Taking a week break from logging food - What results have YOU had from a logging break?

I just was curious of what a week break from logging has done for different people and what mentality they have had going into it. What eating habits did they notice or scale change etc. happened?
Just looking for an interesting discussion!


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I didn't log most of my life and maintained a weight at the lower end of the BMI scale. I only started logging here really because I became very interested in the data and because I was heavily into fitness and training. It is more a habit thing now than anything else, and perhaps, because I am not sure I currently wish to go back up to my 'regular' weight.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Nothing different. Sometimes significant weight loss in the beginning of I wasn't careful
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i maintained for a year without logging anything. want to lose the rest of the weight, so stated back up recently.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 346 Member
    Weight gain
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Always weight gain
  • Lesscookies
    Lesscookies Posts: 48 Member
    I've managed to lose almost 33 pounds now without logging or using a food scale different things work for different people.
  • counting_kilojoules
    counting_kilojoules Posts: 170 Member
    It depends. I've stopped logging because I was out of internet range but still being careful of my intake and lost weight and I've had bad periods where I've stopped logging and gained weight. I've also stopped logging and just maintained my weight for a while. In general it depends on the person, what their goals are and how accountable they're able to be to themselves whilst not logging. One size doesn't fit all (not even within one person!)
  • wxlaw
    wxlaw Posts: 25 Member
    Took a week break due to stress and ended up gaining weight. Was eating out most of the time in that week and I couldn't really estimate the calories ate.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    edited October 2017
    I've managed to lose almost 33 pounds now without logging or using a food scale different things work for different people.

    It's because you have a good eye for it. You are still honest with yourself. More so than I am when I don't log.. I wish I didn't need to log my food.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Weight gain for me as well, but if I'm logging "in my head" I can manage a week without weight gain.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I still logged but when I went on vacation for two weeks last month, I upped my calorie intake--I set MFP to 1 lb. per week instead of 2 lbs. to lose. Actually I changed it the week before--so I ate 500 calories more (at least) for three weeks. I changed it because I was stressed out the week before my vacation and found that I was not eating well--I was undereating because I was so stressed that I could not get my food organized. It was worth it. It took the pressure off for that week, and while on vacation I did not feel deprived or worried if I had some drinks or food that I couldn't log. I basically maintained for that time. I did lose .5 lbs. for the two weeks I was on vacation, but I had a few days of wine tasting, parties, etc. I did log but I don't think I was very accurate for those days. I've been back on the 2 lbs. per week and lost over 3 lbs. in the last two weeks, so I'm pretty happy to be back on track.

    I would recommend that you decrease your weight loss goals for a week or two, or eat at maintenance but keep logging, if you feel you need a break.
  • Rooskie73
    Rooskie73 Posts: 30 Member
    I will be at Disney World from the 19th-26th. I probably won't be logging while I am there, but I will be conscious of what I am eating. We plan to share meals, and we will have healthy foods in our room & backpacks. Lots of walking and water, water, water.