Is there anything you don't log???



  • randomartisrgirl
    Hmmm well I used to not log things like sugarfree gum and calorie-less soda... But now, I log EVERYTHING. Even after two weeks of not logging that sort of thing, I started logging it. Things like that add up, especially when I'm watching my sodium and sugar and other things... So yes, I'm SET on logging every single thing I eat now (and even minor exercise like if I've been dancing around for ten minutes). Everything adds up...
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    Only things I don't log acurately are my teas and my stevia sweetener, but I log at least 1 serving of each for the day and there's no calories/fat/sugar/ etc across the board so its foolish to log each one I drink... other than that - I log everything. Once you start NOT logging one thing, it gets out of control - FAST. Ask anyone that's used this site for over a year... stick to logging everything you put into your mouth.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I don't log seasonings/spices/herbs, cooking/butter spray (use these minimally), gum (I chew 1 piece sometimes, but not everyday), splenda in my coffee, or diet soda/drinks that are 0 calories. I log everything else.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't log "everything". And if it's day away from home and I don't know exactly how many calories I ate or even what was in what I ate, I just skip that day. Why bother guesstimating when it's already done? And if it's an ingredient with no calories of significant such as spices or a diet drink I don't bother.
  • tallicedlatte
    tallicedlatte Posts: 11 Member
    The only thing I don't log is the creamer in my coffee. I've always given that to myself as a freebie luxury. Everything else I log.
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    only my coffee/ iced coffee, black with splenda
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    I don't log Splenda or herbs/spices but try to be pretty strick with everything else - calories in Fish Oil tablets add up and iron supplements need to be logged if I want a decent idea of my intake.

    Besides, the main reason to log my calorie intake was to work out where all the calories were coming from as the weight wasn't moving.
  • brianfeeny
    brianfeeny Posts: 2 Member
    I don't log water. I drink a lot of it, so no worries there, not like I am going to be under, I drink quite a bit.
  • beccaellena
    beccaellena Posts: 21 Member
    Sometimes when I'm with my boyfriend the things we eat for lunch/dinner don't get logged because I have no idea what's in them or how many calories.. he always has homemade Brasilian food so I must eat some of it
  • veggiepug
    I don't log diet sodas, ketchup or mustard. Or vegetable burger toppings if I'm making a veggie burger (i.e. a little bit of onion and a slice or two of tomato). I think I'd go crazy if I started measuring my mustard.
  • GenerationD05
    I don't log the spices I use to cook with and the multivitamin I'm supposed to take in the morning. I'm not used to taking vitamins anyway and most days I forget to take it haha. Everything else I log, though.
  • msmith5251s
    The only thing I don't log is my mom's makes homemade sweet tea.
    I honestly don't even know how many calories it would have.
    But I usually have 100-200 cals left over, so I am going to assume it doesn't hurt...
    Especially considering I only have 4oz of it a day (roughly estimating).
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    When I have tea or coffee and add sugar/milk I usually don't add that. I always have extra calories floating around. Such as I guess at the amounts in a single serving of a recipe and I don't eat the full amount (eyes being bigger than stomach) I just leave those calories there and don't log a few other things.

    I'm not very obsessive. I find it hard to log certain things anyway. i try to log the main stuff as best as I can but that's it. I'd go crazy if I tried to log every single thing I put in my mouth...
  • amberlineilene
    I don't log black coffee , or lavender tea.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Been here a year and in maintenance since April... I still log everything, even 3 m&ms or 1/4 cup of air popped popcorn... everything. I also have a bazillion calories to eat in maintenance plus my exercise cals, but I still log everything (and it is usually to make sure I am eating enough and not vice versa). It can get difficult to eat 2300+ calories when you consume 'good food' so I have to keep a watchful eye on it or I'll lose more.
  • allison_joan
    Sometimes when I make my son food, I taste a bite to make sure it isn't to hot for him. I don't log every single thing I taste because it's usually only one bite per meal of his but I also don't log every single time I take him for walks so I think it makes up for it.
  • aprilmwilson
    aprilmwilson Posts: 21 Member
    I try to live by an old Weight Watchers adage - "If you bite it, write it." :smile:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Tea and coffee
  • whitejessamine
    Sounds like I'm typical. I don't log spices, cooking spray, sugar-free chewing gum, vitamins...I also skip extracts (like vanilla) because in my head, they're in the spice category, and if I make something with a lot of no-calorie sweetener, I don't bother with that. For instance, I like to use vanilla and xylitol in fat-free cream cheese to make a fat-free, sugar-free cream cheese icing...and I just log it as fat-free cream cheese even though all that other stuff is in it.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I don't log my daily diet coke, mustard, marinades and veggies that are condiments (like if i put an onion slice or pickles on my burger).
    I also don't log any vitamins or supplements I take.

    I don't log calories from weight lifting either, so I figure that should cover the occasional tomato slice or multivitamin.