Running accessories



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Yeah, I have a knock off of the flip belt. So much nicer than carrying my phone.
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    I carry an iPhone 7 Plus in an Otterbox Defender case (BIG). I ordered a running belt off Amazon which happened to be one of the few belts that can hold a phone this size. I love it. I also wear a Garmin Forerunner. Can't get rid of either! The phone holds my C25K app as well as my Spotify. The Garmin watch lets me track my pulse and times my speed during my runs. Haven't yet figured out how to carry water but now that the temps are cooling off I feel I can do without it.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I use different accessories, depending on the situation:

    Hydration and carrying stuff (key, etc.):
    Shorter runs, or longer runs where I know there are places to re-fill water: Nathan water bottle with pouch and hand strap
    Longer runs where there is no fuel: I use an Osprey hydration pack made for cyclists. The cyclist pack bounces less than those made for runners (those cyclists get all the good stuff...).

    Armband to carry phone.
    Bluetooth earbuds for shorter runs (2.5 hrs. max) and wired earbuds for longer runs (because of battery life).

    Watch / tracker:
    Garmin Fenix 3 HR - you may not need something as expensive, but I love this tracker. I switched from Fitbit after I realized the Fitbit battery wasn't going to cut it for longer runs.

    If I might be out at night / after dark:
    Headlamp, handheld runner flashlight (it has a blinking red light on the back and a hand strap), blinking clip-on lights, reflective hat, shirt with reflective material, and reflective vest.

    If I'm going to be out during daylight, I usually have a hat. Always wear sunscreen - don't forget suncreen lip balm. My glasses darken automatically when it is bright, but you may want sunglasses.

    Make sure the shoes fit right for you, and don't wear cotton. Some of us use Body Glide in some areas. If it is really hot, I also use talcum powder. I also always carry a hankerchief to wipe away sweat.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I inherited my husbands Forerunner when he upgraded - a way to see if I wanted one. I have my own vivosmart too. After all I have two wrists B) Other than that I have a running belt (flip belt knock off)which carries my phone if my husband is not at home just in case I get injured. If he is home I don't carry it. I usually wear a cap to keep my hair in some shape and soak up my sweat.
    I don't use any music for running as I prefer to hear nature, birds and things outside.
    Not carrying water until I hit the 10K (7K currently) I make sure I am hydrated before I leave and have a jug ready when I come home.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I wear a RoadID and a Garmin watch and stick my key in a pocket or in a pouch that attaches to my shoelaces. For shorter runs I don't bother with water and I plan my long runs so I pass my house half way round and stash a water bottle under the hedge. I never carry a phone or any music so don't need to bother with armbands or headphones.

    For races, I have a spibelt which has toggles to attach my number and I can put a couple of energy beans in the pouch just in case. If it's 10k or shorter, I don't bother carrying water and will use the water stations if I feel I need it. For races longer than 10k I will attach a small water bottle to my Spibelt. I once ran a half marathon in warm weather and passed a couple of water stations without taking a drink, only to get the station where I was planning to grab a drink to find they'd run out of water. Not fun.
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    I received a running belt as a gift. I has a pocket for my phone and keys. It's a like a smallish fanny pack. It also came with two small water bottles and pockets to hold them. As I usually don't run more than 5k or so, I don't carry water with me. I didn't think I would like the belt, but I don't even notice it when I'm running.

    It's like this one -
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,683 Member
    I wear a Garmin Forerunner watch and carry an ipod in my shorts pocket if I want music. If I'm going to be out for more than an hour, I carry water - either a 20 oz soda bottle or a 32 oz. Gatorade bottle - in a fanny pack. Less than an hour I don't bother with water unless it's really hot. I carry dog spray in the fanny pack as well, since there are a lot of loose dogs at the farms around here. I've only been bitten once, but it was enough to make me cautious on my longer runs. If I'm doing a short group run I skip the water and fanny pack and just keep keys and headlamp either in my pocket or in a Spibelt.
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    I'm low-tech and run with a cheap timex, a lumbar pack, and sometimes a water bottle with a hand strap, but a good HRM/GPS watch coudl be helpful. I like the lumbar pack to an arm band personally, but that's a matter of preference and I see a lot of runners with arm bands. You could find a hip/waist/lumbar pack that has space for a phone AND holds your water (look at the options offered by Nathan). There are also running tights that have pockets on the lumbar area but I don't recommend those for electronics because they will get damp from sweat. I also had a friend who used to tie her key onto her laces and carry a poland spring bottle she'd just keep refilling; you can get as low-tech as you want.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I know a lady who's apartment is set up so that when a visitor buzzes in, it goes to her phone. So when she runs, she brings the phone and leaves the key behind (one less thing to lose) then buzzes herself in when she's done.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    DX2JX2 wrote: »
    Depending on the length of your runs, you might want to try running without carrying water. It makes things much easier from a logistics perspective (water isn't exactly light or compact) and chances are that you might actually be hurting your running performance by drinking too much water along the way. Many runners (myself included) don't bother with water mid-run unless we'll be going for an hour or more.

    It's not critical but is something to consider. If you ever start running for race times/performance, then you'll definitely want to revisit your hydration needs.

    Key running accessories for me are a true run tracking watch (the ability to review stats around cadence, pace, HR, etc. help tremendously), an armband for my phone (I actually don't mind carrying it in my hand most of the time but the band is a lifesaver for longer runs), wireless headphones, and a good stockpile of shorter and longer podcasts. I generally run with a bare minimum.

    Another option for water...if you do an out and back or repeat laps of a track or route, just leave your water bottle somewhere along the way. Nobody will mess with it and you can grab a drink as you pass by.

    This is me totally! My friend and I used to drive to our half way point and put our drinks in the bushes and then they were always waiting for us. Plus it gave us something to look forward too.
  • jondspen
    jondspen Posts: 253 Member
    I have a CamelBack that I run with. I carry my water, wallet, keys, and phone in it. I am doing triathlon sprint training, so I have it with me on the bike, then can quickly jump off, change shoes and run shorts...and am on my way again. A little bulky...but it's what I got for now and does the job.
  • changeconsumeme
    changeconsumeme Posts: 229 Member
    I've thrown dignity out the window and I run with a hydration belt. It's a fancy fanny pack with a slot for a water bottle. I usually wear it with the bulky part on my back rather than the front of my waist. Found it on Amazon.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,003 Member
    I run with a flipbelt. I love it. I also have a water bottle that fits in it. I don't always carry water, but I do live in Texas and if it is over 90F I carry water. Sometimes I just pour it on the back of my neck. But in the winter I don't generally carry water, but the flipbelt works well for my phone and keys and some tissue.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Running Buddy pouch for my phone. Keeps it nice and secure. I also have a small waist pack with a water bottle that is not annoying.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I broke on of my flipbelt water bottles. The bottle is fine but the top is busted. I went back to a belt for my water bottle. It's easier to get to when running.

    So, watch (VivoActive HR), phone in the flipbelt, bluetooth headphones, key in the flipbelt. Good shoes, compression shirt cuz my belly is still too big and flops around, headband for warm runs, headlight and reflective jacket for early morning runs.

  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Garmin watch. Handheld water bottle. Bras, tops, shorts, and tights with pockets for your phone, keys, and whatever else you want to carry.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Garmin 935 watch, running belt for my phone and car keys, bluetooth headphones. And sometimes a Scosche Rhythm+ HRM band (when I feel like using it).
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I always carry my phone. For runs less than 7 miles I have a roo pouch that I can tuck my phone into so I don’t have anything in my hands. It’s only big enough to carry my phone and a key.

    For longer runs I used to have a handheld water bottle and a spandex belt that would hold my phone because I didn’t want to carry both my phone and a water bottle. I recently purchased a hydration vest because 20oz was not enough water during 12 mile runs in the heat and humidity. I really like it cause I can be totally hands free. It holds my phone, key, and up to 2 liters of water comfortably.

    I wear a Garmin Forerunner 235 to track activity.
  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    Just my phone. In my hand. I listen to music and/or podcasts and sometimes want to skip ahead so I just carry it. I had an armband but it rubbed holes in my arm so I stopped wearing it.
    I have a Garmin but I just wear it for races and use a phone app for training as I'm going to be carrying my phone anyway.
    I only drink water on longer runs, and then will just stop at a water fountain en route. If I'm running over 30km I'll put a gel in my pocket.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I hate carrying anything extra. I do short distance now, usually between 4 and 7 miles. But even when I did long distance over 20 miles I didn't need water or fuel with me.

    I stick my key on my shoelace, and my phone in either my bra or in a pant's pocket. I always chew gum when I run too which I think helps stave off thirst.