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Do you say something?



  • LoveForWine
    LoveForWine Posts: 20 Member
    If they asked my advice then yes I would. Otherwise, I feel they are going to do what they are going to do and believe what they are going to believe.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Only if they're also complaining about things not working. Most of the time it depends how well I know them. In real life I'll express an opposing opinion to someone I value, but if they are acquaintances I won't bother. One decent friend said something about water and detoxing and I opined on that, but a more acquaintance kinda friend said something about starting keto because she needed a drastic change and I said nothing at all.
  • fitforeternity493
    fitforeternity493 Posts: 37 Member
    It depends on the conversation but if something is said in regards to me and my health I'll definitely say something. Lately I try to stay out of food and weight loss politics, it's like walking into a battlefield. Everyone I know has different perspectives on it and we always harshly disagree.
  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    I try not to. If people ask what i am doing, I will tell them. The issue that I have is that more often than not you can get conflicting views depending on where you research. Perfect example would be there was a debate yesterday whether protein is bad for the liver and 2 people brought up articles/studies that showed completely different evidence. It makes it really hard for people to know if what they are doing is the "right" thing to do. Unless what they are doing is posing an actual threat to their health, I say let people find their own path. It doesnt really matter how people lose weight or get more active, as long as they do. There is more than 1 way to be successful when trying to get healthy.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited October 2017
    Dang it, @Bekah7482! I was just going to make that point.

    Someone in this thread made the comment about "not sure how there is confusion with the Internet" (I paraphrased, of course).

    There are a few problems at play here (maybe more, just my take):
    1. Conflicting information is sooooo easily found on just about anything and everything....which do you believe?
    2. People - and I am not being ugly - are really lazy and just don't want to put forth much effort
    3. People are ignorant (not saying stupid.....specifically saying ignorant)

    So, with the Internet and Social Media it is really confusing as there is just so much information available. And, with all of the money to be made (sorry, just being honest) it is possible to find conflicting information on just about any topic of interest. Which do you believe?

    And, in today's world (one in which everyone is so freaking busy) no one seems to have the time (read: to make the time) to research anything. Now, naturally "no one" is a gross generalization. Clearly, that is not true. But, "most people" is very very true. It seems - to me, anyway - that most people simply prefer the five-second sound bite instead of the rest of the story.

    And, there are a lot of ignorant people out there. I include myself in that category (at times....shoot, whom am I kidding.....most times). They read it on the Internet so it must be true. Another way to put this....there is a strong lack of 'critical thinking' nowadays.

    Here is the great thing about all of that: it is easily remedied!

    Take my issue with squats (form) and dead lifts (again, form). I was ignorant as to how to properly do them. I did some research, looking for guidelines as to how to do these. There was a ton of information. A ton. Literally, I weighed it! LOL! So, I started doing them. I hurt myself. I recovered and then figured out what I did incorrectly. This time the search was a lot more focused. I found other things, other guides. My form got better. I then found the next problem with my form (read: injury). I healed. I found out what I was doing incorrectly. I finally found some really good guides and now my form is really good. On both.

    So, I was clearly ignorant at first. There was so much information and so much seemingly conflicting information out there that I just started. Bad idea. And I found all the error in my ways (a few times). But, eventually we all find the right answer for ourselves.

    So, my point.....people who are trying things might be clueless and misguided and ignorant. I would have LOVED it had someone in the gym said "Dude, what on Earth are you doing?". But no one did. :smiley:

    So, to answer the question - I absolutely would say something. Sure, I do not want to be "that guy" in the gym. Surely I do not want to be that guy. Or, "that guy" in the office. But, if you can approach someone with the right "spirit" then most people will listen. If just a little bit....but they will listen. I have had the most interesting conversations in the kitchen at work. And in the grocery store. And at the gas station. With complete strangers (at the grocery store and gas station) and with folks I see every day but don't necessarily know (in the kitchen at work....the 'kitchen' is common space in an office suite). Some just nod their head two or three times and I cut the conversation short.....and they go on their way and sometimes we are still standing there, in full conversation, 45 minutes later (shhh....don't tell my boss!).

    Probably not a good idea for everyone, though. I just have an ability to speak with people.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    celiah909 wrote: »
    Do you say something if you have friends or people in general say things about weight loss you disagree with

    nah. i have to say though that i don't have strong enough opinions about the whole topic in the first place, so my 'disagreement' or not is almost a moot point anyway. i sometimes feel like the agnostic in a room full of different religious sects, around here.

    in general (not just weight loss) i try not to get into heated debates about things that people feel strongly about. i'll probably contradict a false statement of fact, regardless of what the theme is. but when it comes to physiology and all that, there don't seem to me to be enough facts for that to even apply. from my outsider's pov there are only opinions.
  • asviles
    asviles Posts: 56 Member
    I keep it simple. "Whatever works for you I'm behind. But no matter what you do, detox or low carb etc. none of it will be worth anything unless you eat fewer calories than you burn." No reason to break the illusion as long as the foundation is CICO. You'll get better results that way. "Yeah, keto! Great! Keep it up! But remember, you still need to eat less than you burn or else all that hard work won't mean a thing..."

    "Yeah girl, get on that cleanse! Just remember... you have to etc. etc. etc."

    Only intervene beyond that if they are saying something that is genuinely going to hurt them.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I generally don't. Just not my style unless they ask.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I used to but it got exhausting trying to explain basic science and anatomy to people who would rather believe in magic pills than put in the actual effort.

    If somebody asks a specific question I still try to reply in a helpful way, especially new vegetarians and vegans who aren't sure what to eat.
  • Nixi3Knox
    Nixi3Knox Posts: 182 Member
    If someone seems to be doing something harmful I will speak up. For example, certain fat burners, or "supplements" and the like, starving themselves or getting physical activity in a way that could lead to injury or illness. Otherwise I stick to the "don't start nothin' won't be nothin" rule. If I absolutely cannot bear to see their shenanigans in my news feed I either hide the stuff from my feed or remove them.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Nixi3Knox wrote: »
    If someone seems to be doing something harmful I will speak up. For example, certain fat burners, or "supplements" and the like, starving themselves or getting physical activity in a way that could lead to injury or illness. Otherwise I stick to the "don't start nothin' won't be nothin" rule. If I absolutely cannot bear to see their shenanigans in my news feed I either hide the stuff from my feed or remove them.

    even at this point I am not saying anything...these people are adults and I find that regardless of our concern they don't want to hear it...even when asked they don't really want to hear it.
  • Nixi3Knox
    Nixi3Knox Posts: 182 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Nixi3Knox wrote: »
    If someone seems to be doing something harmful I will speak up. For example, certain fat burners, or "supplements" and the like, starving themselves or getting physical activity in a way that could lead to injury or illness. Otherwise I stick to the "don't start nothin' won't be nothin" rule. If I absolutely cannot bear to see their shenanigans in my news feed I either hide the stuff from my feed or remove them.

    even at this point I am not saying anything...these people are adults and I find that regardless of our concern they don't want to hear it...even when asked they don't really want to hear it.

    I can understand that. Lord knows I have seen enough similar attitudes from people. Be it wreckless weightloss or other self destruction. The deaf will never hear.