Running into your Ex Post-MFP?



  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    This is my ex-post. We had a 5-year relationship

  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    What about my ex-dungeonmaster?
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I have been in a relationship with the same person for about 18 years. Any ex's I have are from before that time and haven't seen them really as I live in a different state and moved on with my life. I have no stories.
  • rae1721
    rae1721 Posts: 332 Member
    This is my ex-post. We had a 5-year relationship

    Mmmmm all that must of had a great relationship! ;-)
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    @rae1721 wrote: »
    This is my ex-post. We had a 5-year relationship

    Mmmmm all that must of had a great relationship! ;-)

    things would get a little prickly at times but overall, it was solid, especially in the mornings.
  • YearOfTheDragonLeo
    YearOfTheDragonLeo Posts: 214 Member
    I've never been overweight to a point that losing it could be a "payback"....

    But my satisfaction comes in that even the ones from high school, aka 20+ years ago, still find their way to my DM's, email, throughout the years to see if I'm single/available because "I'm the one that got away"....that's right mofo.... :#B)>:)
  • Lovely0770
    Lovely0770 Posts: 876 Member
    edited October 2017
    Well, my ex wouldn't be forthcoming about it to say the least. He sees me from time to time as we have a daughter together. But he's too prideful to admit any accomplishments I have made post him. Anyways, it doesn't stop the fact that after three years of separation, just under two years of divorce and even though he has a gf he says he's madly in love with, he still texts me very randomly to get a rise out of me. Threatens me with courts etc. threatens to not pay child support etc which was just this last weekend actually. However, I have lost 72 pounds altogether, 50 or so of which after leaving him. For awhile I didn't see him so he kept texting me non stop all day to let me know how fat and ugly he thinks I am. Saw him at our daughter's kindergarten graduation and he was too salty to even say hello. And left immediately after it giving just a quick hug to our daughter while I sat outside with her taking selfies. I know he doesn't like it and I know he notices because he has yet to call me fat again since. What's worst? He cheated on me with a girl he met on MFP, not physically but in every other way you can imagine. And seeing how they are now in a romantic relationship, he can't really deny it. And I'm really the reason they even met here because he didn't know of this site until I started on it while still married to him. They are both still here but they stay clear from posting in the threads knowing I'm an active part of the site as well. That and according to him, jealousy is an issue due to the threads. Even so, I'm sure he is quite aware of my weight loss and goals I've reached because of this site. Oh well. I was here first? Lol
  • Lovely0770
    Lovely0770 Posts: 876 Member
    edited October 2017
    ^^^ wouldn't say there's much drama there aside from the times he lashed out randomly at me. I on the other hand don't care to speak to him period unless I need to confirm things for our daughter. Other wise, he never gets a text from me initiating any form of conversation. If he has it's highly rare and not at all recent.
  • Lovely0770
    Lovely0770 Posts: 876 Member
    edited October 2017
    hellvee wrote: »
    If you want to make him jealous I’m your booboo

    You can be my booboo without doing that lol because you're awesome and sarcastic. I don't need him to feel jealous, his anger towards me after 3 years come this December for leaving a cheat filled marriage (she wasn't the only one during our marriage) says all I or anyone needs to know. I really do wish him and her well.... I just really wish he'd learn to leave me out of their relationship for example randomly telling me he's gonna marry her. Well, good for you. Did I not leave so that I wouldn't be the one called Mrs any longer? Lol Luckily, I have learned that what he is looking for is a rise out of me and in order to want one ya gotta still care. And the best revenge of all is not giving him one. Because he can't get one from me he has turned his attention to getting it from her by accusing me of things I wasn't even aware was going on to paint a picture of me being the bad person to her. But I really could give two s***s what either of them think.
  • Lovely0770
    Lovely0770 Posts: 876 Member
    edited October 2017
    hellvee wrote: »
    Did we just become best friends!??

    H**l YES we did :p

    Oh and I should make it clear that according to him they are still here on MFP from what we discussed from long time ago and just not doing the threads. I haven't personally myself seen either, so I guess I can't really confirm or deny in that case so I won't.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    hellvee wrote: »
    Lovely0770 wrote: »
    Well, my ex wouldn't be forthcoming about it to say the least. He sees me from time to time as we have a daughter together. But he's too prideful to admit any accomplishments I have made post him. Anyways, it doesn't stop the fact that after three years of separation, just under two years of divorce and even though he has a gf he says he's madly in love with, he still texts me very randomly to get a rise out of me. Threatens me with courts etc. threatens to not pay child support etc which was just this last weekend actually. However, I have lost 72 pounds altogether, 50 or so of which after leaving him. For awhile I didn't see him so he kept texting me non stop all day to let me know how fat and ugly he thinks I am. Saw him at our daughter's kindergarten graduation and he was too salty to even say hello. And left immediately after it giving just a quick hug to our daughter while I sat outside with her taking selfies. I know he doesn't like it and I know he notices because he has yet to call me fat again since. What's worst? He cheated on me with a girl he met on MFP, not physically but in every other way you can imagine. And seeing how they are now in a romantic relationship, he can't really deny it. And I'm really the reason they even met here because he didn't know of this site until I started on it while still married to him. They are both still here but they stay clear from posting in the threads knowing I'm an active part of the site as well. Even so, I'm sure he is quite aware of my weight loss and goals I've reached because of this site. Oh well. I was here first? Lol

    I love a good drama


    Thank you for sharing this <3
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Does it count that I am totally shallow and judgy when I go on facebook and all the folks I went to high school with look much, MUCH older and out of shape than I do...if they are even alive? I mean, I pwn it, but I ain't too proud of it. :)
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    Does it count that I am totally shallow and judgy when I go on facebook and all the folks I went to high school with look much, MUCH older and out of shape than I do...if they are even alive? I mean, I pwn it, but I ain't too proud of it. :)

    100% yes