SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • and here is recipe that I cooked today...

    VEGETABLE SKILLET WITH RICE & CHICKEN (with coconut oil instead veg oil)

    1 1/3 c. water
    1 1/3 c. Brown rice
    1 tbsp. coconut oil
    1 1/2 lbs. boneless chicken, cut in strips
    1 tbsp. minced garlic or garlic salt
    1 (16 oz.) bag frozen vegetables
    1 1/2 tsp. ground pepper
    3 tbsp. soy sauce

    In a medium size saucepan, stir rice into the boiling, water; cover and remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes or until ready to serve.
    Meanwhile, heat oil in large, heavy skillet. Add chicken and garlic, cook over medium heat 5 minutes, stirring until chicken is lightly browned. Add frozen vegetables, cook about 2 minutes, turn on high heat for 1 more minute. Mix soy sauce, and ground pepper, until well blended. Pour into skillet, stir until sauce boils and thickens. Cover and simmer 2 minutes. serve over rice. 4 servings.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I hope you all had a great day and are getting some last minute workouts! Tomorrow is weigh-in Wednesday... can you believe two weeks have already passed?

    So, what I would like everyone to do is to post their weights, and your points for the past week. Also, if you get a chance tell me which recipe you would like us submit to the main group.

    Alright ladies, I will catch up with you all later, I'm going to get my last workout in!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Alright ladies here is a quick reminder of the points that were up for grabs this past week!

    Exercise Challenge(7/27-8/3):

    Cardio: 4 days of jumping jacks 10 sets of 10 a day
    Strength" Push-ups 5 sets of 4 per days x 4 days

    Food Challenge(7/27-8/3):

    Post a recipe.

    Emotional Challenge(7/27-8/3):
    How do you handle the struggles of being the weight you are in your family?

    Sleep Challenge:(7/27-8/3):
    Get atleast 7.5 hrs of sleep per night x 4 nights

    Please note that because no one voted for the recipes that we did have posted, I'm going to go ahead and post the original recipe since it was the first one!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Week 3 (can you believe it!)happy

    A special thanks to Stacy (blue team) and everyone else who sends me ideas..Keep them coming.

    Cardio Challenge: 45min X 5 days this week

    Strength Challenge: Lunges 15 per day x 2 days and Crunches 50 per day X 2 days

    Stretch Challenge:
    Stretch before and after every workout this week. Here is a site that has some great stretching examples,

    Water Challenge: 64 OZ of Water a day for atleast 4 days.

    Team Challenge:
    Get to know your team: Each team member needs to read there teammates profile and make a comment on your team thread about them. Let your teammates know why they are great teammates or why they inspire you to try harder.

    *Everyone is doing a great job! Keep up the great work!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    EHHHH so disappointed, been horrible with eating even though my kitchen has been bclosed by 9 the latest... ive gained...

    weigh in

    Starting Weight on 7/20 - 211.8
    Week 1 on 7/27 - 211
    Week 2 on 8/3 - 212.2

    a 1.2 lb weight GAIN!!! Whats wrong with me? Ive gotten all my insanity exercises in and ive been doing great on it... this week i need to buckle down better on eating. I might be the only one but for me money is tight sometimes and we go food shopping when we get paid obviously so i think this might have had something to do with it... since i had slim pickings in the kitchen for the past week... :/ I plan on losing at least 2 lbs by next weds!!! :) Thanks for listening to me rant gals!!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member

    Do you take measurements? You could just be losing inches and not lbs! I know some people who have done Insanity and they said they gained about 3-5 lbs while doing it. Maybe worth looking at before you go getting all disappointed! Regardless, that is last week and today is the start of a new week!

    I can relate to the financial situation. It drives me crazy to see how expensive fresh produce is compared to junk freezer food! Eating healthy is truly a luxury these days! But do the best we can right?
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    OK, so I got 5 points this week. And heres my weigh-in

    Week 2-252.4
    Week 3-252.4

    On Thursday of last week I had lost a little bit then mother nature came knocking and I gained it back, so no loss for me this week So sorry guys!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Good job bella, and sarah... i lost a little off my neck and waist so i guess i dont feel AS bad :) thanks alot!

    Sarah your a captain right? so youll be messaging the people that arent posting?
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I have almost everyone's, just waiting to see if Keonia posts anything this evening. but she hasn't been on for a few days. So as it stands right now we have a 5lb loss (mine for this week) and 22 pts.
  • DivineSensation
    DivineSensation Posts: 51 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I hope that every one is all good and well. I know..... I have been M.I.A for a while. It's been hectic but I am trying to hang in there. Let me see.....where to start. Last week I was 148 lbs. I weighed myself and now it says that I am currently 146.9. For points I am sitting at 2 points for strength and cardio. This can only get better for me.
    I just want to to tell all you ladies to keep up the good work that you all are doing
  • Hi everyone! How it going? Been so busy today! Went to swimming for since 12pm to 4pm! It was soo blast w my girls and my sister w her son! I love to swim!! I weight myself today as 190lb..:( but it will be okay! I still learning abt the points and site. I did post one repices. I didn't do much but this week will be BETTER!.
    But hey black team. U guys did great job!! Whoop whoop!
    P.s Water Rule!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Great Job everybody! And Kristy no worries you will get it. Everyone is doing so great! So for today I did a 90 minute workout, I did 10 minutes of yoga before and after the workout and 20 lunges + 50 crunches in the middle. Feeling great today even though I didnt lose any weight. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • Great Job everybody! And Kristy no worries you will get it. Everyone is doing so great! So for today I did a 90 minute workout, I did 10 minutes of yoga before and after the workout and 20 lunges + 50 crunches in the middle. Feeling great today even though I didnt lose any weight. Tomorrow is a new day!

    AWESOME!!! 20 lunges...whewww...I did the lunges and been such a lonnnng time for me to do this. its does felt great and im sore now. I did workout 35 min on treadclimber also plus swimming with my girls plus clean my house. Been busy day for me and I love it!!. but question for you about yoga kind like strecthing??? just something new for me. I didnt lose weight either but true and everyday is a new!!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Great Job everybody! And Kristy no worries you will get it. Everyone is doing so great! So for today I did a 90 minute workout, I did 10 minutes of yoga before and after the workout and 20 lunges + 50 crunches in the middle. Feeling great today even though I didnt lose any weight. Tomorrow is a new day!

    AWESOME!!! 20 lunges...whewww...I did the lunges and been such a lonnnng time for me to do this. its does felt great and im sore now. I did workout 35 min on treadclimber also plus swimming with my girls plus clean my house. Been busy day for me and I love it!!. but question for you about yoga kind like strecthing??? just something new for me. I didnt lose weight either but true and everyday is a new!!!

    Yes Yoga is just stretching. Its all about stretching your spine and improving posture. It really helps me alot, even If I dont workout for the day I always try to do a little yoga it just makes me feel alot better.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Just checking in. Got in another 80 minute workout today with the stretching and 20 lunges. Plus I've been super cleaning the house for another 80 minutes! Really loving the burn that all this gave me. I've got family coming tomorrow so I've got to get up and finish cleaning and squeeze in one more workout. Going to a waterpark on saturday, so being in the heat and playing in the water should burn quite a few extra calories(atleast I hope so). Just praying that I can keep things in check and not go over my calorie limit or eat a bunch of junk! Hows everyone else doing???
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Bella you are a machine!!! lol

    I have alot going oncleaning wise today but i WILL get my exercise in!! :)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Bella you are a machine!!! lol

    I have alot going oncleaning wise today but i WILL get my exercise in!! :)

    HAHA I love it! I actually think im an addict! I just love the endorphins! I cleaned alot yesterday and today as well, its funny I calculated it and I burned just as much cleaning house as I do when Im working out! AWESOME!!! I also lost almost a lb yesterday so glad to see that im back on track!!
  • hey guys! sorry i was sick yesterday...seem little better today. but anyway, I did lunges and cruches...whoo lets go! I did the 35 mins of treadcimbler...and been cleaning and running today. Very busy I will be out of town for weekend but ill keep post here as much i can. Ill be back here on sunday. have a good weekend everyone!!!!!! p.s WATER RULE!!

    P>S>S I LOST 5LBS today!!!!!!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    So I did about an hour of cardio today, plus some house cleaning. No stretches or crunches or any of that stuff. Company came early so im gonna enjoy there time here this weekend! If I dont check in again until Sunday I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hey ladies,

    How is everyone doing?

    I see Ashley is still rockin' out her workouts .. like a "machine" .. that is awesome!

    Ohhhhh and Kristy dropped a massive 5lbs! That is incredible! Congrats!

    I'm doing pretty good although my "schedule" which is normally nights is off and I think I'm coming down with something! Eeeek. But I will workout no matter what and get some inches or lbs off! I hope you all have a great weekend, and if I go MIA you know why. :)