Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred - Support needed



  • urbanmyth
    urbanmyth Posts: 26 Member
    I'm putting it down as circuit training too, but the calories offered by MFP are way out compared to my HRM. Be careful!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Check out this thread http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/295893-30-day-shred-newbies

    I have just completed day 10. Day's 1-3 were hard - working muscles that haven't been worked like that for ages. My quads burned and sitting down and standing up was hard but from day 4 onwards it all got better.
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Is it too late to join in? I completed it a couple of months back, but I restarted yesterday with heavier weights and deeper movements. Having some people to struggle through it with this time would be really nice!

    Today will be day 2 for me (once the boyfriend has left for work).
  • Is it too late to join in? I completed it a couple of months back, but I restarted yesterday with heavier weights and deeper movements. Having some people to struggle through it with this time would be really nice!

    Today will be day 2 for me (once the boyfriend has left for work).

    No way is it to late.. more the merrier. :-)
  • Ok so I entered it as circuit training.. I dont have a HRM but those who do what kind of calorie burn are you getting?
  • mandy8ob2
    mandy8ob2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I would love to join you! I'm on day 4 of Level 1. CW: 169 GW:150
    Jillian Michaels Shred it is any amazing workout!!! Glad to hear we have a great support group!!
  • mandy8ob2
    mandy8ob2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I would love to join you! I'm on day 4 of Level 1. CW: 169 GW:150
    Jillian Michaels Shred it is any amazing workout!!! Glad to hear we have a great support group!!
  • mandy8ob2
    mandy8ob2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I would love to join you! I'm on day 4 of Level 1. CW: 169 GW:150
    Jillian Michaels Shred it is any amazing workout!!! Glad to hear we have a great support group!!
  • mandy8ob2
    mandy8ob2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I would love to join you! I'm on day 4 of Level 1. CW: 169 GW:150
    Jillian Michaels Shred it is any amazing workout!!! Glad to hear we have a great support group!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I ordered mine today, just got back from a very indulgent holiday so hoping once it arrives it will kick me back into touch!

    I might be a few days behind everyone though, hopefully Amazon won't take too long though!
  • urbanmyth
    urbanmyth Posts: 26 Member
    Day 6 complete! The workout is definitely getting easier but I sweat a lot today simply because it's so hot in London and the fan in my living room just doesn't cut it!

    If it gets even easier tomorrow, I might move onto level 2 on day 8.

    I'm still frustrated by this weight gain, but I've visited the loo loads today and convinced it's water weight so hopefully it goes down. Also, I feel extremely bloated but that's surely the water weight too :(
  • kimly
    kimly Posts: 9
    Well, I hadn't heard of the 30 day shred, until now.

    It is however ordered and on the way!!!!!

    I wont be able to join you as it obviously wont be here for you guys starting, but if someone could let me know how you guys get on and what the results are like - then it would be very much appreciated!!!

    Thanks xx
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Ok so I entered it as circuit training.. I dont have a HRM but those who do what kind of calorie burn are you getting?

    I would also like to know. Going to skim through that thread posted on pg2.

    Have taken my before pics. Front and side. Will take back tonight as I'm sure 2 days won't make a huge diff in photo taking.
  • Hi,

    Just did day one again (tested it out once last week but then wanted to wait until the 1st to get used to the diet factor from last week). There are general listiings but I found if you are 175 its about 190 calories. I will see if I can share my tracker so you can calculate with your own weights :).

    Feelin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!
  • type in "Jillian michaels 30 day step 1" and see if it comes up - good luck to all!!!!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Day 3 done. Found I got more motivation in the last set of cardio. Took a back shot today. God, didn't realise I was that fat. Pictures are horrible things.
    People's success stories from 30DS keep me going!
  • urbanmyth
    urbanmyth Posts: 26 Member
    Good news - I took a sneak peek at the scales this morning (after peeing for England) and that extra kg has slid off overnight, so it was just water weight. Phew! :)
  • On day #2 of 30. When I first viewed this video I really thought it would be a piece of cake, I was wrong. My quads are so sore I can barely sit down at work or give my 4 year old a bath! Today was a bit easier because I knew what to expect. I have to modify a few things because of lower back problems but I have done both days completely to the best of my ability. I am really hoping this can jump start my weight loss because Jillian with her phoning it in at the gym and that awful music just might be the death of me! :o)
  • mandy8ob2
    mandy8ob2 Posts: 5 Member
    Just finished my 6th day with Level 1. Increased my weights with some exercise 5LB and some 10LBS. Also, added 10 minutes of walking and then 20 minutes of running since Jillian was really tightening up my calves. Now when I workout with Jillian No pain and even feel better the next day.
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 in the bag !!!! I worked out twice today i felt like crap after the second time but now that i've had time to relax from it I feel great and more energized than ever !!!