What's the first healthy thing you did on your weight loss journey?



  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    edited September 2017
    When I first decided to get serious about losing the weight I'd gained back I used calories counting and my Fitbit activity without any changes for 2 weeks to assess where I was at and what changes I needed to make to get back to my former healthy active self. I was eating 2000-3000 calories a day and averaging 4000-5000 steps without working out anymore. No wonder I was gaining!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    I was already eating "healthy" so started weighing & logging everything & was surprised how much calories the portion sizes contained, so I cut down. The next thing was eating throughout the day instead of my 2 large meals a day, which helped & helps me not to over eat
  • lizziekay289
    lizziekay289 Posts: 4 Member
    The first thing was to say "that's enough!" I lost 30 lbs ten years ago by walking and cutting down empty calories and walking, so I know I can do it. So I downloaded this app and the mapmywalk app and went for a 2.7 mile walk. That was 9 days ago. I cut down alcohol and empty calories and track food. I am not going to be nuts about it, but certainly sensible. Down 4 pounds so far.
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    I stopped eating fast food. I would not eat lunch then literally stop at two fast food places on the way home from work. Yep two, one close to my work to eat in the car, then one by house to eat when I got home.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Made a journal/log Wrote a few 'rules' and 'promises' to myself. In the journal I record everything I eat, every workout, my daily weigh ins etc. It is by far the most important thing I did. Looking back on it, keeps me motivated and seeing the success in print is very rewarding!
  • belleflop
    belleflop Posts: 154 Member
    edited September 2017
    The first thing I did was stop putting food into healthy/unhealthy categories. That took a lot of stress off the "restriction" part. Then I started eating less calories than I burned in a day.
  • Spiderpug
    Spiderpug Posts: 159 Member
    Weighing and logging - stopped deserts first
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    So many things at once. Buying a food scale was a big one.
  • HealthyforHenry
    I switched to a whole foods plant based diet. I went from 207 to 135 in a year. Best decision I ever made
  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    Asked myself What's different this time? What's your why?
    Answer: I want to get live light and healthfully for:
    1. Comfort -- every night when my head hits the pillow, every morning when I wake up, every time I walk out of a movie theater or restaurant I want to feel comfortable, physically and emothionally.
    2. Vanity. Yeah, I'm that person. ;-)
    3. Health -- Fair pushback to suggest that should be #1 reason, but I needed that immediate gratification of #1 to get on the path to good health.
    4. Immediately started weighing with a scale and logging every bite. Beautiful array of healthful, colorful foods are low cal naturally. Yummy, too!
    P.S. It's been working like a charm!
  • MossiO
    MossiO Posts: 164 Member
    Stopped lying to myself.
  • christys03
    christys03 Posts: 22,785 Member
    Started logging everything that I ate.....and went from there....was shocking how much I was lying 2 myself
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    Less fast food and more cooking.
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    No no, got one better....got off my *kitten*! Before making a change, I would lay in the bed almost all day and let my husband do most of the cooking. He would bring food to the bed and we would eat so freaking much. Then lay down. It was pathetic when I think about it...
  • ahmadzehour
    ahmadzehour Posts: 1 Member
    First, start reducing the Carb by 50%. No more sugar in the coffee. Take 1 Medjool date about 60 Cal in the morning just for energy. Eat very small piece of bread with your luch or dinner about 90 Cal. Focus on protein and make it about 40% from you intake. Exercise as much as you could. Tradmill minimum 30 minutes. I eat boild eggs 5 times a week in the breakfast only one at the time medium size. One piece of date, coffee with few drops of cream 5%. Lunch, I focus on protein such as Tuna, steamed Broccoli, fish, chicken breast...etc Not more than 150g. Snack, apple medium size Not every day, I would say 3 times a week. Roasted penut 1oz. Green tea without sugar. Dinner, steamed veggies not to exceed 130g. Go to gym 3 times a week.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Started logging everything without changing anything to understand baseline better and what changes I needed to make.

    Same. Believe it or not, I actually spent five months logging everything before I changed much of anything, and I was in fact gaining that whole time. I do think there was a little bit of observer effect happening - I didn't actively decide "I'm not going to get Jimmy John's for lunch because it's out of my calories", more like "huh, 614 calories for that Pepe, really? I don't think I'm that hungry." It might seem crazy, but I think that I just needed to spend time on that first step before really wading in.

    Funny. I'm addicted to the Vito. Had one last night...knew I'd go over but I guess I'm not that disciplined. Geesh!!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    First, start reducing the Carb by 50%. No more sugar in the coffee. Take 1 Medjool date about 60 Cal in the morning just for energy. Eat very small piece of bread with your luch or dinner about 90 Cal. Focus on protein and make it about 40% from you intake. Exercise as much as you could. Tradmill minimum 30 minutes. I eat boild eggs 5 times a week in the breakfast only one at the time medium size. One piece of date, coffee with few drops of cream 5%. Lunch, I focus on protein such as Tuna, steamed Broccoli, fish, chicken breast...etc Not more than 150g. Snack, apple medium size Not every day, I would say 3 times a week. Roasted penut 1oz. Green tea without sugar. Dinner, steamed veggies not to exceed 130g. Go to gym 3 times a week.

    Curious, why are you putting a limit on steamed veggies?
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Gave up fast food French Fries. Still missing ‘em. Then I committed to 30 cardio minutes a day. Walking or stationary bike. That was only 7 months ago, but wow how much I’ve changed.
  • maryannprt
    maryannprt Posts: 152 Member
    I started tracking my food, which included weighing and/or measuring. ( I already owned a scale for my yarn, so didn't have to buy one.) At the same time, I started adding a serving of fruit or veg to practically everything I ate. I do count calories, but don't worry too much if I'm over on a given day. (If I want the cheesecake, I eat the cheesecake, but throw a 1/2 cup serving or 2 of berries on it, for example) I've lost 25# so far in just over 6 months. One of the features I really love on MFP is the ability to easily add my own recipes.