Obese Child? They'll be taken away!



  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Maybe we should just grow all children up on special farms. That way, there is no possible way that the parents can screw them up in any way, and the parents will be able to afford to take fabulous vacations.

    Okay, but only if they get to eat healthy food like in all other institutions in the US like public schools. You know, things like pizza, chicken nuggets, tatter tots, fries, pb&j on white bread, and don't forget the canned fruits and veggies!

    Can't they just farm their own food, thus saving the taxpayers money?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    You're right. I would've been better off being bounced from foster home to foster home. *Former obese kid if you didn't get it from that sentence*

    Schwiggity, do you like farms?
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I think the OP should move to communist China

    we live in America folks!

    Don't tell me what to feed my children!

    :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    I also find this post funny coming from someone who's profile claims that they gained 80 lbs in 4 months due to a thyroid problem. But all obese kids have unloving parents?
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
    Maybe we should just grow all children up on special farms. That way, there is no possible way that the parents can screw them up in any way, and the parents will be able to afford to take fabulous vacations.

    The Matrix!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Maybe we should just grow all children up on special farms. That way, there is no possible way that the parents can screw them up in any way, and the parents will be able to afford to take fabulous vacations.

    Okay, but only if they get to eat healthy food like in all other institutions in the US like public schools. You know, things like pizza, chicken nuggets, tatter tots, fries, pb&j on white bread, and don't forget the canned fruits and veggies!

    Can't they just farm their own food, thus saving the taxpayers money?

    Can we just move them to a working farm and instead of going to school they can work the farm all day so that 1) that's exercise, right? 2) they're not costing the taxpayers money in this home origination improvement program 3) they can turn a profit and maybe help pay off the current debt bailing us all out (it's going to be their responsibility some day anyway, so they might as well start now)
  • Kimbers70
    Kimbers70 Posts: 102 Member
    I think this is a really ignorant view of things. If you're going to take children away from their parents because of poor eating habits you might as well just snatch them at the door of the fast food restaurants because some children (like some adults) can eat loads of unhealthy food without any result, and some kids (like some adults) can eat healthy foods all day long and still carry more weight than necessary. The thing is, sometimes it's the parents parents fault that those kids are obese because they didn't teach their kids about nutrition and about how to cook, it could be genetic, it could be hormonal, it could be anything. Do I want kids to be unhealthy? No. Do I think that removing them from the home is the solution? Only if I want them to have long term psychological issues stemming from being seperated from an otherwise loving home and then turn that into some sort of eating disorder . . .

    I could not agree more, thank you

    I second that.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    I totally agree. I just finished watching this three part documentary on Sky where a mom was feeding her 60 stone son to death. He wouldnt get out of bed and she brought him food every ten minutes. The town where they lived was struck by a hurricane and they couldnt move him so risked leaving him indoors knowing he could of died. When the storm was over the parents returned to their trashed house to find their son got lucky and was perfectly fine (well besides being morbidly obese of course) and they used the electricity generators to power his tv and xbox while the parents sat in darkness throughout the rest of the house.

    The kid got a gastric bypass and the kid would cry like a 4 year old for food, which his mother always brought and the nurses would just look on in dismay. Some people think they can FEED people love.

    See here for more http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/real_life/2107664/Teen-balloons-to-60st-gorging-on-mums-junk-food-meals.html

    EDIT: Something else just popped into my head. After the bypass a nurse walked down the hall with one third of the boys stomach in a jar and the mother yelled out "oh can i keep it" hahahaha!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I dare to ask does the original poster have children?

    I doubt it. Or they wouldn't say what they've said. Amazing how having children changes our views on what parents "should and shouldn't do".

    It's also why I don't go to a male gynocologist.

    Hey, maybe I'm wrong.
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    This is horrible. I have nothing to say, honestly.
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I also find this post funny coming from someone who's profile claims that they gained 80 lbs in 4 months due to a thyroid problem. But all obese kids have unloving parents?

  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Maybe we should just grow all children up on special farms. That way, there is no possible way that the parents can screw them up in any way, and the parents will be able to afford to take fabulous vacations.

    Okay, but only if they get to eat healthy food like in all other institutions in the US like public schools. You know, things like pizza, chicken nuggets, tatter tots, fries, pb&j on white bread, and don't forget the canned fruits and veggies!

    Can't they just farm their own food, thus saving the taxpayers money?

    Can we just move them to a working farm and instead of going to school they can work the farm all day so that 1) that's exercise, right? 2) they're not costing the taxpayers money in this home origination improvement program 3) they can turn a profit and maybe help pay off the current debt bailing us all out (it's going to be their responsibility some day anyway, so they might as well start now)

    Okay. They can work the farm during the day and go to school at night. They have to support us when we get old so we want to make sure they get an education, too.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I'm sorry that I came off harsh, because I know I did. It's just that I've worked in the Pediatric ward for so long at our hospital and see so many children coming in with GERIATRIC-type illnesses and diseases, and parents just - don't - seem - to - get - it. We offer free classes THREE NIGHTS A WEEK for parents, ranging from cooking to mealplanning on budgets to family fitness...and not ONCE have I seen more than 3 or 4 parents show up, even though we recommend it to EVERYBODY. These parents with sick children are NOT taking an active role in their childs' health, and this NEEDS to change! And no, obesity is NOT genetic like some of you are saying...it's FAMILIAL, which is different. Obesity absolutely cannot be blamed on genes. And I'm not saying that EVERY overweight child needs to be stripped from their parent's arms. I'm talking about the ones that are morbidly obese, the 90-pound two-year-olds, whose parents refuse to admit that they are KILLING their children. If parents refuse to change their ways, and continue to allow their children to get to THIS POINT, then yes, I'm sticking by my original post. However, the post was not meant to target those that are only a little overweight or "chubby" like some have said.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Taking a child away from a parent because they are obese will not solve the problem. If anything it will make them eat more. It breaks my heart when I see a family where everyone is overweight! As an overweight child I know how bad it sucks and I will do anything to not have my child go through that. I also know how hard my mom tried to help me but there was only so much she could do. I was at a restaurant the other day and each member of the family had an appetizer and more than one entre. That is just nuts! I feel like that is negligence. Yes some kids are predisposed where it is harder to lose weight, but being overweight is asking for your child to have depression and a lot of other problems. Instead of being taken away there should be classes or something like that available.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Any of you ever been through the foster system or know people who have been? Before we start taking kids away from their parents and putting them in foster care they should fix the foster system.

    How is taking a depressed kid away from their family helping?
    Lots of medical conditions/food intolerances cause rapid weight gain, and doctors don't diagnose them correctly (I am an example of this) with my Celiac.

    The government ruins enough things, it shouldn't take families apart. Why not blame McDonald's instead of the parents? Or the food industry in general?

    Why not start with mandatory meetings/classes for these parents? Why start with ripping apart a family?

    ^ That. When I see a child who is clearly obese, and a parent who is also obese standing behind them, it breaks my heart, but my first reaction isn't "that kid should be taken away from their parents!!" If anything, the parents and children both/all need to be educated on how to make better food choices and have safe areas to play/exercise in. Ripping a family apart is not the answer. I have seen documentaries on the Texas foster care system and it's not pretty. I'd guess that there aren't many more that are any better.

    Hot button issue. I guess if you don't have a child or don't have a child that is obese, it's difficult to understand the situation to make sure that the judgments you are bringing down on people would ultimately make it better for the child.

    I guess maybe for some, but I don't have kids yet and I cannot imagine a world where we take kids away from parents because they are overweight.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I also find this post funny coming from someone who's profile claims that they gained 80 lbs in 4 months due to a thyroid problem. But all obese kids have unloving parents?


    What does healthy lifestyle and thyroid disease have in common? NOTHING. I had cancer, so sue me and sue my parents, because that must be their fault, right?
  • kbarry90
    kbarry90 Posts: 48
    I was and still am my parents only fat child. My parents have 6 kids together and we all ate the same thing everyday. So your telling me that since I was the only fat child my parents other 5 kids got to stay at home but I had to go that makes perfect sense right there.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    are you some mad genetic scientist that has proven obesity isn't genetic :huh:

    Here I found this just by doing a google search, but i'm no genetics counselor either.

  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I think growing up on a farm would be very nice.
  • Ignorance MUST be bliss. It is the only explanation I can find for this idiotic proposition, there are so many things wrong with it. I've been overweight since the 3rd grade due to sexual abuse, my parents knew nothing about, by a babysitter. Textbook psychsematic response by women with these experiences. Their subconsious tricks their mind into eating to stave off any unwanted male attention. My parents loved me more than anything, but when a kid is trading **** for candybars at school, there's not much parental intervention to be done. Please think before you write. Or, God forbid, do a little research. You clearly have too much time on your hands.
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