191 pounds lost since January (288 total). I am no longer obese.



  • jocster
    jocster Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! Just wow! You are amazing, well done, this was the motivation I needed today , thank you
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 897 Member
    Fantastic job
  • JLively1020
    JLively1020 Posts: 12 Member
    You said you eat the same thing every day? Why is that? What do you eat in a day?
    Thank you for the kind message.

    Yes the same exact thing every single day. And essentially the same meal all three meals.
    There is no meal planning, meal prep is literally 1 hour work for 2 days of food.
    Food moved from "pleasure" to fuel in a very good way. I no longer crave that bag of Doritios, or the twinkies. Sure I saw a new flavor of oreos yesterday and dreamed about them for the rest of my shopping trip, but I never even thought of reaching for them. Again it is just fuel, not pleasure.

    That said. I am full and quite happy with what I eat every day. I haven't had one negative thought like "oh this again...." I just accept it as part of the process, like getting on the bike everyday, or going to the gym.

    My daily food is this.

    Breakfast 14 oz boiled red potatoes, mashed with nothing added. I put them in a waffle iron, and they taste better than I remember french frys being. I use some ketchup and a bunch of hot sauce.
    1/3 cup of cheese melted on top of one of my waffles (the 14oz makes 2)
    2oz of carrots.

    Lunch, again potatoes in the waffle iron with ketchup and hot sauce.
    3/4 cup of bran flakes. Used to have this as a mid day snack between lunch and dinner, but I would forget to eat it half the time so just started having it with lunch.

    You guessed it potatoes in the waffle iron with Ketchup and hot sauce.
    7.5oz grilled chicken breast. I just add some pepper to this, no salt or anything else.

    That is it, nothing else at all during the day. I have had this essentially every day since January 10th.
    Once a month I have a chick fil a sandwich but still keep with the 1400 cal.
    Ive gone camping a few times this year and swapped out the potatoes for tortillas and just put grilled chicken in them, again staying with the 1400cal.
    Ive had Tacos I think 4 times this year, only breaking the 1400cal 3 times I think without checking my notes.

    By the end of the year ill have eaten over 1000 pounds of potatoes... I buy 50 pound boxes at a restaurant supply place hah.
    Making them is simple, cut up 2 days worth, boil and mash it. Separate it by weight into Tupperware containers so it is easy just to pull it out and toss it in the iron.

    I assume you were diabetic? If so, how did you manage the carb overload from eating all the potatoes? Awesome story by the way and very inspirational! Thank you for sharing.
  • SeikoMonster
    SeikoMonster Posts: 105 Member

    I assume you were diabetic? If so, how did you manage the carb overload from eating all the potatoes? Awesome story by the way and very inspirational! Thank you for sharing.

    Nope,not diabetic amazingly after 20 years of 2 liters of soda per day.
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    Wow! What an awesome job!
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    Wow!! Great job on all your hard work.

    I'm just curious: You said you ate the same thing every day. What was it?
  • 2esAngel
    2esAngel Posts: 3 Member
    Tears. Happy ones. So proud of your commitment and effort.
  • mrsllp51510
    mrsllp51510 Posts: 10 Member
    Amazing job! You're an inspiration.
  • Ilovestinkycheese
    Ilovestinkycheese Posts: 17 Member
    Bravo! I love that you found a process that works specifically for YOU, and you alone. You should not be embarrassed by your photos...you should be proud. Carry on! Cheers!
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    You're a g.d. superhero.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Congrats to you and your amazing transformation! You are truly a success story!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    fantastic & thank you for sharing, you have nothing to be embarrassed about
  • AlexTriGuy
    AlexTriGuy Posts: 7 Member
    Man you are moving!!!! Congrats on all your accomplishments! You should be VERY proud of where you are today. Your story, you rock it!!!! And thank you for posting your pics, I know its a very personal and hard thing to do, but for others to see your progress nothing says it like pictures. Have a great Thanksgiving!
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    First, thank you so much for the long post and sharing your struggle and amazing success. You have inspired me and I'm sure many others. Second, you seem like just a genuinely good human and I could not be more happy that you found the incredible strength to make this happen! Third, please don't be embarrassed! These pictures are a reason to be happy and proud! You made my day! :)
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    What an amazing accomplishment!
  • SeikoMonster
    SeikoMonster Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you all for the very nice comments!

    vinerie wrote: »
    Wow!! Great job on all your hard work.

    I'm just curious: You said you ate the same thing every day. What was it?

    I posted it here in the thread just a few posts above yours,

  • Mom2ACJC
    Mom2ACJC Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for sharing your inspiring story! You are amazing! Well done :)
  • NoxeemaJackson
    NoxeemaJackson Posts: 102 Member
    holy snikeys...I never thought of putting mashed potato in a waffle iron, but it sounds amazing!
    Why so many potatoes? Any particular reason?
    Nothing to be embarrassed about. THIS IS AMAZING!
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