

  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    I do log my veggies, because many of them can add up. Corn, sweet peas and carrots, for example, can set you back a fair bit if you have a lot of them. If you eat a big bowl of peas, it's easily 200 calories. So I do log them. My only exception is lettuce on my hamburger, or if I make a big and widely varied salad, I may combine some things- 1 cup of spinach plus 2 cups of lettuce all gets logged as lettuce. I'm okay with the very slight variation in calories that will come from either of those.
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    ltbl1988 wrote: »
    i cant see veggies hindering weight loss?!!

    Eating too many calories of any food will hinder weight loss. Just because a food is
    "healthy" doesn't mean it won't make you fat if you eat too much of it or if eating it makes you go over your calorie balance.

    Both "healthy" and "unhealthy" foods have calories. If you're counting calories to lose weight, then you should count all your foods that have calories. Choosing to be blind to the calories of a "healthy" but calorific food is a terrible idea.

    Eat the avocados by all means. Just count them in your calorie budget.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    i eat a ton of veggies most days if i didnt count them i would be over by hundreds! count everything, there is no free food.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I log them because I eat a LOT of them. I don't log things like a single paper-thin slice of onion or tomato on a sandwich, and I eyeball raw leafy greens -- I use a little more than a cup (AKA a giant handful) of leafy greens for my lunch salads and always just log it as 50g spinach. And like someone upthread said, if I mix leafy greens I just log it all as spinach so, for example, right now I'm going through a tub of spinach/arugula blend and still just logging Spinach - raw - 50g. I also tend to estimate my broccoli and cauliflower blends; I eat a lot of them for dinner and, while I logged by weight at first, I'm now so familiar with the serving size that I feel comfortable eyeballing it. But I do log it all in some fashion, and for items other than leafy greens and broccoli/cauliflower, I log the same way as anything else: by weight.
  • candywestre
    candywestre Posts: 1 Member
    In my opinion, if you are over by 50 calories and those calories are vegetables, why sweat it? This helps you digest, etc. And why not just trade other food for veg if you are concerned?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    In my opinion, if you are over by 50 calories and those calories are vegetables, why sweat it? This helps you digest, etc. And why not just trade other food for veg if you are concerned?

    FYI, this thread is over two years old.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Veggies are good for you. But they are not zero calories. And MFP is all about the calories.

    Also there are some veggies surprisingly high calorie....I have to be real careful about lima beans...yes I love them....healthy as heck but quite a bit of calories in them!
  • GrandOccultistt
    GrandOccultistt Posts: 2 Member
    Log it all, if you are strictly counting calories, i often cant have some of the sweeter, tastier veggies like Corn, Peas, Carrot etc, as they are healthy, but higher on calories than some of the more bland veggies. You have to find a balance.

    That being said, if all you were eating is veggies, you could eat much more of those than you could other foods.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    quinwannet wrote: »
    If you're using dip and stuff I'd track. You might as well track everything but if you forget it's no big deal. Your body usually burns more calories digesting vegetables then you get from consuming them.

    This is an old myth. There is no veggie that takes more energy to chew and digest than it provides.

    Count the veggies to help you celebrate eating more of them and more overall. For weight, 100 extra calories is 100 extra calories whether it's carrots or Milky Way. Difference is, carrots are loaded with micronutrients and fiber and you have to eat a lot of them (about 4 medium-sized carrots) to hit 100 calories whereas a Milky Way candy bar lacks nutrients, and you only get to eat about 4/10s of one to get 100 calories.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    I eat hundreds of calories of veggies most days, even without hitting the avocados. Why would I not log them?!?!!??