Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • natureboyain
    natureboyain Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys and gals! My name is Justin. I'm new on the forums. Started MFP 44 days ago. I started out at 386 pounds and now I'm at 344 by sticking to 1700 calories/week. My goal as a 6'0 male is to get down to 220 lbs. I've recently started swimming laps 3 days a week as well. I would love to have you all as my friends as I continue my journey of doing what others say is impossible.
  • Andysanch11
    Andysanch11 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, I'm Andy, started my weight loss in july with the intention to look good for a vacation in january. Feel free to add!
  • vianneyorozco18
    vianneyorozco18 Posts: 9 Member
    Would be nice, kinda crazy no ones posted for two years tho 0_o but yes having others to motivate you and me doing the same would be awesome!
  • natureboyain
    natureboyain Posts: 3 Member
    Would be nice, kinda crazy no ones posted for two years tho 0_o but yes having others to motivate you and me doing the same would be awesome!

    Nice to meet you. Click to the last page and you will see recent posts.
  • brittvas1
    brittvas1 Posts: 9 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me.
  • cwdelaney
    cwdelaney Posts: 17 Member
    New to MFP and also looking for motivational and supportive friends, please feel free to add me.
  • jayhd777
    jayhd777 Posts: 86 Member
    My MFP journey is starting again after success last time.... open diary, regular poster.... feel free to add
  • brentgulledge
    brentgulledge Posts: 4 Member
    I've been on MPG for a long time logging fitness through Garmin, but just recently started logging meals. I can't believe I didn't start doing this a long time ago! I'm experimenting with different diets in an attempt to reduce chronic migraines I've had for nearly 2-years. The current experiment is a cryogenic diet, but I will try other as time goes on. Add me as I need all the friends I can get!
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    feel free to add me
  • rArmantas
    rArmantas Posts: 44 Member
    Hello! Add me for motivation ^^
  • kballard1966
    kballard1966 Posts: 13 Member
    Add me, please!
  • NewStartDayBeginning
    NewStartDayBeginning Posts: 16 Member
    edited October 2017
    I'm new to MFP looking for motivated friends. & ppl who are positive, inspiring & pushing to better themselves.. I wanna talk with ppl who have the same challenges & wants the same changes in life as I do. I've lost 18 lbs since July 11th. I'm 32. Ready for a healthy lifestyle change. Dedicated and ready. Add me. I'd love to have a great group of friends.
  • Lovelybee2017
    Lovelybee2017 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in!
  • awildwomanatheart
    awildwomanatheart Posts: 89 Member
    Daily logger and all about supporting each other. Feel free to add me :)
  • IPedal_4_Pleasure
    IPedal_4_Pleasure Posts: 27 Member
    Hi...I've been on MFP since Jan 2011. I lost 75 pounds and am maintaining now. I'd love to add more intereactive friends.
  • maitevillanueva
    maitevillanueva Posts: 53 Member
    Looking for long haul friends for support during the ups and downs as we pursue this lifelong lifestyle change...
  • kmreyes158
    kmreyes158 Posts: 2 Member
    I need more friends
  • pattikl56
    pattikl56 Posts: 3 Member
    Need friends to motivate me..
  • cattizzy
    cattizzy Posts: 13 Member
    Around 3 years ago I used MFP to lose 20lbs, and I am here again not because I gained it back but because I want to continue losing! I am a 19 year old college student, but I would love to be friends with anyone of any age!
  • DreDay46
    DreDay46 Posts: 491 Member
    Feel free to add!