120g+ on my high carb days. And prior to cycling calories/carbs, I was eating 100g + and have lost 50 lbs. So no, sugar isn't the enemy, calories are. If you can moderate it, then you can definitely incorporate it into your diet.. just don't make it take up a lot of calories where you take away from other important nutrients.
  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    psuLemon wrote: »

    The only drawback to very late exercise would be if it interrupts your ability to sleep. If it doesn't, then it's all good. I workout around 830-930 every night and go to bed around 10... hasn't been an issue yet.

    You can look at my diary if you want, but sugar is regularly 120g+ on my high carb days. And prior to cycling calories/carbs, I was eating 100g + and have lost 50 lbs. So no, sugar isn't the enemy, calories are. If you can moderate it, then you can definitely incorporate it into your diet.. just don't make it take up a lot of calories where you take away from other important nutrients.

    50lb weight loss, that's great!! I'm rather new to mfp and don't know how to view other people's diary. I exceed my sugar "allowance" most days so it's good to know it shouldn't be too much of an issue.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon wrote: »

    The only drawback to very late exercise would be if it interrupts your ability to sleep. If it doesn't, then it's all good. I workout around 830-930 every night and go to bed around 10... hasn't been an issue yet.

    You can look at my diary if you want, but sugar is regularly 120g+ on my high carb days. And prior to cycling calories/carbs, I was eating 100g + and have lost 50 lbs. So no, sugar isn't the enemy, calories are. If you can moderate it, then you can definitely incorporate it into your diet.. just don't make it take up a lot of calories where you take away from other important nutrients.

    50lb weight loss, that's great!! I'm rather new to mfp and don't know how to view other people's diary. I exceed my sugar "allowance" most days so it's good to know it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

    If you are on a web browser, click on my picture, then my user name and then you can hit view diary.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,649 Member
    Eat less and move more. :)
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,649 Member
    That said... I'm loving my legs now. I do deadlifts, squats, hip thrusts, calf raises and do about 40 flights of stairs a day - those, combined with the weight loss have given me some pretty nice legs. :smiley:
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    There is no spot reducing. Exercise BUILDS lean body mass, the calorie deficit reduces body fat. For us females that lower body area is the last to go and the first to come up when you start putting body fat back on. There is no changing that, if you want to lose that last bit of fat - it's the calorie deficit. You already got the exercises listed here for the BUILDING a shape that when you lose the fat with a calorie deficit it will look pretty.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    Fork out downs and table push aways

    Hahahahaha!!! I am literally p****** myself!!! That was a good one!! Genuinely funny!! I feel such a tit cos I actually googled them and just as I was typing it into the browser it dawned on me!! :D

    Yeah you'll see that one pop up quite a bit on these forums haha.

  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    psuLemon wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »

    The only drawback to very late exercise would be if it interrupts your ability to sleep. If it doesn't, then it's all good. I workout around 830-930 every night and go to bed around 10... hasn't been an issue yet.

    You can look at my diary if you want, but sugar is regularly 120g+ on my high carb days. And prior to cycling calories/carbs, I was eating 100g + and have lost 50 lbs. So no, sugar isn't the enemy, calories are. If you can moderate it, then you can definitely incorporate it into your diet.. just don't make it take up a lot of calories where you take away from other important nutrients.

    50lb weight loss, that's great!! I'm rather new to mfp and don't know how to view other people's diary. I exceed my sugar "allowance" most days so it's good to know it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

    If you are on a web browser, click on my picture, then my user name and then you can hit view diary.

    Thanks for letting me know. I will take a sneaky peek, always interesting comparing what I eat to other people!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    psuLemon MFP Moderator sugar not my enemy? Whoop! Whoop! I can have jam!! (In moderation of course) I agree that anytime we can fit exercise in is better than not doing any at all. But I sometimes find myself doing a workout at 10pm because I haven't been able to fit it in any other time. Are there any benefit/drawback to this? One drwback - takes longer to wind down afterwards to get to sleep.

    1) Enjoy the jam. :) You can indeed have it ... with in moderation, of course.

    2) I used to ride my trainer (bicycle on device that holds it in place) at about 10 pm for an hour or so, then I'd turn off most of the lights and do yoga for about half an hour, then I'd go to bed. And I slept like a log. Worked for me! :)

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    - don't discount the impact of physical play with your child (children)... I made a point of using them as my weights!

    never discount the bliss of having a toddler tromple up and down your spine while you lie on the floor either. now my kid has grown up, i'm sometimes tempted to borrow a friend's.

  • Iwanttolosemymummytummy
    Machka9 wrote: »
    psuLemon MFP Moderator sugar not my enemy? Whoop! Whoop! I can have jam!! (In moderation of course) I agree that anytime we can fit exercise in is better than not doing any at all. But I sometimes find myself doing a workout at 10pm because I haven't been able to fit it in any other time. Are there any benefit/drawback to this? One drwback - takes longer to wind down afterwards to get to sleep.

    1) Enjoy the jam. :) You can indeed have it ... with in moderation, of course.

    2) I used to ride my trainer (bicycle on device that holds it in place) at about 10 pm for an hour or so, then I'd turn off most of the lights and do yoga for about half an hour, then I'd go to bed. And I slept like a log. Worked for me! :)

    Jammmmmmmmm.....It's my weak spot!

    10 pm workout is not a problem here either, thankfully, because sometimes that's the only chance I get to fit it in! And because my sleep is disturbed countless times throughout the night(4 kids. Each night it's a conveyor belt of one or the other coming over to my side of the bed, never their father's, to inform me of a "bad dream", "duvet is on the floor", "I can't sleep", "I've lost my teddy". "I've wet the bed" etc) I find that the second my head hits the pillow I am out like a light....until the nightly routine begins 20 minutes later :s
    I was interested in finding out if exercising so late would cause a problem with metabolism or something similar, wondering if it was better to exercise at the beginning of the day rather than the end of it. Really it won't make any difference to me - if I can't fit it in until 10 then that's when I'll fit it in, no choice.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I was interested in finding out if exercising so late would cause a problem with metabolism or something similar

    it amps me up sometimes so that i can't wind down to sleep mode, which is a big big deal when you're a single parent and you have to budget your rest to make sure you'll have enough resilience for daily life on the next day.

    but that only happens to me if i really redline whatever i did. i don't have any info about whether/how it affects your metabolism in the pure weight-loss sense.
  • jnducharme
    jnducharme Posts: 83 Member
    Try Insanity or another strength HIIT training like Max 30. You need to decrease your body fat over all so if you combine this with a calorie deficit you will decrease your body fat% and really strengthen and tone your legs at the same time.
  • aneema31294
    aneema31294 Posts: 4 Member
    rckc1 wrote: »
    I have been using a lateral elliptical machine for the last month. You can adjust the width of the stance. I can really tell the difference in my legs. I have a gap between thighs FINALLY! I also do the step machine

    What is ur exact routine?
  • aneema31294
    aneema31294 Posts: 4 Member
    Mini_Medic wrote: »
    Low impact if needed, elliptical, hands down. It is more about the fat loss via calorie deficit, however using the muscles themselves will give an appearance of being tighter and leaner, even without actual fat loss or muscle gain.
    The first time I lost I basically only used a calorie deficit and the elliptical and I liked how my legs leaned out. That was 40 lbs lost.
    This time I've lost it all again, plus some more and I am running and lifting weights at the gym. This time around my legs look stronger and have more definition and a lot less wobble. I've got a half a thigh gap too! Knees have a gap and top of thighs under the lady zone have a gap but not in the very middle yet.

    What is ur exact routine?
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Without knowing your weight and height it's hard to tell if it's Fat Loss or if it's muscle and skeletal

    Unfortunately your genetics are going to determine how fast and where the fat comes off if it's fat loss. If it's genetics or you can basically do is tone your thighs and legs.
  • SerenaB_1
    SerenaB_1 Posts: 2 Member
    Plyometric, Hiit training (sprints) and overall weight loss for thighs, some knee fat does not go away despite how thin a person is and I know this personally. I've looked into lipo for knee fat that's genetic. I can be 5'6 112 pounds, in fantastic physical shape and still have a considerable amount of knee fat.