MEAT Me at the Beach: 8/4-8/7 weigh-in *MINI-GOAL time!*

newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Alright everyone…here are the charts for last week.


********** It’s that that time again….MINI-GOALS!!!! *********

How much to you need to lose to get to your mini-goal?
Is it possible for you to do it? (change you goal if you need to)
How are you going to do it?


  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    How much to you need to lose to get to your mini-goal?
    Is it possible for you to do it? (change you goal if you need to)
    How are you going to do it?

    I need to lose 1.2 lbs to get to my mini goal.
    I think that it is possible for me to do it.
    I am going to drink LOTS of water and STAY AWAY from the extra sodium. Stay positive, work hard, and give it my all. :wink:

    Best luck to all of you this week!!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    How much to you need to lose to get to your mini-goal?
    Is it possible for you to do it? (change you goal if you need to)
    How are you going to do it?

    I need to lose 2 lbs to get to my most recent updated mini goal. I definitely think it's possible, despite TOM's whack *kitten* coming for me. I'm going to drink LOOOOOAAAAADDDDDDDDDDSSS of water and make sure I work out EVERY DAY!
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
  • jen0125
    jen0125 Posts: 53
    sorry i missed this week. no change anyway. i keep forgetting to try and lose weight. seriously, i need to get back on track now. i am not going to make my goal since it is 4.5 pounds away. i haven't moved at all since my last goal. hmmmm. did i mention i need to start trying!?!?! thanks vic!! thought of you today when i was at the children's musuem. they had jelly bean art and one of them was the We Can Do It woman on your profile :)
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Thanks for another great week!
  • Eliza1980
    Eliza1980 Posts: 303 Member
    Bumpity Bump Bump!!!!!
  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    bump...I am able to bear weight now on my ankle (although I am in an ortho boot). Nothing strenuous yet, tried swimming for a short time yesterday, did ok. stepped on the scale and just about screamed...let's just say, I will be watching what I eat better this week...
  • lbelfrey
    lbelfrey Posts: 63
    Great job!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    bumping with last weeks chart.

    Current Weight (As of today): 218.0
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 207
    Weight Category: reduce....getting rid of plenty...trimming 16-20

    6/9: **start of challenge** 227
    6/16: 225
    6/23: 223.7
    6/30: 220.5
    7/7: 218.0 <<<reached and passed mini goal weight of 220 >>>
    7/14: 218
    7/21: 218
    7/28: 218 ( I will have to get my butt back in gear before next week!)
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight _214__>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight _207__>>>
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Wow, that was an early close out/posting, no? Sorry I missed it :( Posting anyway for my records.


    Current Weight (As of today): 190
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 180
    Weight Category: Reduce - 15.4lbs

    6/9: 195.4 **start of challenge**
    6/16: 195.0 - Not the start I would have liked to see
    6/23: 194.4
    6/30: 193.2
    7/7: 193.6 <<<mini goal weight 190>>> Mini goal not met but I am still looking for the same end result
    7/14: 190.4
    7/21: 190.2
    7/28: 190
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 185>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 180>>>
  • kelbel76
    kelbel76 Posts: 148 Member
    Guess I missed the weigh in window but I'm posting anyway so I don't forget my number.

    Current Weight (As of today): 168.6
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 156.6
    Weight Category: reduce
    6/9: 168.6**start of challenge**
    6/16: 168.6
    6/23: 171
    6/30: 170.4
    7/7: 172.4<<<mini goal weight 164.6>>>
    7/14: 170.4
    7/21: 169.6
    7/28: 168.6
    8/4: <<<mini goal weight 160.6>>>
    9/1: <<<challenge goal weight 156.6>>>
  • I have been a great if time slacker so I am starting this new month on a better foot! I am starting tomorrow I have a doctors appointment for my back! After that I plan on eating better and exercising at least walking till I can do more without this back pain!
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    I am 2.8 lbs past my mini goal this week which I'm happy about;
    So my mini goal has changed to 141 and my main goal 140
    This might change depending on how I do this week. But I might just try to maintain once I'm at 140 and concentrate on using my gym membership and toning!
    Congrats everyone on your amazing losses! xxx
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    great job guys, my goal all the way through is 126 - for some reason my body is stuck at 127 which Im not going to complain about after all it is only 1lb so I will crank up my water intake and mix up my exercise this next week see if that makes a difference to get me to 126! Good Luck everyone
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Congratulations to *****Bella1hud***** for reaching onederland this past week! Way to go!
  • kerenvaknin
    kerenvaknin Posts: 169 Member
    I'm late again :( - no change in weight, and changed my mini goal weight (again) to 123 and challenge goal to 120.
    I'm so frustrated =[

    Current Weight (As of today): 125

    Challenge Goal Weight (for August. 17th): 117 -revised
    Weight Category: 1 - reduce

    6/9: **start of challenge** 127.4
    6/16: 127.6 :(:(:(
    6/23: 127.2
    6/30: 127.2
    7/7: 125.8 <<<mini goal weight 122 - didn't reach :( >>>
    7/14: 124.4
    7/21: 125
    7/28: 125
    8/4: <<<revised mini goal weight 123>>>
    8/17: <<<revised challenge goal weight 120 >>>
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    How much to you need to lose to get to your mini-goal?
    Is it possible for you to do it? (change you goal if you need to)
    How are you going to do it?

    I need to lose 1.8 pounds.
    Yes it is possible.
    I'm going to get back on track and exercise more and eat better. I'm also going to drink more water.
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    Watched my sodium. & started juicing this week in anticipation of our beach trip on Friday. I'm hoping for a big loss this week as well.
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
  • bump
  • I have 1.8lbs to make my goal. I'd like to confidently say that I can make that, but it's a tough week for me. Saturday was my birthday party, Thursday is my birthday AND tom has made a visit which means killer cravings, too. I'm going to keep up with my work outs and have lots of water and try to keep the effects to a minimum.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks for the updated chart, Vic!

    I think I can. . . I think I can. Despite some challenges with a recent plateau, I think I can make the 0.5 pounds to this week's mini goal of 177. Saturdays' "plateau" turned out to be a visit from TOM (he's so inconsistent lately), and it looks like the scale has gone down already.

    Pumping up the water and watching what I eat this week. The week following will be a stressful business trip to California!
  • holdthefries
    holdthefries Posts: 514 Member

    Weight Category:REDUCE

    Current Weight (As of today): 180.
    Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 165

    6/9: 191 **start of challenge**
    6/16: 188
    6/23: 184.7
    6/30: 183.8
    7/7: 183.3 (mini goal 180) nope!
    7/14: 181.3
    7/21: 180
    7/28: 180
    8/4: mini goal 172
    9/1: goal 165
  • ASaxe23
    ASaxe23 Posts: 158 Member
    sadly no changes for me this week. My new calorie plan is much higher than I'm used to so I don't expect to see much of a loss this week. I'm concentrating on losing fat and toning now that I know I don't have to lose as much weight as I originally thought! I'm still hoping that I can lose some weight, but I am just hoping for changes at this moment. I need about 2 pounds to make it to my mini goal!
  • Eliza1980
    Eliza1980 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm already past my mini goal and only 0.6lbs. away from my final goal. I will have to revise my goals, I will post the changes on my chart when I weigh in on Friday. Thanks again Vic for all the work you do!
  • Irene_1
    Irene_1 Posts: 76 Member
This discussion has been closed.