


  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    When I started I was doing 6,000 to 8,000 per day. Every Monday I look at my past week and pick a day I was over my step goal and round it to the nearest 500. In 7 weeks I am now doing 13,000 to 17,000 (Some days even more) I bought a treadmill and walk at least 30 minutes on that. I make myself walk around the building at least once an hour and walking to the work mailbox is 600 steps round trip. I usually do that twice day.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I get at least 10,000 outside of purposeful exercise (my elliptical doesn't count towards my daily step goal).
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    8000-12000 depending on what type of workout I do. I get 6000-8000 outside of workouts having a desk job and a commute
  • Dinow
    Dinow Posts: 113 Member
    12000 to 15000 steps a day
  • hmiller89
    hmiller89 Posts: 1 Member
    I get minimum of 20k steps but my goal each day is to try for 25k. On really good days I'll shoot for 30k but that's not as common.
  • katsheare
    katsheare Posts: 1,025 Member
    I work at a desk, too, but I either take the train (about 4 miles walking round trip) or cycle (about 11 miles round trip), I make sure I get a 2+ mile walk in during the work day, and if I haven't made my 250 steps/hour (I love my FitBit!!!) I go up and down the three flights of stairs in my work building. I have been known to refuse rides from events about a mile from my home, just to 'get my steps in', even in the rain! I get in anywhere from 15000 - 30000 per day.
  • dancoon7469
    dancoon7469 Posts: 20 Member
    Have a fitbit which is set to 10,000 by default, a day in work I can hit that without doing anything else so turned it up to 15,000. Again a day at work I can just about hit that but 30mins on the treadmill after work makes sure I'm way over more often than not. Trying to hit it on a rainy day off work is much harder though (I do try).
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    edited October 2017
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    So far today I have done 25794 steps. My daily average is 24,000 ish. A bit extreme but what else can I say but "I like to walk ..... a lot!"

    Wow! Really?

    How do you manage to walk so far every day?

    I walk about 2400 steps in a mile. At that rate, 10k steps would be about 4 miles and 24k steps would be 10 miles.

    I normally only walk a few miles a day at most and, even when I go on a hike, it's usually only for 3-5 miles.

    Went on a 7 mile hike (16,276 steps) today (w/a max elevation of 900 ft) and I'm beat. I could never do 24k steps everyday.

    Kudos to you if you really do.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I am all over the map. Rarely more that 25000, rarely less than 6000. I'd say I average 10000
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    I aim for at least 8,000 - 9,000 'normal' daily steps, but try to, at minimum, go 15,000 steps a day by incorporating 3-5 miles interval walk/jog daily to bump me up to about 18,000 a day.

    If I am burnt out and can't handle the gym, I skip the interval training and walk my dog for 35 minutes to an hour to make up the difference. Even at 'dog walking' pace (stop, sniff, stop, sniff), I end up obsessing a little and won't stop until I have reached my normal goal.

    I have a desk job as well, but find the following helpful in getting at least 8,000 regular steps:
    1. I walk my dog in the morning
    2. I park two blocks away from Starbucks to pick up my coffee
    3. I park in the farthest parking spot away from my work entrance
    4. I take a long walk at lunch
    5. If I stop of groceries or on errands, I park as far away as possible to the door
    6. At the grocery store, I walk around the outside and up and down each aisle (not needing anything)
    7. I walk the dog when I get home

    It's amazing how many steps you can actually get in when you park farther away from things. Makes you realize how little we work for anything anymore!!!
  • katnadreau
    katnadreau Posts: 149 Member
    Monday-friday I get about 13,000 average (including workouts) Saturday is closer to 8000, Sunday 6000
  • flyandsleek
    flyandsleek Posts: 10 Member
    I use my Fitbit and I go for 10,000 steps.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    So far today I have done 25794 steps. My daily average is 24,000 ish. A bit extreme but what else can I say but "I like to walk ..... a lot!"

    Wow! Really?

    How do you manage to walk so far every day?

    I walk about 2400 steps in a mile. At that rate, 10k steps would be about 4 miles and 24k steps would be 10 miles.

    I normally only walk a few miles a day at most and, even when I go on a hike, it's usually only for 3-5 miles.

    Went on a 7 mile hike (16,276 steps) today (w/a max elevation of 900 ft) and I'm beat. I could never do 24k steps everyday.

    Kudos to you if you really do.

    I currently don't work which helps and try to walk at least 2 hours every day. I also have a treadmill which I use to get my Netflix fix. When shopping I make sure I park as far as I can from the shop entry. I often stand and pace when on my tablet.
    It is a fitness level I have built up over a year and a half. When I first started I was lucky to be able to walk a few kilometres at a time. I aim for a full day of walking at least once a fortnight which brings my average up. Monday was crazy and my longest walk ever. I walked from 7 am until 5 pm, stopping for lunch and toilet stops. In that time I walked 48 kms and 70,000 steps!