Paleo Diet 30 days (starting Monday October 16th!)

stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
edited October 2017 in Challenges
Hello, I started the Paleo Diet today. I would love to have people join in and for 30 days write here what we ate to keep accountable. I want to make this my lifestyle but I think for the first 30 days accountability would be great to have to kickstart this lifestyle!

I'm gonna follow all Paleo guidelines (eat veggies, fish, eggs, organic meats, fruits, seeds - no grains including corn and rice, no sugars, nothing that is not natural, no dairy).
Except I will eat garbanzos or lentils here and there, for example once a week if wanted. (I read legumes are beneficial form of protein and fiber, when eaten in moderation.)

State your name and weight or fitness goal if you wanna join!



  • beatgirl
    beatgirl Posts: 3 Member
    How are you doing so far? I started primal yesterday.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I think lentils make the whole thing more doable. Good luck.
  • NewStartDayBeginning
    Im amber.. 230lbs now im 5'4 & down 18lbs. My goal weight is 185lbs by summer.
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    beatgirl wrote: »
    How are you doing so far? I started primal yesterday.

    good! and you? primal is the same as paleo isn't it? or how is it different?
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    Im amber.. 230lbs now im 5'4 & down 18lbs. My goal weight is 185lbs by summer.

    awesome!! Let's do this! do you think you'll be able to post daily?
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    Hi @ stephyyyo . I will join you. I recently regained 9# of the 20# I lost earlier this year (to get to my goal weight). Bad carbs, too much diet coke and overeating have crept back into my daily diet. I do well with accountability challenges, 30 days is doable. I have been reading up on the paleo diet and seems a very healthy way of eating except I may cheat and have plain rolled oats). I will post daily here (I don't log in my meals in MFP). Look luck to you!
  • Lavelle1980
    Lavelle1980 Posts: 367 Member
    I just ended a 1 year vegan diet, and decided to do paleo a few days ago. I'm interested.
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    I've been mostly paleo, or at least paleo inspired, for the last month or so I guess. But I'm trying to crank it up now. Pretty much completely grain free already, switched to mostly grass-fed beef and pasture raised chicken and pork.

    Dairy is lingering, but I've cut it down a lot.

  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    Hi @ stephyyyo . I will join you. I recently regained 9# of the 20# I lost earlier this year (to get to my goal weight). Bad carbs, too much diet coke and overeating have crept back into my daily diet. I do well with accountability challenges, 30 days is doable. I have been reading up on the paleo diet and seems a very healthy way of eating except I may cheat and have plain rolled oats). I will post daily here (I don't log in my meals in MFP). Look luck to you!

    well first congrats on the original loss! And welcome to this challenge, I'm sure you'll be able to get back to where you wanted!

    I'm doing this same reason as you, I do well with these challenges and will post here daily all I eat starting Monday. Best of luck!! :)
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    I just ended a 1 year vegan diet, and decided to do paleo a few days ago. I'm interested.

    Congrats on doing the vegan diet for 1 year! I did it for 6 months last year. I think Paleo is definitely a healthy way of eating as well! Welcome to the challenge, remember to post daily, or try to.
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    jdlobb wrote: »
    I've been mostly paleo, or at least paleo inspired, for the last month or so I guess. But I'm trying to crank it up now. Pretty much completely grain free already, switched to mostly grass-fed beef and pasture raised chicken and pork.

    Dairy is lingering, but I've cut it down a lot.

    Wow sounds like you are already on the right path! How have you been doing for the month? Have you felt better, lost any weight?
  • rachelkanakis
    rachelkanakis Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I've gained about 20 pounds in the last 6 months and just trying to get back to where I normally am.

    I've done paleo in the past and never felt better. Was thinking about going that route anyway so this will keep me accountable.
  • akha401
    akha401 Posts: 6 Member
    Im joing you! Sounds fun
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    The days before starting a challenge are always the worst for me. Craving what I know I will need to avoid in the paleo diet! Ice cream in particular. I may need to keep my diet coke until after this challenge, I'll work on cutting down so I don't those awful withdrawal headaches! What foods or drink will be the hardest for all of you not to consume?
  • k1ttykaz
    k1ttykaz Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! I will probably also do some legumes and also veggie juices. Looking forward to it! I've been having too much dairy lately. @energyseeker Hardest for me not to consume will probably be yoghurt and chocolate.

    Starting weight (5'8") 14/10 178
    Goal weight @ 30 days 14/11 165
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    I have been doing Autoimmune Paleo Protocol for over a year, so I am used to it. But i wish you all the the best. Such a great opportunity to try new food! Just keep it really simple, and it will be fine :)
  • princessrebecca1601
    I'm up for this, have tried before but fail after a few days. I'm 202lbs and wanting to loose a bit before Christmas.
  • Hrhonehouse
    Hrhonehouse Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello! I've been transitioning to Paleo over the past 2 months; i.e. finishing up what I already have in my cupboards/fridge and replacing with paleo as I shop :-) So far, I've lost approximately 10 pounds. I am THRILLED. Sounds like slow progress compared to some, but been battling weight for over 20 years and it's so nice to see the scale trend down finally. :-) Paleo is good for me b/c it cuts out inflammatory triggers such as dairy, soy and legumes and I have found that has made a tremendous difference. The challenge has been learning to follow Paleo without breaking the bank, but I am learning and it's been fun
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 860 Member
    @Hrhonehouse congrats on the weight loss! You will be a great motivator for this challenge as you already have tried it and have proved it can help with weight loss and inflammatory conditions.
    My first two days of this challenge will be spent at a cabin on a lake that friends have rented and invited us to. I will need to bring pack fruits, vegies and nuts- and a water bottle. How are you all preparing to be successful on this paleo challenge? See you all here tomorrow evening and let us know how you did!
    @stephyyyo Thank you for this challenge. Go team Paleo!
  • stephyyyo
    stephyyyo Posts: 107 Member
    edited October 2017
    Welcome all new people!!!! Let’s make this first week count!!!

    I miss my chai lattes and sugar free mochas!

    Something I’ve learned this week is that I can’t overeat at dinner even if it’s “healthy” food cause otherwise I’ll just be maintaining instead of losing. So I’ll stick with more salads or veggies at dinner and maybe some non starchy fruit like strawberries.

    Can’t wait to read what we all eat tomorrow!