Advice For New Runners



  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Bump, bump, bump, thanks, this is great!!
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Thanks :)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    GREAT!! thank you :smile:
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Wish I had this information 2 1/2 years ago when I started running! LOL

    thanks for sharing the information!!
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    Love this information!! Thank you!
  • kalougri
    kalougri Posts: 12
    Thanks for this post, some useful info for a newbie :o)
  • lthomas79
    It's nice to hear that I'm normal:) I've started running recently and have gone through a of few of these things. However I'm headed out for new socks and shoes so I don't experience that! I have never been a runner before but decided one day that I would like to, so I set out on a 2.5 mile, which I did mostly walking:) After 3 weeks I've regulated my breathing, and can complete 2 miles without stopping or walking, The last 1/2 mile I walk. I want to train for my first 5k in September, crazy, maybe, but I know I can do it. I'm just wondering when the weight will start coming off as a result of the running, I've only lost 5 lbs in over a month:( Hopefully it will catch up soon. I've got 50-75lbs to lose. We'll see what happens when I lose 50.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Awesome tips for beginners! I wish I had this info a few years ago...thank goodness for Runners World.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Good job magic!
  • vet2be3
    vet2be3 Posts: 16
    Thank you so much for posting this! I just started c25k this week and I am loving it, and I don't want to stop because of not wearing the right stuff.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
  • Blonde11
    Blonde11 Posts: 21 Member
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    The bit about breathing through your mouth instead of your nose was new to me, actually! I had read (somewhere!) that it was good to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth while running. Well, I had been trying to do that, but once it got chilly out my nose started to drip like a faucet whenever I ran! That makes it super difficult to nose-breathe... and I felt slightly bad for breathing through my mouth, haha. Anyways, your post prompted some intensive searching about the topic, and it sounds like the idea is to breathe however way you end up getting the most oxygen in. Makes sense - I'm sure I'll have much more comfortable runs now. :) Thanks!
  • tara473
    tara473 Posts: 18 Member
    OH WOW...what an amazing post.

    Thank you SO much.

    I began my 'running' journey 4 weeks ago - have some advise from some people I met at my gym.

    Right now, I'm thoroughly enjoying working my way UP to running! I am at the point where I can do every 3rd minute for a full minute of running! NOW...I'm a big girl (not for long though) so I'm having some issues with caloric intake vs. burned. I'm eating super healthy and trying to keep my calories down to be most effective at losing weight - but I seem to be VERY low on energy and feeling queezy lots. I am also on a 3 day a week, circut training weight program and I wonder if this has to do with how, when and how much I am eating. When I go to the gym I still 'BRING IT' to the best of my ability but I'm assuming that my caloric intake is not sufficient and need some help. I have an apt with my doctor next week to talk to her about it, and I have also contacted a dietitian. I hope to hear back from her soon too....because feeling like this EVERY night is NOT what I had expected being SO active!!!

    ALL THIS SAID....I am on my way to The Running Room tomorrow to get me some running gear because the advise from a lady at the gym was 'oh honey, your shoes now are really good but NOT for running! You're really going to need a pair of proper running shoes!'. She was so sweet when she said it too! She has a learn to run program that she is getting me and would like to start a 'running club' here in our little town. I so hope they do!!! SO this post was MOST helpful...

    I am certainly going to ditch my 3 year old 'gym socks' and get me some good running socks. I also plan to get me some good shoes. I think that's it for now...

    I really appreciate your input...and if you wouldn't mind, I would like to add you as a friend on MFP!

    Thanks again!

  • Hola723
    Hola723 Posts: 159 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to write this! I am new to running and found the information very helpful!
  • blessmy5
    Great info. Thanks for sharing!
  • JRaduski10
    bump for future reference..great info, thank you!
  • pamelapeldo
    pamelapeldo Posts: 47 Member