Maintainers weekly Check-in September 2017



  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    @Rachelmilloy Sometimes you have experiment to find the combination that works for your body at that time. I used to warm up for the elliptical, now I use the elliptical to warm up for weights. I always start off low and slow and work my way up in speed and/or resistance, then work my way back down the last few minutes. I also like to alternate one minute and one minute backwards throughout the session. It rotates between different muscles which helps prevent pain and tightness, plus a better workout overall I feel. Good job sticking with it and finding what works for you!
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    Height: 171cm
    Age: 30
    Total Weight lost: 48kg
    Time it took to lose: 1 year
    How long in maintenance: 1 year 4 months
    Maintenance weight range: 73.3kg and below

    Average weight recorded from January: 72.8kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 72.3kg
    Average weight recorded from March: 72.7kg
    Average weight recorded from April:72.5kg
    Average weight recorded from May:72.7kg
    Average weight recorded from June: 74kg
    Average weight recorded from July: 73.9kg
    Average weight recorded from August: N/A

    Week of
    4th September: N/A
    11 th September: 74.9 kg
    18th September 75.6 kg
    25th September: 74 kg

    Success/struggles of the week:
    - I logged in to my food diary for the week.
    - I got in 5 small workouts (2x abs, 2x legs, 1x arms)
    - I didn't manage to clock in my 10k stpes every day. However my weekly average was abot that.
    - Sleep is still a problem.

    My weight average has moved up quite a bit. So i need/want to bring that down a little. After an unknown August and a not so good September I hope that October will be much better.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    edited September 2017
    Gender: Male
    Age: 66
    Height: 5'8"

    Total Initial WT lost: 36# (196 to 160#)
    Time it took to lose: 7 months; May 15-Dec 9, 2016
    How long in maintenance: 9 months; Dec 9, 2016 - Sep 26, 2017

    Maintenance Goal Weight: 158
    Maintenance WT Range Goal: 155-160
    CPD Goal (TDEE)=1900; CPD=Calories Per Day

    Average WT/CPD in December: 159.7/1915
    Average WT/CPD in January: 159.8/1854
    Average WT/CPD in February: 158.7/1835
    Average WT/CPD in March: 158.6/1847
    Average WT/CPD in April: 158.5/1924
    Average WT/CPD in May: 157.8/1887
    Average WT/CPD in June: 157.5/2033
    Average WT/CPD in July: 158.0/2101
    Average WT/CPD in August: 158.4/2063
    Average WT/CPD in September: 159.0/1895

    Aug actual WT range (min/max) to date: 157.1-160.9
    Aug actual CPD range (min/max) to date: 1411-2450

    7-Day Moving Average WT/CPD as of:

    4th September: 157.7
    11th September: 159.4
    18th September: 159.4
    25th September: 158.8


    Average weight for Sept spiked a bit this month, despite about a 10% drop in my ave daily calorie intake, but I'm still w/in 1/2 pound of my average weight over the last 9 months and w/in 1# of my goal wt.

    So, it's not really a cause for concern.

    May be related to reduction in heavy weight lifting due to tendonitis. Haven't lifted heavy for about 2 weeks but I have still been doing lower body and general fitness exercises including some machine lifting, rowing, StairMaster and going on 2.5-5 mile hikes (w/and w/o a 20# vest) instead.

    Also had another hydrostatic test done a few days ago which came in at 10.9% -- 2% higher than the last one (which was unusually low due to dehydration while sunbathing b4 the last test was done in July) but about the same as the 10.1% hydro result in April and still below the last DXA test in Aug at 13.4%.

    Still have my 6 pack so I'm not concerned. Based on the data and comparable pics, I'm in the 10-12% BF range which is acceptable to me.

    So, no significant problems or issues to report this month.
  • Rachelmilloy
    Rachelmilloy Posts: 158 Member
    @lorrpb, thanks Lori for taking the time to help me... I like the sound of always starting "low and slow"... the words too, very evocative - they will echo nicely in my ears in future. When you talked about going backwards for about a minute, I imagined your doing that every 5 or 10 minutes or so, hehe, as opposed to every minute... but let me know if I got that wrong. Meanwhile, congratulations on your awesome transition!!!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    @lorrpb, thanks Lori for taking the time to help me... I like the sound of always starting "low and slow"... the words too, very evocative - they will echo nicely in my ears in future. When you talked about going backwards for about a minute, I imagined your doing that every 5 or 10 minutes or so, hehe, as opposed to every minute... but let me know if I got that wrong. Meanwhile, congratulations on your awesome transition!!!

    I do 1 minute forward then 1 minute backwards for my who!e workout!
  • Rachelmilloy
    Rachelmilloy Posts: 158 Member
    @lorrpb, holy cow!!!! you almost qualify as a whirling dervish!!! Well, I will work up to trying that then. Thanks again!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    @lorrpb, holy cow!!!! you almost qualify as a whirling dervish!!! Well, I will work up to trying that then. Thanks again!

    It keeps it more interesting for me and my legs hurt less. Do what feels best for you! Another approach is to do 15-20 sec as fast as you possibly can then 45 sec normal pace. Warm up first. I even alternate directions on this one.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    @Rachelmilloy I wanted to mention that my elliptical allows me to pedal backwards while facing forward. I don't actually turn around on the machine, lol!
  • kalchthaleri
    kalchthaleri Posts: 231 Member
    Name: Ingrid
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'4
    Total Weight lost: 210lbs.
    Time it took to lose: 3 years and 6 months
    How long in maintenance: 6 months
    Maintenance weight range: 128-135

    Average weight recorded from January: 135
    Average weight recorded from February: 132
    Average weight recorded from March: 132
    Average weight recorded from April: 132
    Average weight recorded from May: 132
    Average weight recorded from June: 130.6
    Average weight recorded from July: 131.5
    Average weight recorded from August: 128.75
    Average weight recorded from September 128.24

    Week of September 1: 129
    Week of September 8: 125.5
    Week of September 15: 127.5
    Week of September 22: 131.5
    Week of September 29: 128

    Struggles/successes of the week: Had to go
    at Atlantic City for a work conference which was held in a casino and the conference itself provided food. TONS of food, snacks, desserts, you name it, all buffet style and everyone was just loading up and I was tempted but not too much and not even to the point where it felt hard to be there while others were taking part in the feeding frenzy. I had my own food and it was what I liked and I didn't feel cheated or deprived. So that was a success! The struggle is with not eating when I am upset. And that is still so hard. Stuck to 1200 calories a day except for Wednesday when I had an emotionally-spawned binge and ate an extra 2,160 calories. Which was okay I know, but it was WHY that makes me mad/sad. I hate still fighting myself with food.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    edited September 2017
    Name: Jen
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'2.5"
    Total Weight lost:145lbs
    Time it took to lose: 2.75yrs
    How long in maintenance : Redeclared it 4/14/17.
    Maintenance weight range: Would like to stay under 122 at morning weigh-in.

    January avg weight trend: 126.8lbs
    February avg weight trend: 126.1lbs
    March avg weight trend: 124.6lbs
    April avg weight trend: 122.9lbs
    May avg weight trend: 123.4lbs
    June avg weight trend: 122.6lbs
    July avg weight trend: 122.3lbs
    August avg weight trend: 118.9lbs
    September avg weight trend: 119.1lbs

    Trend week of...
    25th August: 117.9lbs
    1st September: 118.5lbs
    8th September: 118.9lbs
    15th September: 119.4lbs
    22nd September: 119.7lbs
    29th September: 191.1lbs

    Successes of the week: Still trying to get used to being sedentary during the day. Walking a couple of hours after school, but very little time left for other things. Plus side, been pretty satisfied with the menu I've had this week. Eating less during the day to save cals for lovely evening snacks.

    Challenges of the week: Managed to miss both sleep and workouts. Need to do better!!
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Name: mk
    Age: 59
    Total weight lost: 70+
    Time to lose: Less than a year
    Time in maintenance: Over two years

    So, I had a big scare this month. I've been weighing in 114-117# all year, averaging maybe 116#. Two weeks ago I was at 119#, then 120# Holy you know what!!! I about lost it. Now keep in mind I've been a tad underweight so the gain put me just into the normal range. It was the idea of gaining so much so fast that sent me reeling. A couple of days later I was back to 116#. What happened? I got scratched on my arm by a poison ivy. No big deal until a few days later, I was stung by a wasp. When the swelling from the sting reached the poison ivy, all hell broke loose! My arm was swollen for several days. Who would've thought that would affect my weight? It must have been the water from the swelling. Geez. Anyway, back to normal, thank God!

    Here's to a fabulous October everyone!

    P.S. @CoachJen71 I think you have a typo. At least I hope so!
  • Missbumble2017
    Missbumble2017 Posts: 4 Member
    Name: Sue
    Age: 54 (oy!)
    Height: 5' 7.5"
    Total Weight lost: 60+
    Time it took to lose: started Jenny Craig August - June about 60+ lbs then
    How long in maintenance:3-4 months
    Maintenance weight range:140-143

    Average weight recorded from January:
    Average weight recorded from February:
    Average weight recorded from March:
    Average weight recorded from April:
    Average weight recorded from May:
    Average weight recorded from June:
    Average weight recorded from July:
    Average weight recorded from August:

    Week of...
    4th September:
    11th September:
    18th September:
    25th September: 141ish

    Success/struggles of the week: Binging at airport. need to figure out how to survive stress at work - and not over eat,
  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    Name: Nichell
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6
    Total Weight lost: ~50lbs
    Time it took to lose: 5.5 months
    How long in maintenance: about 18 weeks
    Maintenance weight range: 148-153lbs

    Average weight recorded from February: 182.4
    Average weight recorded from March: 173.5
    Average weight recorded from April: 164.5
    Average weight recorded from May: 156.4
    Average weight recorded from June: 152.3
    Average weight recorded from July: 150.35
    Average weight recorded from August: 150.1

    Week of...
    4th of September: 148.6, trend 150.1
    11th of September: 149.6, trend 151.3
    18th of September: 150.7, trend 151.5
    25th of September: 148.9, trend 151.9

    Successes- I've kind of learned the secret to controlling my weight, it's kind of clicked. In terms of the day to day, if my weight is higher than I'd like it to be, I know what adjustments to make to fix it. Doesn't affect my trend as much as it does my daily weight, of course, but feeling that sense of control is a bit of a relief.

    Struggles- my weight is still trending up, I'm kind of nervous. I'm not sure my new plan of eating freely on the weekends while in maintenance is working. I've also been finding it harder to remain disciplined with my food. I'd intentionally decided to loosen up for my mental health sake, but I think I'm going to have to find an alternative.
  • Rachelmilloy
    Rachelmilloy Posts: 158 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    @Rachelmilloy I wanted to mention that my elliptical allows me to pedal backwards while facing forward. I don't actually turn around on the machine, lol!

    Hehe, thanks Lori. Yeah, you have to be careful what people might take it into their heads to do... don't worry though, my elliptical allows me to pedal backwards too, and I enjoyed varying between forwards and backwards.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Yah, flipped some numbers!! Lol
  • girlgroves
    girlgroves Posts: 235 Member
    Name: Mandy
    Total Weight lost: 4 stone (56lbs)
    Height: 5ft 6in
    Time it took to lose: 16 months
    How long in maintenance: 1 year 3 months
    Maintenance weight range: 137 - 140lbs (lowered from 142lbs in June)

    Average weight recorded for January: 141.9lbs
    Average weight recorded for February: 141.2lbs
    Average weight recorded for March: 141.2lbs
    Average weight recorded for April: 140.8lbs
    Average weight recorded for May: 141.7lbs
    Average weight recorded for June: 139.7lbs
    Average weight recorded for July: 139.8lbs
    Average weight recorded for August: 144.4lbs

    Week of (I weigh for the record on Fridays)...:
    25th August (for ref): 146.6lbs
    1st Sept: 145.8lbs
    8th Sept: 146.0lbs
    15th Sept: 145.8lbs
    22nd Sept: 144.2lbs
    29th Sept: 144.8lbs

    Successes/struggles of the week: I've been hungry all week this week! I've also been scuppered by life stuff all week and only managed to fit in 2 workouts, so I'm frankly amazed I didn't weigh in heavier than this. All in all September has been a disappointing month weight-wise - and I'm still not rid of the couple of pounds I gained on holiday. I'm hoping that October will be better.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    nichell88 wrote: »
    Name: Nichell
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6
    Total Weight lost: ~50lbs
    Time it took to lose: 5.5 months
    How long in maintenance: about 18 weeks
    Maintenance weight range: 148-153lbs

    Average weight recorded from February: 182.4
    Average weight recorded from March: 173.5
    Average weight recorded from April: 164.5
    Average weight recorded from May: 156.4
    Average weight recorded from June: 152.3
    Average weight recorded from July: 150.35
    Average weight recorded from August: 150.1

    Week of...
    4th of September: 148.6, trend 150.1
    11th of September: 149.6, trend 151.3
    18th of September: 150.7, trend 151.5
    25th of September: 148.9, trend 151.9

    Successes- I've kind of learned the secret to controlling my weight, it's kind of clicked. In terms of the day to day, if my weight is higher than I'd like it to be, I know what adjustments to make to fix it. Doesn't affect my trend as much as it does my daily weight, of course, but feeling that sense of control is a bit of a relief.

    Struggles- my weight is still trending up, I'm kind of nervous. I'm not sure my new plan of eating freely on the weekends while in maintenance is working. I've also been finding it harder to remain disciplined with my food. I'd intentionally decided to loosen up for my mental health sake, but I think I'm going to have to find an alternative.

    @nichell88 Well done! I encourage you to take another look at the numbers in your trend. I don't see your weight trending up. Your average for Sept in 149.5, right in the middle of your maintenance range and the lowest of any month so far. It seems that you are right on track. I'm not sure where you are getting the 151.9 trend number from, but it seems whacky unless it includes daily fluctuations in between your posted weights. Just stay focused on your plan and I think you'll be fine!