JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 19



  • archersport
    archersport Posts: 65 Member
    (Pregnant & gaining max 1lb/week)
    Round 19 starting weight 158.9
    09/10- Happy Canadian thanksgiving weekend! Two main meals today, went a little under hydrated. Had a long dog walk, but it made me miss yoga.
    ‪10/10- 162.4‬. Under calories, trying to hit higher but I am nutritionally balanced.
    ‪11/10- 158.5‬ worked through lunch but ate a little. Work survey and a huge dog walk. Under protein macro. Still thirsty.
    12/10-156. Hit good macros & all vitamins but when it all added up I was under calories again.
    14/10-158.9. Pulled two 15 hour days this weekend, went to camp but had mostly salad bar, big meals but as nutritiously dense as camp is capable of. Forgot my vitamins, sigh.
    15/10-158.7. Gas station dinner on the road. Potatoe calories count for something, right?
    16/10- 157.7. Got into the pjs too early and wasn't prepared for the rotten veg in the fridge. Failed to be motivated for a groceries run in the rain. Hit the iron goal, thanks to vitamins but not even close to enough calories.
    17/10-? Away from home again. Big meals, almost made my calorie goal. Didn't even exercise today.
    18/10-? In camp again.
    19/10: 156.2 (naked, lol, and before dinner today. May need to round up
  • lettucebug
    lettucebug Posts: 89 Member
    Last day R18: 227.4lbs
    Total WL so far: 0.2lbs

    On to Round 19!

    First WG: 170lbs
    Final WG: 135lbs

    CW: 226.0lbs

    10/10: 226.0lbs
    -> -> Went out for some air regardless of it being a klutzy bad day. Didn't over eat, nor eat my emotions away.
    10/11: 226.4lbs
    -> -> Forgot to weigh myself this morning, did so after eating breakfast, so not my actual weight. Didn't over eat, pretty sure I under ate, didn't have much energy today.
    10/12: 224.6lbs
    -> -> another day of under eating, maybe I caught something.. have no hunger, feeling queasy.
    10/13: 226.2lbs
    -> -> busy day today, running around town, made sure to eat. Bloated & swollen, in pain but moved around a lot anyways.
    10/14: 226.4lbs
    -> -> sick and bed ridden. Been drinking lots of fluids.
    10/15: 224.2lbs
    -> -> feverish, just drank lots of fluids
    10/16: 224.6lbs
    -> -> since I'm awake now, I'll post. Don’t think I'll be doing much as exercise today, been hit pretty bad with this bug, stuck in bed, guzzling fluids though!
    10/17: 223.2lbs
    -> -> was able to eat, so that's always good. No exercise today, still feeling off. But! I've made plans for tomorrow to get me out of the house! I will still try to exercise a bit today even if they're just stretches.
    10/18: 225.0lbs forgot to weigh myself this morning, so not an accurate weight. Walked today, ate out but ate healthy and didn't log anything in. Getting air made me feel better so will make it a priorityto go out tomorrow too!
    10/19: 224.8lbs
    -> -> Not much eating today, had fever, but I managed to go for a walk in the evening.

    Lost 1.2lbs, it's been a rough 10 days.
  • lettucebug
    lettucebug Posts: 89 Member
    edited October 2017
    Off to round 20!
  • 2CuteCatsLavinia
    2CuteCatsLavinia Posts: 490 Member
    10/10 192.0
    10/11 191.8
    10/12 191.0
    10/13 192.0
    10/14 192.0
    10/15 191.8
    10/16 191.6
    10/17 191.6
    10/18 191.4
    10/19 191.4
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    SW: 185.5

    Round 8 SW: 185.5
    Round 9 SW: 182.5
    Round 10 SW: 181.5
    Round 11 SW: 181.0
    Round 12 SW: 179.0
    Round 13 SW: 178.0
    Round 14 SW: 178.5
    Round 15 SW: 178.5
    Round 16 SW: 179.5
    Round 17 SW: 180.0
    Round 18 SW: 180.0
    Round 19 SW: 178.5

    Goal for this round: 177.0
    Ultimate goal: 128

    1) no late night eating
    2) workout 4x/week
    3) stay within calories

    10/10 177 (after a workout but I'll take it!!)
    10/11 177.5 It's been cool out the last two days here and my winter clothes still fit from last year, but are much looser and comfortable. :-) I don't feel like a stuffed sausage in them. I'm probably about 10-12lbs less than last fall.
    10/12 179.0 Too much candy from the parade yesterday plus a hot dog (and more candy) for dinner.
    10/13 178.0
    10/14 178.5
    10/15 180.0 blah
    10/16 179.5
    10/19 179.0 Ended up heavier which seems to be the norm for me lately. But I just started TOM.

    Days without binge eating: 34
  • susanbenita
    susanbenita Posts: 95 Member
    10/10: 185.0 -going to lose 3lbs!

    10/11: 183.8 - a whoosh! Or dehydrated? Very thirsty today so won't get too excited about this number. Would be good to have it there at the end of the round, though.

    10/12: 185.0 - as expected. Going to do extra exercise today.

    10/13: 186.2 - so I did the extra exercise, 15000 steps and I was under 1500 calories! I'm guessing too much sodium, I hope. (stir-fry with too much soy sauce). Need to drink lots of water today!

    10/14: 184 - another good day yesterday. 20,000 steps

    10/15: 183.4 - :smiley:
    10/16: 184.6 - pizza. That's all I'm saying.
    10/17: 185.8 - Nooooo! I was good yesterday and did 12000 steps. Really hoping it's water.
    10/18: 184 - yesss!
    10/19: 184.8 -

    Mini-goal for this challenge: 182 - didn't make it but it's been a real eye-opener doing this challenge. I've learned a lot and looking forward to the next one!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,835 Member

    I HAVE the power and determination to do this.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gif to all the Newbies, and Hi to those returning for another Round. This has got me back on track big time!

    Observations, and Previous Rounds
    Many events along the way will scupper our best intentions, but they merely delay the achievement of our goals. Life is for living, and one must learn patience. It takes many years to put on excess weight, so It follows that it takes much time to remove, but it is coming off, bit by stubborn bit! Stick with it! The game continues!

    A lot of people get upset by apparent weight gain when they have been working their butts off. Body weight fluctuates, both up, and down, from one day to the next depending on so many factors. From my experience:
    • Changes often take several days to show on the scale.
    • A drop is often followed by a bounce up before it settles back down. A general downward trend is the aim.
    • A high sodium day usually results in a gain due to water retention, unless you drink extra fluids to flush it out.
    Don't beat yourself up over a temporary gain. Trust the process and stick with the programme.
    If you are making positive lifestyle changes it will lead to increased health and fitness.
    Slow and steady leads to sustainable weight loss.
    But remember to live a little along the way!

    Previous 5 Rounds[/colour=green]
    MW : R8/1, 165.5; R9/2, 166.8; R10/3, 167.7; R11/4, 165.5; R12/5, 162.6; R13/6, 160.4; R14/7, 160.7; R15/8, 161.8; R16/9, 161.3;
    Round:..~ Mean ~ Highest ~ Lowest
    13/6: ... ~ 160.4 ~~ 161.8 ~~ 161.8
    14/7: ... ~ 160.7 ~~ 167.8 ~~ 160.4 (on vacation)
    15/8: ... ~ 161.8 ~~ 163.8 ~~ 163.8 (on vacation)
    16/9: ... ~ 161.3 ~~ 162.8 ~~ 162.4
    17/10: . ~ 160.5 ~~ 162.2 ~~ 160.0
    18/11: . ~ 159.8 ~~ 162.5 ~~ 158.4

    SW: 227; Lowest weight 18 Aug 2017: 159.2; 8 Oct 2017: 158.9. 11 Oct: 158.2. Final goal weight: 147
    09/10/2017: 159.0 This was my target for Round 18. I dipped below it the day before the end of the round.

    Daily Goals: pre-log/follow through; balance macros/micros; hydrate; 15+ strength; 15+ flex; 8,000+ steps; close kitchen at 8pm!

    Round 19: (Round 11 for me. Female, 5'2" aged 71, weight in lbs)
    Round 19 Target weight: 158

    10/09/2017: 159.2 Goals ✅ Normal fluctuation.
    11/10/2017: 158.2 Goals ✅ Yay! Me! A wee Whoooosh! But after the whoosh comes the bounce! Or maybe not? Another long-time low.
    12/10/2017: 158.2 Goals ✅ :sunglasses: Holding steady! Yay!
    13/10/2017: 158.8 Goals ✅ There's that bounce! Or maybe it's because I had my flu jab? I'm slowly shrinking. C'est la vie!
    14/10/2017: 158.6 Goals ✅ Aw phooey! Hadn't time to post this morning.
    15/10/2017: 159.0 Goals ✅ Except for water. I should have had more water after my sherry and glass of wine with dinner! Must try harder!
    16/10/2017: 158.8 Goals ✅ Aw Shute! Drop, you beastly scale! Lol! At least my hover point is getting lower! :wink:
    17/10/2017: 159.0 Goals ✅ Dear Scale, I would appreciate a little cooperation here! Disgusted, in Northern Ireland!
    18/10/2017: 158.6 Goals ✅ Now, that's a better direction!
    19/10/2017: 158.7 Goals ✅ Not what I had hoped for, but a loss nevertheless. This last 12lbs is so hard to shift!

    :sunglasses: Don't worry! :sunglasses:
    ... ...oO~ 159.8 ~Oo... ...
    ... ...oO~ 158.4 158.2 ~Oo... ...
    :sunglasses: Be Happy!!! :sunglasses:

    :star:It's great to see so many back for Round 19. Let's do this! :star:

  • rtls
    rtls Posts: 285 Member
    R14 SW-160.38
    R15 SW- 158.4
    R16 SW- 155.98
    R17 SW- 154.66
    R18 SW- 153.12

    Current weight- 152.68
    10 Day Goal: I would love to get to 150.XX It might be a bit much, but I will work hard to get there. I would also like to continue increasing my exercise. I'm hoping to average a mile a day.
    10/10- 152.68 Seeing this number again today is depressing. My 7 day chart is an upward trend and honestly there is no reason. I weigh and chart everything I eat and am always under calories. Just sucks. Got a mile in yesterday and am hoping to get another in today.
    10/11- 152.24 I've been in bed most of the day. Think we are on round 2 of being sick. DS already started last night with a horrible hacking cough and I'm exhausted and achy. We almost had takeout for dinner, but I sucked it up and made dinner instead. :) Day 2 of no exercise. Determined tomorrow to get at least a mile in.
    10/12- 151.8 Woke up feeling awful today. Keeping hydrated and trying to rest between coughing fits.
    10/13-152.02 Not overly concerning myself with calories. Over by 24. Feeling horrible.
    10/14-153.34 I've been eating a lot of soup/broth, so this might be due to sodium. Not worried as it is not my normal diet. I'm in bed, running fever.
    10/15-151.58 The coughing exercise seems to have paid off. (eyeroll) Feeling a bit better today, so far no fever. Stinks I won't get my weekend hike in. Hopefully the weather will be nice this week to make up for it.
    10/16- 150.48 Nothing new to report. Still sick.
    10/17- 150.48
    10/18- 150.7 Feeling a bit better today, hopefully it lasts.
    10/19- 150.7 Catching up on charting weight now. Very pleased I made my goal despite being sick and inactive the majority of the challenge.

  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    SW: 169.5
    GW: 167

    10/10 : 169.5 - Starting again.
    10/11: 170.0 - Ate ice cream last night and when I eat ice cream my weight goes up. I'll behave today.
    10/12: 169.3 - Starting to head in the right direction again.....
    10/13: 168.9 - Another good day. Went for a walk in beautiful fall weather!
    10/14: 169.0 - Ate white pizza last night. Have to keep the carbs down.
    10/15: 169.0
    10/16: 169.2 - Don't know why but we will see what tomorrow brings....
    10/17: 168.5 - Nice drop. Making progress again
    10/18: 168.4 - One more day and a lb gone for the round....
    10/19: 168.4 - Nice ending and onto the next one
  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    Reporting late on the conclusion of this since I was on vacation without access to a scale, but despite being pretty bad in the food department, I actually did pretty well since I was very active on vacation I think.

    SW 155.7 35.5% BF (July 19, 2017)
    GW 125-130, 21% BF
    Round 17 136.6 29.3% BF
    Round 18 138.0 28.5 % BF
    Start this round 138.0 28.5% BF
    Goal this round 136.0 28.0% BF

    10/10 138.0 28.3% BF Walked 45 min in the pouring rain, stretching and PT moves
    10/11 137.4 27.9% BF Walked 45 min in light rain, got my flu shot, a few PT moves
    10/12 136.5 28.0% BF Ran 3.5 mi + some walking
    10/13 137.1 28.0% BF Walked
    10/14 137.1 28.0% BF Walked but not as much as normal, ran a little (<1 mi)
    10/15 No weight because on vacation, ran 4 mi + walked 1 mi, 1.5 h of restorative yoga
    10/16 No weight because on vacation, ran 8 mi + walked 1 mi, 45 min serious stretching
    10/17 No weight because on vacation, walked a lot
    10/18 No weight because on vacation, ran 3 mi
    10/19 No weight because on vacation, walked a lot, yin yoga class

    10/23 135.1, 27.0%BF Finally weighed myself!
    Surpassed my goal (although I reported a couple of days late!)