Treadmill Running: how to not get bored?



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Seconding the HIIT suggestion. It's short and intense. But sometimes you still might want to change it up for some variety. If so, you can add in some misc inclines and speed changes. Some treadmills are programmable and/or have built-in programs.

    Also, music. I would have a hard time running without tunes.
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    I only run for tops 20 minutes 2x a week. I do HIIT - which is 2 minutes 4.0, 1 minute 8.0, repeat until you get to 20 minutes. It gives you an amazing workout and you're not're too busy recovering from the 1 minute sprint to be bored...and it goes by fast and has been proven more effective than steady state running!

    P.S. That is the only cardio I do at all.

    I'll have to try this!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I watch movies or catch up on my favorite TV shows. I try not watch regular TV because I get bored durring the commercials. I also have a great playlist I made for my mp3. Sometimes I do both! (I'm talented like that). :laugh:
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    Music......................................Love it!! I pick what to listen to based on my mood:-)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I just wear my ipod and listen to music.....after awhile it still gets boring though. Nothing beats outdoor running!!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I only run for tops 20 minutes 2x a week. I do HIIT - which is 2 minutes 4.0, 1 minute 8.0, repeat until you get to 20 minutes. It gives you an amazing workout and you're not're too busy recovering from the 1 minute sprint to be bored...and it goes by fast and has been proven more effective than steady state running!

    P.S. That is the only cardio I do at all.

    I'll have to try this!
    If you like HIIT traning check out my link I posted earlier... I love it... I do it 3x a week but I do 8 8.5 9 for speed you can adjust to what you can do.
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    Watch Extreme Makeover weight loss edition or Biggest Looser while on the DREAD-mill......If those ginouromous people can get off their *kitten* and run you can too!! Thats what I say to myself anyhow... I personally hate the dread mill so I run outside as much as I can!!!
  • Motorgirl6
    I suffer from the same. I tried watching TV..not good. I would get too interested in that and lose my pace. Now, I am just listening to my workout music on my Ipod. Whenever the song changes, I change my speed whether it be faster or slower, rotating between the two. I hope that makes sense! It helps to speed up the time as I am constantly changing the speed every 2-3 minutes and before I know it my workout is over.

    Another thing I have is a workout you download to your ipod. There are several online. It really makes the time go by faster and you get a better workout because they push you. I can't remember the name of the one I have, but I think it is by Sean Mallory.
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    I row and depending on my mood/programme do the following:

    1) Short training sessions - MUSIC!
    2) Long training sessions - Catch up on TV shows I've recorded
    3) Endurance training - Watch the F1 grand prix and row from start to finish (90 mins last weekend).

    Also I have done interval training before but recently found pyramid traning much more fun. Not sure how you'd do it on the runner, but on the rower I do;

    10 strokes at low resistance, 10 at high, then 20 at low, 20 at high, 30-30, 40-40, 50-50, 40-40, 30-30, 20-20, 10-10

    Not so boring.

    I think the key is to mix things up a bit?
  • dave_in_delaware
    dave_in_delaware Posts: 49 Member
    Wow. Thanks for all the input so far everyone!

    I did fail to mention that I usually have my music playing while I run. I listen to "aggressive" or "high beat-per-minute" music and the beat keeps me moving. But I still find myself getting bored visually. I don't know what to look at. And it's the same stuff every time.

    I've looked at each movie on the DVD shelves, and in my mind tried to remember a good/funny part from each movie. That works for a little while, but my mind gets bored of that after 2 minutes (no, I don't have ADHD).

    I've had the TV on a few times before, to try that. But like I said, if there's movement on the TV (someone running, too, or just walking to the side), my body tends to try to mimic it, and I end up losing concentration a little.

    Please, more suggestions and personal stories! Thank you!
  • Pieces_of_Me3
    Pieces_of_Me3 Posts: 19 Member
    I just got a treadmill about 2 months ago and am up to running for about 67 minutes....some days are a struggle to not be bored as I stare at the wall or out the window but for the most part here are some things I do.

    -Interval running - I think someone else already mentioned this although I don't sprint. Or I start at say 5.6mph for one minute, then move up to 5.7 for one minute and keep going up every minute till I reach 6.1mph. I run at that speed for 5 minutes, then work back down to 5.6 and repeat.

    -Music - If you can find a song that you like and has the same rythm as your running, this helps big time...I often would hit repeat and just go. There is a chance you might get sick of the song though after the 100th time listening to it ;P

    -Watch IHOP- I prop my comuter up where I can see it, plug in my headphones to it and listen to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. I get to involved in what they're doing that 20 minutes fly's by without me realizing it, plus I get in some great time with Jesus!

    Those are the things I do and work for me :)
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    4 minutes "jogging"
    1 minute "running"

    or 3 minutes "running'
    1 minute "sprinting"

    I try to set my playlist to have the pace match my stride.

    I watch t.v. with closed captions and also listen to my music.

    I'm also "in my head" as someone mentioned. I'm constantly pep talking myself, doing my budget, planning my dinner, picking out my outfit for tomorrow etc. etc.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    I only ever go 30 minutes max. Intervals + constantly trying to run longer distances keeps it interesting.
  • BlueAventer
    I usually focus on my form and how I run so that I don't injure my shoulder. I rear-ended someone almost 2 years ago and when I run too violently or swing my arms in bizarre ways, my shoulder starts hurting really bad to the point I can barely move it. So, I mostly focus on what I'm doing to minimize the jarring affects of running. Soon, I'd like to take up some other sport that's less harsh on my body. I run almost every night at least a mile, usually 2. As far as watching things, I usually watch the miles/minutes add up. And sneak peaks at the crazy things the other people working out are doing. LOL :laugh:
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    Wow. Thanks for all the input so far everyone!

    I did fail to mention that I usually have my music playing while I run. I listen to "aggressive" or "high beat-per-minute" music and the beat keeps me moving. But I still find myself getting bored visually. I don't know what to look at. And it's the same stuff every time.

    I've looked at each movie on the DVD shelves, and in my mind tried to remember a good/funny part from each movie. That works for a little while, but my mind gets bored of that after 2 minutes (no, I don't have ADHD).

    I've had the TV on a few times before, to try that. But like I said, if there's movement on the TV (someone running, too, or just walking to the side), my body tends to try to mimic it, and I end up losing concentration a little.

    Please, more suggestions and personal stories! Thank you!

    Most people said running outside is the best.. but I run outside and I STILL get bored. LOL

    I like to pretend the entire world is watching me. Like, I'm running in the Olympics and I can hear the news announcers talking about me (bc that's what it's like in the Olympics, I'm sure of it! haha). "She's been running at a steady pace, but she's going to need to pick it up a bit if she plans on winning this thing." "You're right, Bob. And look, there's her family who just arrived this morning to watch her." (the camera zooms in on my husband and kids). "How very proud of her they must be..."

    It's crazy, I know, but it keeps my mind roaming enough to somewhat kill the boredom!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I watch Man v disgusts and inspires me at the same time. Sports like soccer matches and track meets are great too. And you have to find your Zen spot, try covering up the readout. My record treadmill time is 3 1/2 hours when I was training for a marathon during the winter!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Running, for me, is always boring. So is walking. Whether it's on a treadmill or outside. It's just too monotonous. I need something like dance to sustain my interest.
  • BlueAventer
    Also, an earlier poster mentioned this... shows like Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition & Biggest Loser are VERY motivational things to watch.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I had to run 12 miles on the treadmill Sunday...injuries and the heat index made it a bad idea to run outside. My furthest run on the treadmill had been 10K before I more than doubled it (ended up running 12.5). I am not an indoor runner and mentally, it's hard for me to run and not move/see new things/feel the ocean breeze. But it had to get done as part of my marathon I did it. It sucked, but everytime I thought "5 miles is far enough..." or "8 is more than I would have done outside", I also thought to myself "you are not a quitter. you will log these miles. end of story".

    I watched about 90 minutes of Billy Madison and then watched 30 minutes of Real Housewives. No one else was around in my tiny apartment gym, so it was pretty much as ideal as it could have been. My suggestion is just to distract yourself as much as possible from the fact you're running on a treadmill.
  • DancinSMartiPants
    I save my favorite shows and ONLY watch them while I'm on top speed on the treadmill-- not during warm-ups or cool downs. I run between 30 and 50 minutes at a time, so I try to parcel out the shows and watch them in 20 minute chunks. The rest of the run I either listen to music, an audiobook (reading makes me carsick on the treadmill) or work on writing a novel in my head.