Eatin dessert every day and losing weight?



  • Agent_Freckles
    Agent_Freckles Posts: 79 Member
    I've definitely cut dessert down a lot, for obvious reasons. Although the other day I had a Fiber One brownie topped with Halo Top pb ice cream and chocolate syrup for 200 cals
  • Aw0627
    Aw0627 Posts: 82 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    Aw0627 wrote: »
    I don't have dessert every day mostly because prefer ice cream to anything else, and I just don't always have Ice cream in my freezer, but when I do its Magnums or halos every day

    I eat a big bowl of nicecream everyday lol. Can pretend its a meal XD Frozen bananas blended with cinnamon and cocoa powder poured over frozen blueberries frozen for a bit and topped with chocolate PB2. Sometimes ill literally use it as a meal and add some protein powder. Treat it like the worst "protein shake" ever. Like a newbie shake thats all fruit hahaha. The blueberries bulk it up so much and add texture its like a blizzard xD Mmmmm

    Sounds good, especially with the chocolate PB2 I love that stuff. I've seen a couple of nicecream recipes that I want to try when I get a chance because I'm such an ice cream fiend I want to try different healthier alternatives.
  • jordandills
    jordandills Posts: 103 Member
    I have something sweet every day, it varies quite a bit. I pre-log so some days I have more room for snacks/desserts than others. Lately I've been having fiber one brownies, halo top, lily's or simply lite chocolate, Quest Hero or Think Thin bars, or making my own pumpkin spice greek yogurt.
  • mistypenningtongoin
    No sugar added fudgesicle, 40 calories
  • bellaesprita000
    bellaesprita000 Posts: 384 Member
    I love eating sweets, chocolate in particular. I fit it into my diet by having 1) chocolate-flavored protein for postworkout smoothies, 2) chocolate-flavored protein bars as mid-afternoon snacks (Fitjoy, Quest, thinkthin), and 3) chocolate flavored dessert in the form of greek yogurt and chocolate-flavored fiber one or kind bars.

    I've steadily lost ~1-2lbs a week since August. Currently 16 total lbs down.
  • dlipson30
    dlipson30 Posts: 5 Member
    Yep, I have some sort of 'dessert' after dinner pretty much everyday and I've lost 45 lbs.

    I did get into the habit of craving something sweet after dinner from before I started trying to lose weight and I decided instead of trying to change that I would find other ways to work it in. I save up most of my calories for dinner-time; I was never a morning eater as it was and it was easy for me to just have a protein bar, coffee and salad during the day which would leave something like 700 calories remaining when I got home from work. Then I could have a reasonable dinner of 400-500 Cals and have plenty leftover for dessert. Something that has really helped is that I've developed a fondness for Vector cereal (which is actually labeled as a meal replacement); it's sweet enough to be dessert for me and I can eat a 55g serving for 215 calories. That covers me for during the week and then on the weekend I can have something a bit more decadent if I choose.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I used to eat a couple pieces of dark chocolate every night but I haven't been lately
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,683 Member
    I eat something sweet almost every night. What and how much varies, depending on how my calories are going. Banana, peaches, applesauce, pudding, ice cream, chocolate, or an oatmeal raisin cookie are my usual options.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I eat dessert most nights after dinner and I lost weight and have maintained my loss for over 5 years. I have a serving of ice cream (not the whole container) or a cookie or two, a slice of pound cake - whatever treat I have baked up for the week. (I like to bake.) I have a larger serving if I've exercised and earned the extra calories and a smaller serving if I haven't. As long as it fits in your goals and you don't have some medical reason not to eat it, I don't see the problem... :)
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Since I don't really eat breakfast until around 1:00 or so, dessert is really my last meal, and I usually have quite a few calories left for it.

    Today was poorly planned since I ended up walking more than I thought I would, and I needed to eat a lot. I ate yogurt with 4 servings of pumpkin spice Cheerios -- 600 calories for dessert. Most nights my dessert is less than this, though. It is, however, often yogurt and cereal or kettle corn.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,003 Member
    I usually have at least one dessert per day. Sometimes it is a Fiber One brownie. Sometimes yogurt or fruit. Now that I am at maintenance I am more likely to have a higher calorie dessert. I found that individually package sweets were easier to moderate. It also helps me to have sweets as a small dessert and not as a snack. If I am hungry it is harder to eat a small portion, but if I have my sweet with a meal it is easier to have a smaller portion.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Greek yoghurt mixed with some quark and I stir in Pb2 and some nuts, seeds and dried fruit. I also have an apple. That is my dessert 6 days of the week. Saturdays I usually have cheesecake or chocolate fudge cake or some sort of fruit tart with mascarpone or thick single cream.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I have a latte with cinnamon and dark chocolate every morning, and Greek yogurt with berries most afternoons. Sometimes Halo Top. I also sometimes make room for one half of a chocolate chip cookie. I'm diabetic so excess sugar is a problem for me, but I was really really wanting a dark chocolate chip cookie, so I figured out how to make it fit.

    I can't really eat a typical "dessert" after a meal, since about 45g of carbs is all I can handle at a time without blood glucose spikes, and most desserts are that or more, on top of whatever carbs were in the meal. I have to plan to eat my dessert at a time when I haven't already filled up on carbs, and pick things which I can handle. It makes birthdays really annoying, since I can't eat dinner and then eat cake and ice cream, which is what my family normally does.
    Some person "wooed" this. Does this person truly think they know more than my blood glucose meter? I don't guess or have opinions, I know by direct measurement after eating exactly how foods affect my blood glucose and what my body can handle.

    Sorry you hate scientific observation and don't believe in objective reality, anonymous wooer. But my health is important to me.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I try to close off the day with some dry cereal or popcorn. I make dessert once a week (we usually have company for Saturday lunch) and keep it to under 200 calories/serving so I can enjoy any leftovers. This week, it's strawberry sorbet.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I eat chocolate every day. I lost 100 pounds and am now in maintenance. I just made sure my chocolate fit into my calorie budget.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Yeah, I eat dessert every day. I honestly have trouble losing weight. I'd create a better deficit if I just ditched it. But I don't have self control.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    hellzz yeah. I always leave room for dessert in my day. If i have room for regular dessert, awesome, if not, I usually have enough left for half a pint of halo top.
  • Whit_88
    Whit_88 Posts: 36 Member
    I do, every single day. Because for me, sweets are my weakness as well and it seems more natural for me to add a little something nice to the end of my day rather than crave it until I crack, thus ending in a binge. I typically go for fiber one brownies, I love them all or the fiber one cookies. But since its close to Halloween, Reeses have released their pumpkin shaped reeses and I adore those, so 1-2 times a week I'll save calories for that. If it fits your macros and genuinely makes you happier, have a little something. It wont hurt.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,531 Member
    Preeetty much have candy every day. Today tho, it was cookies. Cuz I made them and ya know, something about raw cookie dough.
    Log it no matter what you eat.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,683 Member
    I don't bake, because then I end up eating a lot more than I need or want. My husband is diabetic and he shouldn't eat a lot of sugar either. But it is easy enough to buy one piece of cake or one piece of pie. We're both okay with only one cookie. The hard part has been smaller bowls of ice cream. Half a cup just isn't enough. We only get ice cream on days I run a lot, and then I eat a double serving.