Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Surgery



  • deeskr
    deeskr Posts: 16
    Hello- I just had my sleeve WLS on Feb 21. All in all it's been relativly easy on me. I can't belive I almost talked myself out of it the week before. It's a hard decision and takes a ton of research but I know I made the right one. I just switched to solid foods (soft) finally enjoying eating again after weeks of liquids. I've lost 39 ilbs since I started the journey (pre op diet etc). So I'm looking forward to the future.

  • angelintx
    angelintx Posts: 327 Member
    Hello- I just had my sleeve WLS on Feb 21. All in all it's been relativly easy on me. I can't belive I almost talked myself out of it the week before. It's a hard decision and takes a ton of research but I know I made the right one. I just switched to solid foods (soft) finally enjoying eating again after weeks of liquids. I've lost 39 ilbs since I started the journey (pre op diet etc). So I'm looking forward to the future.

    Wow, 39 pounds in about a month, that's AMAZING!! Congratulations!!!
  • mistys85
    mistys85 Posts: 1
    I had my gastric sleeve the 23rd of May an now i start week 3 today I lost 10 pounds the first week an only 4the second week but i always feel bloated an im not tolerating some foods too good i started the puree wk an i had 3 vienna sausages an felt like they were stuck in my throat an i felt bloated an not good at all so i guess im not ready but it sucks cause im hungry lol
  • Ricca_m
    Ricca_m Posts: 2
    I has my surgery 2/16/11 and still struggle with food daily, I have heard that taking an acid reducer and an enzyme from the vitamin store will help with settling your stomach and reducing problems. "White" carbs still don't work for me, I can tolerate corn chips but not flour tortillas, white bread, or potatoes. I say stick with protein shakes, soup, SF pudding and jellos, watch your sugars and carbs. Try bites of solids and work up to them, I still revert to shakes and soup several times a week.
    The best thing that works for me is that instead of trying to sit down and eat a meal I leave a small plate sitting by my desk and nibble off of it for a few hours at a time. It helps get my calories & protein in without making myself ill, when I eat with others I tend to eat too fast and get ill.
    I also love Muscle Milk ready to drink shakes and the "protein pack" from Starbucks, it has 1 boiled egg, 2 slices of apple (I don't eat the skin), 4 grapes, a multi grain disk with organic peanut butter. I eat on it all morning and save the peanut butter for a snack later. That gives you 300 cals, 14 grams of protein.
    Best of luck! I wish you all the best!
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Hi All!!
    I am new here.. to MFP and to my new Sleeve (6/6/11). Just looking around to see what other people with VSG are eating. I am almost one month out and not seeing any movement on the scale. I am not taking in enough water so that is probably it. I am starting to push the water more and more but it is still hard. The funny thing is, some days I can't eat much (I am on mushies) and other days I can eat quite a bit. It leaves me wondering what is going on in that tiny tummy of mine!

    Anyway, I just wanted to say HI. If you would like to add me that would be great. I definitely need the advice and support.

  • tclausewitz
    tclausewitz Posts: 9 Member
    So glad to have found this thread - I was sleeved in May, and have lost about 30 pounds since surgery. I've been very frustrated by how slow the weight loss is, but I also know I'm contributing to it some in that I don't totally follow my doctor's orders. I'm regularly exercising for the first time in over 10 years, but I feel hungry all the time - which is really disappointing, as I didn't think that would happen. I'm trying (with the help of many supporters on MFP!) to focus on building a healthier lifestyle, one day at a time. Hopefully the weight loss will follow!
  • JustAGirlNASolution
    JustAGirlNASolution Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there. I had VSG as well. Since surgery I have never been physically hungry. This leads to me to a question...Are you on an acid reducer? If not, what you could be feeling is acid not hunger. Drinking hot water helps calm the tummy, and gives you a content feeling too. Hope this helps.
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