Advice needed on my diet plan anything need adding or taking away ?

Hello all ,, what do you think of my diet plan , is it too restrictive or anything I need to add or remove ? any help would be much appreciated p.s I'm 16.6 stone, 5ft 10 and 26 years old and I have a personal trainer and boot camp 3 mornings a week..

Healthy Balanced Diet Plan


REMEMBER: Give at least an hour and a half between eating and hitting the gym . If needed drink coffee as pre workout or a protein shake. Exercise on an empty stomach can put your body into ketosis (Fat burning mode) however it helps to have something to fuel your workout hence the pre workout drink…

Morning .. Before gym … Protein shake … 200 calories. 25g protein
After gym … Breakfast … 3 eggs – 216 calories. 18g protein

2-3 hours after … 60g natural yogurt + 30g blueberry’s … 84 calories/add 60 cal if you add honey. 4g protein

2-3 Hours after … one sweet potato 8 asparagus and 100g chicken … 226 calories. 25g protein

2-3 Hours after… one medium white potato 100g salmon/cod … 262 calories. 25g protein

2-3 hours after (last meal ) chicken/turkey 100g + hand full of greens … 150 calories. 26g protein

If needed protein shake before bed – 200 calories. 25g protein

Total calories consumed – 1398
Total Protein Consumed—148 grams



  • dannib898
    dannib898 Posts: 12 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Overall calories are low for an adult male, especially if you're doing boot camp 3x/wk. Recalculate NEAT/TDEE using your stats and set a more reasonable deficit.

    Thanks for the reply =) sorry what is NEAT/TDEE please?
  • dannib898
    dannib898 Posts: 12 Member
    Im a female and eat more calories than that,definitely too low for a male. the least amount for a male is 1500 or 1600. and thats for one who is sedentary.also as for ketosis being a fat burning mode,ketosis burns fat you consume and body fat is mainly burned at rest. nothing wrong with working out fasted either as long as the person doesnt have any issues with it (like dizziness,feeling sick,etc).

    thank you for the reply, I agree it is low I mean I followed it for a month as instructed by my PT and lost a stone but I want to be realistic now iv dropped the first stone, also I have been very drained lately which I assume is down to the calorie deficiency plus hard boot camp so would you say introduce some healthy fats and up intake to around 1900-2000 on workout days and 1700 on rest day? would you say I'm correct in thinking exercising on empty stomach improves fat burning for the rest of the day ?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    That many piddly meals a day would drive me insane (due to the tiny size, having to eat so often, and prep that many meals)

    It sounds incredibly restrictive to me - why not just get a calorie goal for whatever goal you're trying to achieve, and make your in meal plan with foods you like in appropriate quantities?
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    NEAT = Non-exercise Activity Thermogenisis (calories needed for daily activities without exercise)
    TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (calories needed for all daily activities including exercise)

    TDEE = NEAT + Exercise

    MFP calculates your calories based on NEAT, and then subtracts or adds calories for losing or gaining at the desired rate (500cal/day for a pound/week). That is why MFP encourages logging exercise to add calories to your food goal to keep the deficit constant.

    Other users favor using TDEE and subtracting their deficit from that, especially of they exercise or have pretty consistent activity from day to day.

  • dannib898
    dannib898 Posts: 12 Member
    That many piddly meals a day would drive me insane (due to the tiny size, having to eat so often, and prep that many meals)

    It sounds incredibly restrictive to me - why not just get a calorie goal for whatever goal you're trying to achieve, and make your in meal plan with foods you like in appropriate quantities?

    I kind of like been uniformed when dieting as i find it easier to keep track, however this is just to get to my goal weight then i will be less uniformed . would you say changing to 3 meals a day would have same effect on weight loss. the little and often routine was advised by my PT but surely changing it to 3 meals a day would suffice ? thanks for your time
  • dannib898
    dannib898 Posts: 12 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    NEAT = Non-exercise Activity Thermogenisis (calories needed for daily activities without exercise)
    TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (calories needed for all daily activities including exercise)

    TDEE = NEAT + Exercise

    MFP calculates your calories based on NEAT, and then subtracts or adds calories for losing or gaining at the desired rate (500cal/day for a pound/week). That is why MFP encourages logging exercise to add calories to your food goal to keep the deficit constant.

    Other users favor using TDEE and subtracting their deficit from that, especially of they exercise or have pretty consistent activity from day to day.

    my BMR is 2223 calories with exercise 3-5 times a week . i used a third party calculator and this is the result for a 3 pound a week weight loss ..

    In order to lose 3 lbs in 1 week, you will need to consume 1663 calories per day, down from 3160 calories per day currently, or exercise more to boost your calorie burn rate by about 1497 calories per day.
  • dannib898
    dannib898 Posts: 12 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    dannib898 wrote: »
    Im a female and eat more calories than that,definitely too low for a male. the least amount for a male is 1500 or 1600. and thats for one who is sedentary.also as for ketosis being a fat burning mode,ketosis burns fat you consume and body fat is mainly burned at rest. nothing wrong with working out fasted either as long as the person doesnt have any issues with it (like dizziness,feeling sick,etc).

    thank you for the reply, I agree it is low I mean I followed it for a month as instructed by my PT and lost a stone but I want to be realistic now iv dropped the first stone, also I have been very drained lately which I assume is down to the calorie deficiency plus hard boot camp so would you say introduce some healthy fats and up intake to around 1900-2000 on workout days and 1700 on rest day? would you say I'm correct in thinking exercising on empty stomach improves fat burning for the rest of the day ?

    You are incorrect in thinking that. Meal timing with respect to exercise is largely irrelevant for most people.

    thanks for your helpful advice
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    dannib898 wrote: »
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    NEAT = Non-exercise Activity Thermogenisis (calories needed for daily activities without exercise)
    TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (calories needed for all daily activities including exercise)

    TDEE = NEAT + Exercise

    MFP calculates your calories based on NEAT, and then subtracts or adds calories for losing or gaining at the desired rate (500cal/day for a pound/week). That is why MFP encourages logging exercise to add calories to your food goal to keep the deficit constant.

    Other users favor using TDEE and subtracting their deficit from that, especially of they exercise or have pretty consistent activity from day to day.

    my BMR is 2223 calories with exercise 3-5 times a week . i used a third party calculator and this is the result for a 3 pound a week weight loss ..

    In order to lose 3 lbs in 1 week, you will need to consume 1663 calories per day, down from 3160 calories per day currently, or exercise more to boost your calorie burn rate by about 1497 calories per day.

    BMR is largely irrelevant. That's your calories needed for simply breathing, no activity (as if you were comatose). Calculations such as NEAT and TDEE use BMR in their formula, but those are the numbers you want to base your deficit from.

  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    dannib898 wrote: »
    That many piddly meals a day would drive me insane (due to the tiny size, having to eat so often, and prep that many meals)

    It sounds incredibly restrictive to me - why not just get a calorie goal for whatever goal you're trying to achieve, and make your in meal plan with foods you like in appropriate quantities?

    I kind of like been uniformed when dieting as i find it easier to keep track, however this is just to get to my goal weight then i will be less uniformed . would you say changing to 3 meals a day would have same effect on weight loss. the little and often routine was advised by my PT but surely changing it to 3 meals a day would suffice ? thanks for your time

    you could eat 100 times a day or one massive meal a day right before bed. doesn't matter. all that meal timing outlined would drive me insane and has no benefit.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    dannib898 wrote: »
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    NEAT = Non-exercise Activity Thermogenisis (calories needed for daily activities without exercise)
    TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (calories needed for all daily activities including exercise)

    TDEE = NEAT + Exercise

    MFP calculates your calories based on NEAT, and then subtracts or adds calories for losing or gaining at the desired rate (500cal/day for a pound/week). That is why MFP encourages logging exercise to add calories to your food goal to keep the deficit constant.

    Other users favor using TDEE and subtracting their deficit from that, especially of they exercise or have pretty consistent activity from day to day.

    my BMR is 2223 calories with exercise 3-5 times a week . i used a third party calculator and this is the result for a 3 pound a week weight loss ..

    In order to lose 3 lbs in 1 week, you will need to consume 1663 calories per day, down from 3160 calories per day currently, or exercise more to boost your calorie burn rate by about 1497 calories per day.

    3 lbs/wk is too aggressive unless you are especially obese, which you are not.

    1.5 - 2 lbs /wk is the most you should be trying for, and that rate will reduce as you get closer to your goal weight.

    Use MFP's setup wizard to determine your calorie goal and try that for a while.

    And on the days you exercise, log it and eat those calories too.
    If you find you are not losing as expected drop your exercise calories by 25%

    Cheers, h
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    There's no need to work out fasted in order to burn fat. This has been debunked.

    That's also not how ketosis works - you can't get into / out of ketosis in a matter of hours like that, it takes time for the body to keto adapt. If you did happen to be in ketosis, you would then eat some honey and it would end. There's no real benefit to ketosis for weight loss and it has some drawbacks.

    Having a few carbs before and after working out boosts blood sugar, which can make it easier to get through a workout, and all around makes some people feel better. It doesn't have to be a fancy shake, a glass of milk was found by studies to be an ideal post workout drink. However, different companies haven't figured out a way to brand milk and charge lots of money for it.

    3 lbs / wk is too aggressive unless you weigh over 300 lbs. 1% loss per week is the maximum you should be going for. Your trainer may be a good trainer but is not a dietician.
  • Lesscookies1
    Lesscookies1 Posts: 250 Member
    edited November 2017
    If you want to lose weight at a healthy rate, and enjoy the way you look like after losing the weight increase your calories. You're working out, and you're eating 1300 calories which is less than what's recommended for guys. Update your goals on MyFitnessPal to lose 1 pound a week that seems like a better fit.
    Please bear in mind this may not be the case for all, but one of the things that occur from losing weight at an aggressive weight is your skin stretching out, and dealing with loose skin. An health professional can testify that losing weight at a healthy rate is better for the skin, but sometimes loose skin can't be avoided, but a cause of it is losing weight at a fast pace.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    dannib898 wrote: »
    That many piddly meals a day would drive me insane (due to the tiny size, having to eat so often, and prep that many meals)

    It sounds incredibly restrictive to me - why not just get a calorie goal for whatever goal you're trying to achieve, and make your in meal plan with foods you like in appropriate quantities?

    I kind of like been uniformed when dieting as i find it easier to keep track, however this is just to get to my goal weight then i will be less uniformed . would you say changing to 3 meals a day would have same effect on weight loss. the little and often routine was advised by my PT but surely changing it to 3 meals a day would suffice ? thanks for your time

    Uniformed is fine, I personally make my own meal plan for during the week and eat the same meals. They are meals I enjoy though, with a variety of tasty food, that fit my personal preference and schedule. (2-3 meals generally, eaten late in the day)

    Meal timing, frequency and size is not going to have an impact on weight loss, besides contributing to your ability to control your intake. If eating that often works for you, do it, if it doesn't, do something else!
  • dannib898
    dannib898 Posts: 12 Member
    There's no need to work out fasted in order to burn fat. This has been debunked.

    That's also not how ketosis works - you can't get into / out of ketosis in a matter of hours like that, it takes time for the body to keto adapt. If you did happen to be in ketosis, you would then eat some honey and it would end. There's no real benefit to ketosis for weight loss and it has some drawbacks.

    Having a few carbs before and after working out boosts blood sugar, which can make it easier to get through a workout, and all around makes some people feel better. It doesn't have to be a fancy shake, a glass of milk was found by studies to be an ideal post workout drink. However, different companies haven't figured out a way to brand milk and charge lots of money for it.

    3 lbs / wk is too aggressive unless you weigh over 300 lbs. 1% loss per week is the maximum you should be going for. Your trainer may be a good trainer but is not a dietician.

    very helpful thank you
  • dannib898
    dannib898 Posts: 12 Member
    dannib898 wrote: »
    That many piddly meals a day would drive me insane (due to the tiny size, having to eat so often, and prep that many meals)

    It sounds incredibly restrictive to me - why not just get a calorie goal for whatever goal you're trying to achieve, and make your in meal plan with foods you like in appropriate quantities?

    I kind of like been uniformed when dieting as i find it easier to keep track, however this is just to get to my goal weight then i will be less uniformed . would you say changing to 3 meals a day would have same effect on weight loss. the little and often routine was advised by my PT but surely changing it to 3 meals a day would suffice ? thanks for your time

    Uniformed is fine, I personally make my own meal plan for during the week and eat the same meals. They are meals I enjoy though, with a variety of tasty food, that fit my personal preference and schedule. (2-3 meals generally, eaten late in the day)

    Meal timing, frequency and size is not going to have an impact on weight loss, besides contributing to your ability to control your intake. If eating that often works for you, do it, if it doesn't, do something else!

    great advice thanks