Help! Constipation impacting weight loss?



  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    According to the USDA database for fibre per 100 grams

    Carrot 2.8 grams
    Celery 1.6 grams
    Cucumber 0.5 grams
    Spinach 4.1 grams
    Broccoli 2.6 grams
    Kale 3.6 grams
    Cos Lettuce 2.1 grams

    If you ate all of that in a day you have had 14 serves of vegetables and would only be getting 17.3 grams of fibre which is considerably below the recommended amount of 25 grams. I don't know what kombucha you are having but it normally isn't a calorie bomb because it contains no fibre.
    The only thing that you are eating which is a calorie bomb is the avocado at 6.7 grams per 100 grams.

    Why did you not include the avocado? That brings the OP up to the recommended intake.

    Because she would not be eating that much vegetable on a keto diet. I doubt she is eating half that. Also, jgnatca stated that vegetables are loaded with fibre and my entries must be incomplete. I was showing that this is not the case. It is obvious that the op is having problems with constipation because there is not enough fibre intake. It is even more obvious that too much fibre is not her problem.

    Pssst your maths is also lacking. 17.3 + 6.7 does not equal 25.
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Try a probiotic supplement. Trust me. I've suffered from chronic constipation my whole life. Only that helped. Also drink warm lemon water in the morning as it really triggers bowel movements.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    Try some black coffee just a swig. I have constant bowel issues, have my whole life, coffee does the trick for me, but if I add milk or sugar it doesn't help. I also find going for a job or long walk will help. If you want to add a high fiber bread try Ezekiel bread, normally in the frozen section. Lots of fiber a filling.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    SolotoCEO wrote: »
    Remember that most trainers are not nutrition experts. To me you are missing fats and fibre. Fruit is a major source of relief - pears, apples, etc. They also have nutrients you are missing. Add a couple of pieces of fruit for a few days and you should be good to go (yes, pun intended).

    This. I suspect it is a fat and fiber issue.

    When I first reduced my carbs I got backed up too. I am not keto and eat moderate carb now. I had to increase my fat intake to get my body feeling good again though when I made the switch and maintain my fiber. How many grams of fat and fiber are you getting each day?

    When I tried low carb with high protein I had your same problem.
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    Please read up on the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber. One kind (soluble) moves through you (often found in veggies and the other (insoluble) pulls water into the intestines. I have hepatic flexure syndrome and I eat tons of veggies and fruit however I need to take psyllium husk (insoluble) in larger quantities than the average person to stay regular.
  • LauraHerman1
    LauraHerman1 Posts: 10 Member
    I also had problems when starting my low carb diet. I was getting 30 grams of fiber before mostly from whole grains. After starting my low carb diet I was barely getting 20 grams per day. Veggies just do not have that much fiber per serving. I had to add back in some whole grains and drink more water. I also started taking an essential amino acid supplement which increased my water intake (a powder I mix with water) and also take 400 mg of Magnesium glycinate at bedtime. Now I am more regular.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    crewgirl86 wrote: »
    Nearly 4 weeks ago, I began a low-carb sugar detox diet. A typical day includes meals like:

    Breakfast: Frittata w/eggs, chicken sausage, veggies
    Snack: packet of almond butter + celery
    Lunch: Salad with oil and vinegar, baked chicken
    Snack: cucumbers, baby carrots
    Dinner: Broth based soup w/chicken, 1/2 avocado, salad
    After dinner: 1 bottle of kombucha

    I am exercising daily, and drinking a ton of water. (Definitely 8+ glasses/day)

    The first week, I dropped 3 pounds very quickly! The past two weeks, my weight has been stuck. I have also felt somewhat constipated for the past week. I am feeling like I am getting enough fiber from veggies, but obviously something must be wrong. :( I have also tried taking a Magnesium supplement + Psyllium Husks, with only VERY minimal relief (mostly they just make me gassy.) Help! I am so anxious to feel cleared out and see the scale move once again....

    I'm going through the exact same thing for the same reason. I've been consuming too much sugar and it makes my joints ache after awhile. I only plan to do low carb for 3 weeks max, and I'm at the beginning of week 2. I figure I'll be regular again once I go back to eating more balanced.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    So you're on a "detox" diet that is preventing your body from eliminating waste??

    We're not gonna circle back to this?
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    smantha32 wrote: »
    crewgirl86 wrote: »
    Nearly 4 weeks ago, I began a low-carb sugar detox diet. A typical day includes meals like:

    Breakfast: Frittata w/eggs, chicken sausage, veggies
    Snack: packet of almond butter + celery
    Lunch: Salad with oil and vinegar, baked chicken
    Snack: cucumbers, baby carrots
    Dinner: Broth based soup w/chicken, 1/2 avocado, salad
    After dinner: 1 bottle of kombucha

    I am exercising daily, and drinking a ton of water. (Definitely 8+ glasses/day)

    The first week, I dropped 3 pounds very quickly! The past two weeks, my weight has been stuck. I have also felt somewhat constipated for the past week. I am feeling like I am getting enough fiber from veggies, but obviously something must be wrong. :( I have also tried taking a Magnesium supplement + Psyllium Husks, with only VERY minimal relief (mostly they just make me gassy.) Help! I am so anxious to feel cleared out and see the scale move once again....

    I'm going through the exact same thing for the same reason. I've been consuming too much sugar and it makes my joints ache after awhile. I only plan to do low carb for 3 weeks max, and I'm at the beginning of week 2. I figure I'll be regular again once I go back to eating more balanced.

    We have now graduated to blaming joint aches on sugar?
  • Abby2205
    Abby2205 Posts: 253 Member
    thebuz wrote: »
    Please read up on the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber. One kind (soluble) moves through you (often found in veggies and the other (insoluble) pulls water into the intestines. I have hepatic flexure syndrome and I eat tons of veggies and fruit however I need to take psyllium husk (insoluble) in larger quantities than the average person to stay regular.

    You have this backward. Soluble fiber pulls water into the intestines and psyllium husk is primarily soluble fiber. Both types can have a role in preventing constipation.
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    Abby2205 wrote: »
    thebuz wrote: »
    Please read up on the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber. One kind (soluble) moves through you (often found in veggies and the other (insoluble) pulls water into the intestines. I have hepatic flexure syndrome and I eat tons of veggies and fruit however I need to take psyllium husk (insoluble) in larger quantities than the average person to stay regular.

    You have this backward. Soluble fiber pulls water into the intestines and psyllium husk is primarily soluble fiber. Both types can have a role in preventing constipation.

    My apologies. I was writing on the fly. :-) Thanks for the correction.
  • bellaesprita000
    bellaesprita000 Posts: 384 Member
    I have IBS-C so I've been struggling with constipation for years. I agree with what's been said, double-check your numbers and make sure you're getting enough fiber per day. Easy ways to boost your fiber intake: fiberone bars, benefiber, metamucil, psyillum husk each pack 3-5g per serving. There's also plenty of fiber gummies on the market these days.
  • imanibelle
    imanibelle Posts: 130 Member
    Be sure you're weighing your food and tracking calories. But otherwise, yes, though it could be water weight from sodium, TOM or water you've been drinking, constipation might cause weight loss to be masked. At the end of the day, poop poop good for your heart, the more you poop, the more you fart, the more you fart, the better you'll feel, so try to poop at every meal. :)
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    I had the same problem when starting Atkins. I ended up taking chewable fiber tablets, which did help. After a while I increased my carbs which helped make me more regular.
  • bobtater1
    bobtater1 Posts: 172 Member
    misnomer1 wrote: »
    smantha32 wrote: »
    crewgirl86 wrote: »
    Nearly 4 weeks ago, I began a low-carb sugar detox diet. A typical day includes meals like:

    Breakfast: Frittata w/eggs, chicken sausage, veggies
    Snack: packet of almond butter + celery
    Lunch: Salad with oil and vinegar, baked chicken
    Snack: cucumbers, baby carrots
    Dinner: Broth based soup w/chicken, 1/2 avocado, salad
    After dinner: 1 bottle of kombucha

    I am exercising daily, and drinking a ton of water. (Definitely 8+ glasses/day)

    The first week, I dropped 3 pounds very quickly! The past two weeks, my weight has been stuck. I have also felt somewhat constipated for the past week. I am feeling like I am getting enough fiber from veggies, but obviously something must be wrong. :( I have also tried taking a Magnesium supplement + Psyllium Husks, with only VERY minimal relief (mostly they just make me gassy.) Help! I am so anxious to feel cleared out and see the scale move once again....

    I'm going through the exact same thing for the same reason. I've been consuming too much sugar and it makes my joints ache after awhile. I only plan to do low carb for 3 weeks max, and I'm at the beginning of week 2. I figure I'll be regular again once I go back to eating more balanced.

    We have now graduated to blaming joint aches on sugar?

    Sugar is an imflamatory to some people
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited October 2017
    This is what works for me: 25g fiber or more + 50g fat or more + 3 liters water or more, every day. Too much protein and calcium binds me up. I eat ~100g protein including dairy every day, but I'm careful not to overdo whey protein, for example, and I don't tolerate calcium supplements well. A "Chelated" magnesium supplement can help, but mineral supplements are minor compared to the role of fiber, fat and water.

    We're all just speculating about whether you're getting enough fiber and fat without knowing your food weights. But it looks to me like far less than 25g fiber or 50g fat. I could not get there on vegetables alone without legumes every day. Change your settings to track fiber if you don't already. (More useful than tracking sugar, IMHO). Hope you find relief soon, OP.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Have some beans.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Poop weighs something but will not prevent fat loss.