Coke Zero vs. Diet Coke



  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Big difference. I strongly dislike diet Coke but really like Coke zero
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    I agree that canned coke zero sugar isn't as.... bubbly? The carbonation isn't as strong, which is a bummer to me. I liked Coke Zero. Used it for caffeine in grad school when coffee would get to be too much.

    I grew up with Diet Coke in the house. My dad used it to sub out alcohol when he went sober so buys PALLETS of diet coke at Sam's Club. You'll never see him without one.
  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    I prefer regular Coke, but drink Coke Zero because it's close enough. I used to hate Diet Coke, but have grown to tolerate it when Zero isn't available. I can't really tell the difference between Zero and Zero Sugar unless I taste one, then the other, back-to-back. Otherwise it's too subtle for me to notice.
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    I am actually a diet Mt. Dew guy. Even when I get the urge for something different and want a regular soda, I prefer Diet Pepsi as I like the taste better than Coke's offerings. I realize this is a dispute as old as the Ford vs Chevy debate and entirely subjective, but I am firmly in Pepsi Co's camp.

    That said, there are obvious situations where I have no choice, and in such situations Coke Zero would be my preference.

  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    I love the Coke Zero Sugar. It's my new addiction - I've never really been that big a fan of Diet Coke.

  • vanilla_frosting
    vanilla_frosting Posts: 104 Member
    I used to drink Diet Coke all the time because "I didn't like Pepsi", but then a couple of years ago, Diet Pepsi was the only diet drink available. Now I'm a die-hard Diet Pepsi fan. The best part is that I collect Coca-Cola things. I've been told I'm a bit hypocritical... :D
  • WildBill_CQ
    WildBill_CQ Posts: 106 Member
    I think there is a nasty after-taste to Diet Coke... I love Coke Zero (with Bourbon). I have seen studies that say your body may spike your GI even with artificial sweeteners, so I try to limit them to 1 per day.
  • vikster11111
    vikster11111 Posts: 117 Member
    Diet Pepsi :p
  • ent3rsandman
    ent3rsandman Posts: 170 Member
    Diet Pepsi :p

  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    I used to drink Diet Coke all the time because "I didn't like Pepsi", but then a couple of years ago, Diet Pepsi was the only diet drink available. Now I'm a die-hard Diet Pepsi fan. The best part is that I collect Coca-Cola things. I've been told I'm a bit hypocritical... :D

    I drink Pepsi zero sugar and I have collected coca cola stuff for 15 years. You're not a hypocrite you just have good taste, lol
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    so I used to drink 2-4lts of "fat coke" a day.

    when I started counting calories I switched to diet coke and hated it the first 2 times lol
    I know drink either diet or zero but if we have any in the house it will be zero because the husband prefers it.

    anyway after making the switch 3 years ago I know cant drink fat coke! when I was given some it tasted sooooo sweet and almost felt thick to swollow safe to say Im sticking with diet and zero
  • wesley58
    wesley58 Posts: 129 Member
    Coke Zero, I have been drinking for quite some time, it is the only soda other than Fresca that I will drink
  • asonrody
    asonrody Posts: 83 Member
    Coke Zero Sugar tastes a lot better than Diet Coke personally. If I get it at a soda fountain and they have it I put in vanilla and cherry flavoring. Easily makes it even better!
    Pepsi Zero Sugar is my favorite, though. It tastes more like Pepsi to me than Coke Zero does Coke.
  • WildBill_CQ
    WildBill_CQ Posts: 106 Member

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    befit68 wrote: »
    I'd encourage EVERYONE to drop soda altogether. It leeches Calcium out of your bones, and there has never been an additive so actively investigated as Nutra-sweet (and it's derivatives) since the inception of the FDA. IMHO, diet pop is a Chemical poop storm...

    The fact that artificial sweeteners are so extensively researched is actually a point in *favor* of the argument that diet soda isn't harmful. I'm confused as to how you could spin it otherwise.

    Everything is made of chemicals. If avoiding chemicals is your goal, you'll die of dehydration way before diet soda would ever knock you down.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member

    I feel the opposite.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    befit68 wrote: »
    I'd encourage EVERYONE to drop soda altogether. It leeches Calcium out of your bones, and there has never been an additive so actively investigated as Nutra-sweet (and it's derivatives) since the inception of the FDA. IMHO, diet pop is a Chemical poop storm...

    The only thing even moderately interesting/factual in your post is the correlation between phosphoric acid and calcium deficiency.