Subway salads

Hi guys.

This may sound stupid (like ALL my questions;)) but how many calories do you think would be in a subway salad.
I normally have a tune salad. Which is 2 scoops of tuna mayo, sweet corn, onion, lettuce, cucumber, tomato and a little mayonnaise light.

Do you think this is a good lunch for some one trying to lose their final 10lbs or Not?

Sorry if I sound silly, I'm just really struggling to lose atm and don't want to be eating the wrong thing. Thanks.


  • mer55
    mer55 Posts: 28 Member
    Nutrition information
    Default nutritional values are based on the standard 6" sub recipe.
    Calories from fat
    TOTAL FAT (g)
    Saturated Fat (g)
    Trans Fat* (g)
    SODIUM (mg)
    Dietary Fiber (g)
    Sugars (g)
    PROTEIN (g)
    IRON % DV
    Probably not the best choice of salads- why not the grilled chicken, but if you have the calories to spend, go for it. This info is always available online.
  • bobbigirl83
    bobbigirl83 Posts: 37 Member
    You can calculate the calories in their app.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    According to Subway's own nutrition calculator, that salad would be at least 350 calories. I would say its likely more than that because the sweet corn isn't included.

    If you have the extra calories, go for it. Otherwise, healthier options would probably be the grilled chicken or turkey with Italian dressing or oil & vinegar.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays. sadly. I wouldnt bother. Dont think in terms of whats healthy or not, Just filling and within your calories. That salad wouldnt fill me at all, But if it fills you, Go for it. Just remember to track every item, It adds up alot especially with things like heavy handed employees and extra sauces. Would be way to easy to lie to myself about how much i was eating with something as calorie dense as tuna in mayo.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    Make your own at home. Way less sodium.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,654 Member
    Hi guys.

    This may sound stupid (like ALL my questions;)) but how many calories do you think would be in a subway salad.
    I normally have a tune salad. Which is 2 scoops of tuna mayo, sweet corn, onion, lettuce, cucumber, tomato and a little mayonnaise light.

    Do you think this is a good lunch for some one trying to lose their final 10lbs or Not?

    Sorry if I sound silly, I'm just really struggling to lose atm and don't want to be eating the wrong thing. Thanks.

    There are no wrong things. Only too many calories that consistently add up to over your TDEE if you're not looking to gain weight.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,898 Member
    edited October 2017
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays. sadly. I wouldnt bother. Dont think in terms of whats healthy or not, Just filling and within your calories. That salad wouldnt fill me at all, But if it fills you, Go for it. Just remember to track every item, It adds up alot especially with things like heavy handed employees and extra sauces. Would be way to easy to lie to myself about how much i was eating with something as calorie dense as tuna in mayo.

    To the bolded: Overgeneralized, therefore false. There are a variety of salad choices at Subway that have reasonable calories (and macros) for a meal.

    I'm not a huge fast food fan because I'm vegetarian, but I've also had salads at Taco Bell and Wendy's that didn't blow my calorie budget (and still wouldn't with meat added that wasn't crispy fried, plus with lower cal dressings).

    Many of the fast food chains have much more detailed info on their web sites than on their in-store signs. Some even have calculators to add up any modifications you request.

    Yes, it makes sense to assume calorie-dense ingredients could be over-portioned compared to online info. But you can (1) avoid the most calorie-dense options (like mayo) and (2) do a quick add of 20% extra calories if you wish.

    It pays to be a well-informed consumer and use the tools/info available, in a smart way.

    Edited: fix quoting
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays. sadly. I wouldnt bother. Dont think in terms of whats healthy or not, Just filling and within your calories. That salad wouldnt fill me at all, But if it fills you, Go for it. Just remember to track every item, It adds up alot especially with things like heavy handed employees and extra sauces. Would be way to easy to lie to myself about how much i was eating with something as calorie dense as tuna in mayo.

    No, there are fast food salads with reasonable calorie counts and there are also additional steps people can take to control the calories (choosing lighter dressings, leaving off things like tortilla strips or croutons, etc).

    Subway is an especially good place to build a low calorie salad because you can load it up with vegetables and then control how many calorie-dense options you want to add.
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    The tuna salad is likely to be high calorie because of the mayo in the tuna salad. A tablespoon of mayo is 100 calories.

    A chicken breast salad with vinaigrette dressing (or oil and vinegar) is going to be much lower in calories, I'd say without looking up the nutritional information myself the salad I just mentioned (with cheese) would be about 300-400 calories.

    Tuna would probably be at least 500-600 calories at least, because of the mayo, and depending on the dressing you add, if you add dressing.

    If you're looking for really low calorie the veggie salad with cheese and dressing is about a hundred-two hundred, depending on what dressing you get and how much cheese they add.

    The veggie footlong sub with cheese and dressing (I don't know about ranch, I usually get vinaigrette) is about 300 calories, and most of that comes from the bread. Add a bag of chips and a diet cola or a water, and you've got a good size meal for about 400-500 calories. That's my go-to meal when I go to Subway. Lots of food, few calories, keeps me pretty full until the next meal.

    Of the fast food chains, Subway is the best place for a calorie counter to go in my opinion, because they have a ton of veggies, and if you ask they really pile them on (just watch the olives!), several low calorie dressings, and a lot of options. Now that they put the calorie counts on the menu it's easy to choose an option that fits into your calorie budget too. (It's harder with salad, because they don't list all the salads on the board)
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    The only questionable ingredient compared to any listed nutritional info would be the mayo. You don't know know how heavy-handed the employee may have been in adding it to the tuna salad (you may be able to guess if they over-added it by the consistency). The only other calorie dense items would be the tuna (which is lean, and high protein, and not too bad on calories) and the corn (which they probably didn't add a huge amount of).
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited October 2017
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays. sadly. I wouldnt bother. Dont think in terms of whats healthy or not, Just filling and within your calories. That salad wouldnt fill me at all, But if it fills you, Go for it. Just remember to track every item, It adds up alot especially with things like heavy handed employees and extra sauces. Would be way to easy to lie to myself about how much i was eating with something as calorie dense as tuna in mayo.

    No, there are fast food salads with reasonable calorie counts and there are also additional steps people can take to control the calories (choosing lighter dressings, leaving off things like tortilla strips or croutons, etc).

    Subway is an especially good place to build a low calorie salad because you can load it up with vegetables and then control how many calorie-dense options you want to add.

    You guys are quoting me like calories were my point. It wasnt. My point was satiation. Calories still are a factor but it so wasnt the main point i was making -.- Forget how many people attatch themselves to small parts of whole posts here.

    Go ahead get a lettuce salad with a vinegrette or whatever anywhere. Calories was not the point -.- Besides OP is eating mayo tuna salad with additional mayo. Not a low calorie option. Her question wasnt "do low calorie salads exist" Its what do you think of her salad choice
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    I usually get a double chopped chicken salad with the subway vinaigrette and its huge. Fills me for a few hours for less than 400 calories.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,898 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays. sadly. I wouldnt bother. Dont think in terms of whats healthy or not, Just filling and within your calories. That salad wouldnt fill me at all, But if it fills you, Go for it. Just remember to track every item, It adds up alot especially with things like heavy handed employees and extra sauces. Would be way to easy to lie to myself about how much i was eating with something as calorie dense as tuna in mayo.

    No, there are fast food salads with reasonable calorie counts and there are also additional steps people can take to control the calories (choosing lighter dressings, leaving off things like tortilla strips or croutons, etc).

    Subway is an especially good place to build a low calorie salad because you can load it up with vegetables and then control how many calorie-dense options you want to add.

    You guys are quoting me like calories were my point. It wasnt. My point was satiation. Calories still are a factor but it so wasnt the main point i was making -.- Forget how many people attatch themselves to small parts of whole posts here

    What you said about satiation was sensible: That it wouldn't be filling for you, but you hinted that it might be satiating for OP. Also, you made a good point about calorie-dense add-ins.

    Satiation is very individual. Personally, I need volume and protein for satiation, so I a Subway salad with a reasonable protein choice, dressed with vinegar, salt, pepper, and oregano, is a tasty and filling meal with a solid macro profile for its calories - one of the best fast-food choices out there . . . for me.

    We're responding to the one line because it's misleading, in a post that has other good information.
  • whosshe
    whosshe Posts: 597 Member
    I get the oven roasted chicken salad at subway. Very simple and their chicken is already in little portions so I'm not getting an extra scoop like you could be getting with tuna. I just log the subway nutritional info for the salad and then I log for cheese and my dressing. I tend to overestimate tho because you never really know.

    I think the mayo and extra mayo would be the only thing that could be hurting you. Tuna is relatively low cal but I know when I go to the store to buy mayo each brand has a different calories per serving.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited October 2017
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays. sadly. I wouldnt bother. Dont think in terms of whats healthy or not, Just filling and within your calories. That salad wouldnt fill me at all, But if it fills you, Go for it. Just remember to track every item, It adds up alot especially with things like heavy handed employees and extra sauces. Would be way to easy to lie to myself about how much i was eating with something as calorie dense as tuna in mayo.

    No, there are fast food salads with reasonable calorie counts and there are also additional steps people can take to control the calories (choosing lighter dressings, leaving off things like tortilla strips or croutons, etc).

    Subway is an especially good place to build a low calorie salad because you can load it up with vegetables and then control how many calorie-dense options you want to add.

    You guys are quoting me like calories were my point. It wasnt. My point was satiation. Calories still are a factor but it so wasnt the main point i was making -.- Forget how many people attatch themselves to small parts of whole posts here

    What you said about satiation was sensible: That it wouldn't be filling for you, but you hinted that it might be satiating for OP. Also, you made a good point about calorie-dense add-ins.

    Satiation is very individual. Personally, I need volume and protein for satiation, so I a Subway salad with a reasonable protein choice, dressed with vinegar, salt, pepper, and oregano, is a tasty and filling meal with a solid macro profile for its calories - one of the best fast-food choices out there . . . for me.

    We're responding to the one line because it's misleading, in a post that has other good information.

    Thats fair, I still think youd be beter off all around by making the salad at home- Was my main point calorie wise i guess. They hide the calories and everything has higher calorie, Like it or not. Even things youd think are healthy often times arent. Was more aimed at the premade types anyway, Not the ones you pick and choose toppings for. Even then, You have a bit more control over it but its still fast food. Still alot of stuff in it and alot of room for error in counting and all that.

    Fast food is fast food :p Anyway i stand by thinking your salad is a bad choice. Even if it satiates you -good i guess- But its mayo tuna....with added mayo. Mayo is so gross to me though so im biased hah. Could be why you cant lose, The last 10 pounds + errors by heavy handed employees could easily wipe out your deficit with such high calorie items.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays. sadly. I wouldnt bother. Dont think in terms of whats healthy or not, Just filling and within your calories. That salad wouldnt fill me at all, But if it fills you, Go for it. Just remember to track every item, It adds up alot especially with things like heavy handed employees and extra sauces. Would be way to easy to lie to myself about how much i was eating with something as calorie dense as tuna in mayo.

    No, there are fast food salads with reasonable calorie counts and there are also additional steps people can take to control the calories (choosing lighter dressings, leaving off things like tortilla strips or croutons, etc).

    Subway is an especially good place to build a low calorie salad because you can load it up with vegetables and then control how many calorie-dense options you want to add.

    You guys are quoting me like calories were my point. It wasnt. My point was satiation. Calories still are a factor but it so wasnt the main point i was making -.- Forget how many people attatch themselves to small parts of whole posts here.

    Go ahead get a lettuce salad with a vinegrette or whatever anywhere. Calories was not the point -.- Besides OP is eating mayo tuna salad with additional mayo. Not a low calorie option. Her question wasnt "do low calorie salads exist" Its what do you think of her salad choice

    I was specifically responding to this: "any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays."

    You don't have to limit yourself to lettuce and vinaigrette to have non-high calorie salad. Subway has multiple options to do this (and you can choose options that help you feel satiated). They even give you tools on the website to figure out the calorie count.

    If the question wasn't "Do low calorie salads exist?" then I don't understand why you chose to address that particular point.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited October 2017
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays. sadly. I wouldnt bother. Dont think in terms of whats healthy or not, Just filling and within your calories. That salad wouldnt fill me at all, But if it fills you, Go for it. Just remember to track every item, It adds up alot especially with things like heavy handed employees and extra sauces. Would be way to easy to lie to myself about how much i was eating with something as calorie dense as tuna in mayo.

    No, there are fast food salads with reasonable calorie counts and there are also additional steps people can take to control the calories (choosing lighter dressings, leaving off things like tortilla strips or croutons, etc).

    Subway is an especially good place to build a low calorie salad because you can load it up with vegetables and then control how many calorie-dense options you want to add.

    You guys are quoting me like calories were my point. It wasnt. My point was satiation. Calories still are a factor but it so wasnt the main point i was making -.- Forget how many people attatch themselves to small parts of whole posts here.

    Go ahead get a lettuce salad with a vinegrette or whatever anywhere. Calories was not the point -.- Besides OP is eating mayo tuna salad with additional mayo. Not a low calorie option. Her question wasnt "do low calorie salads exist" Its what do you think of her salad choice

    I was specifically responding to this: "any fast food salad is guarenteed to be high calorie nowadays."

    You don't have to limit yourself to lettuce and vinaigrette to have non-high calorie salad. Subway has multiple options to do this (and you can choose options that help you feel satiated). They even give you tools on the website to figure out the calorie count.

    If the question wasn't "Do low calorie salads exist?" then I don't understand why you chose to address that particular point.

    Because im sick and my brain isnt working to put my thoughts properly into words, Im not disagreeing with you all i even agreed above lol. I wish youd stop quoting me now xD