How can I be overweight?



  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    It could be a few things. 1) your body is in starvation mode and hanging on to the last meal ate. Most people who are "starving" hold their weight in their midsection (not all over). 2) when you do eat you are eating junk. If you are eating processed foods, lots of sodium (such as soup), sugar, high fat'll hold onto the weight even more. 3) you're not telling the whole truth and may not realize it. I know many men/women who say they don't eat much during the day and only have one big meal. Come to find out they are snackers. They pick - they will have a handful of chips, candy, nuts, etc that happen to be lying around. So technically they did not *sit* down to a meal - but they are eating throughout the day and on non-healthy foods. So if you are a snacker (and unconscience snacker at that) then again're going to gain weight.

    you really need to stop and anaylze your lifestyle and eating habits. Eating one time a day is very unhealthy. Snacking is better for you *if* you're snacking on healthy foods (fruits, veggies)
  • Eleisabelle
    Your body is probably in starvation mode. Because you eat so little calories, your body doesn't know when it's next meal is coming, so it hangs onto fat, uaually around the midsection.

    You need to up your calories, and up your exercise to get your metabolism going again.

    Good luck and feel better!

    ^ this

    I second the ^ this.

    Everyone here is right. If you're not eating at least 1200 calories per day, your body goes into shock, shuts down your metabolism, and stores fat. Then it consumes itself. You probably get sick because you've been doing it long enough that your system doesn't know how to restart again. I would suggest seeing a doctor to find out how to reintroduce calories (probably slowly building up so your body doesn't freak out) until you get up to 1200, at least.

    Anorexia is no way to lose weight. And this is dangerously close to anorexia, from the sound of it. Don't do that to yourself. You deserve much better than that!
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    Well, for 1, Based on your profile picture, you are not *so* overweight. For 2, you are not eating enough. You definitely are not eating enough. Your body is going to hold onto every morsel you do it because it is not getting enough calories to function. In my own opinion, and with no medical backing to this, it appears from your pic that a majority of your "weight" is being held in your stomach......... sort of like those pictures of starving children you see on TV. The lack of food causes their stomachs to be distended. Also, in my own opinion, and as gently as I can say this, it seems like you have an unhealthy relationship with food as well as a lack of education about healthy "dieting". It also appears that you have an unhealthy relationship with your body. I would strongly suggest talking to a professional counselor and/or nutritionist so that you can be the healthiest you possible.

    Best of luck!!
  • christina3323
    is this a joke?? Am I being punked...wheres Ashton!?!
  • randomartisrgirl
    It might be because you're not eating enough.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    If you cant eat then drink. Try a protein shake or something to get more calories earlier in the day Have one for breakfast one for lunch add some fruit or something to it and see if that helps. However I would see a doctor for the long run puking after eating can be an indicator of many things some even psychological. I used to get really sick after eating and it was because of stress, not saying that is what it is just saying it really could be anything but no matter what it is, it does not sound normal.

    You did say after you eat and are active you get sick...maybe you are pushing yourself too hard during a workout or eating too soon before.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Normally I don't go into "blah, blah, blah, starvation mode" but in your case, I'm going straight there for all of the reasons already given. This is your sustained lifestyle, and that is the only reason I'm going there. eating less + exercising more =/= weight loss. eating less + exercising more = slower metabolism and an inefficient use of food energy. eating more will actually bump your metabolism into gear helping you shed the pounds, and I honestly believe that is why you are overweight. You may not be hungry, but you are starving.
  • KierstyPants
    is this a joke?? Am I being punked...wheres Ashton!?!
  • eichhorst
    eichhorst Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts & loads of helpful information/ ideas. Reading thru all the comments I think I now think I should have added a little more information. 1. I have seen a doctor for this, in fact I am scheduled for regular visits every 4 months. He ran every test on me imaginable & the only thing he could tell me is that my stomach is smaller then a normal adults- it's more like the size of a child's which is why he believes I get full on very little & sick if I eat more then that. He also prescribed me prilosec (something about overproduction of acid could also be making me sick) I was on that for 6 months but it did not help at all so he took me off of it last month. 2. I was then referred to a nutritionist who I was seeing once a week for 6mos, that was just a waste of time because I actually ended up gaining 22lbs following her recommended diet 3. After the nutritionist was of no help my Dr. referred me to a gastrologist (sorry if that's spelled wrong) he again ran a ton of tests & found nothing wrong. 4. to the person who wrote that I may be lying- No. I do not buy any snacks, it is very rare that I eat any type of junk food although I will admit I do have a problem with drinking soda but I have been working on eliminating that from my diet ( I usually drink about 2 cans per day now). 5. I am very active- no I don't visit a gym or do a normal workout routine every day but I am active ALL day- cleaning, yardwork, taking walks (I try to walk 1hr every day), up & down the steps, outside playing kickball or whatever with the kids. and finally 6. I did not mean to make it sound as though I am severely overweight but according to my doctor & the nutritionist I need to loose 35lbs to be at a healthy weight for my age, height, & body type. And my waist & thighs are my problem areas (more so the thighs)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Professional eaters (the people who you see in the coney island hotdog competition and such) swallow handfuls of whole grapes (like they are pills, kwim) to stretch out their stomach. I didn't think you were obese, unless that picture is not of you, but you did ask why you are overwieght and my assessment hasn't changed. If you have the money I would suggest getting one of the hrm's that you wear all day (bodybugg, polar makes one) to see exactly what your daily expenditure looks like.
  • Eleisabelle
    2. I was then referred to a nutritionist who I was seeing once a week for 6mos, that was just a waste of time because I actually ended up gaining 22lbs following her recommended diet

    Well, if your body has been in starvation mode, until you can get your metabolism kicked up again, you are still going to gain weight. I have a sense this is going to be a process that would take a lot longer than 6 months to overcome. How long have you been eating so little? It would take at least as long to fix the issue.

    As for the small stomach, that can be a symptom of anorexic or bulimic behaviors.

    Our bodies are amazing, but not invincible. You need to nurture your body and remember that when a problem has developed over many years, it can take many years to heal. Be good to yourself and give yourself that time. And maybe see a different doctor--one who has experience with eating disorders. I'm not saying this because I'm convinced you have one (I'm not) but because much of what you seem to be dealing with mirrors the symptoms of eating disorders.

    Good luck!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    2. I was then referred to a nutritionist who I was seeing once a week for 6mos, that was just a waste of time because I actually ended up gaining 22lbs following her recommended diet

    Well, if your body has been in starvation mode, until you can get your metabolism kicked up again, you are still going to gain weight. I have a sense this is going to be a process that would take a lot longer than 6 months to overcome. How long have you been eating so little? It would take at least as long to fix the issue.

    As for the small stomach, that can be a symptom of anorexic or bulimic behaviors.

    Our bodies are amazing, but not invincible. You need to nurture your body and remember that when a problem has developed over many years, it can take many years to heal. Be good to yourself and give yourself that time. And maybe see a different doctor--one who has experience with eating disorders. I'm not saying this because I'm convinced you have one (I'm not) but because much of what you seem to be dealing with mirrors the symptoms of eating disorders.

    Good luck!

    Have you tried a psychologist or a licensed professional? I only as this because my anorexia was stemming from other things going on in my life, and the anorexia caused bulemia.
  • Eleisabelle
    I shouldn't have said bulimia. Stomach problems for people with bulimia are a lot different from those with anorexia. But anorexia or lack of eating for a long period (actually, as little as two weeks) due to illness or other factors CAN cause your stomach to shrink rather dramatically.

    You need to eat more smaller meals, not fewer larger ones. And a doctor who understands the physcial changes caused by eating disorders is more likely to help you than the one you have now seems to be doing.

    One doesn't have to be emaciated to be anorexic. Anorexia has to do with your relationship with food. And that's what seems to be suffering.

    Thinking of you and hoping you'll find the way out of this predicament.

  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts & loads of helpful information/ ideas. Reading thru all the comments I think I now think I should have added a little more information. 1. I have seen a doctor for this, in fact I am scheduled for regular visits every 4 months. He ran every test on me imaginable & the only thing he could tell me is that my stomach is smaller then a normal adults- it's more like the size of a child's which is why he believes I get full on very little & sick if I eat more then that. He also prescribed me prilosec (something about overproduction of acid could also be making me sick) I was on that for 6 months but it did not help at all so he took me off of it last month. 2. I was then referred to a nutritionist who I was seeing once a week for 6mos, that was just a waste of time because I actually ended up gaining 22lbs following her recommended diet 3. After the nutritionist was of no help my Dr. referred me to a gastrologist (sorry if that's spelled wrong) he again ran a ton of tests & found nothing wrong. 4. to the person who wrote that I may be lying- No. I do not buy any snacks, it is very rare that I eat any type of junk food although I will admit I do have a problem with drinking soda but I have been working on eliminating that from my diet ( I usually drink about 2 cans per day now). 5. I am very active- no I don't visit a gym or do a normal workout routine every day but I am active ALL day- cleaning, yardwork, taking walks (I try to walk 1hr every day), up & down the steps, outside playing kickball or whatever with the kids. and finally 6. I did not mean to make it sound as though I am severely overweight but according to my doctor & the nutritionist I need to loose 35lbs to be at a healthy weight for my age, height, & body type. And my waist & thighs are my problem areas (more so the thighs)

    I'm sorry to say this, but your points make it seem as though everyone around you (including professionals) is to blame. Unfortunately, you're just choosing to listen to the pieces of info that you want to hear right now. I do hope there is nothing medically wrong with you and you consider some of the advice of your doctors and MFP friends. Believe it or not, we all want you to be healthy and successful!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Ok so every day I look at my friends diaries (the ones that are public) and everyone has 3 full meals, snacks, beverages, very detailed diaries. My diary is also public & yesterday I had someone comment "is that really all you ate?"
    On most days I only eat once a day (dinner) and I don't eat much at all - yesterday I had 2 cups of soup for dinner. No, I am not trying to starve myself .. 1. I'm just really not hungry 2. If I try to eat before then, especially if it's a hot day or I'm really active I get sick and throw up 3. I'm an extremely picky eater. So my question is- how am I so overweight?

    Have you ever tracked what you ate before getting sick? When I eat dairy/gluten I get crazy sick, I cut it out of my diet, I started losing weight and I started eating better (without thinking about it was just drawn to better food in better portions).

    You should absolutely see a doctor. Your body shouldn't reject food so easily.

    Which came first, the lack of appetite or the picky eating? I know when I slip into my eating disorder mindset I suddenly become the world's pickiest eater ever, "Oh, it passed a cow pasture during transport? I don't think I'll eat it..." I'm not saying you've got an ED, just be very aware of which came first.
  • eichhorst
    eichhorst Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry haven't figured out yet how to quote when replying. To answer the question above I have been eating this way for about 5yrs now. When I got pregnant with my son is when I started having issues with food- I wasn't able to eat things I use to because the sight, smell or texture would make me sick. Of course I thought this was just because of the pregnancy but I have tried eating those same foods many times since & still get sick from them. For example- chicken is one of my biggest problems, something about the texture of it just makes me really sick & I start gagging. About 1yr ago is when I started with the problem of getting sick throughout the day.... it's not just with eating though. I could have not consumed anything but water & still throw up or I should say dry-heave. I have never thought of an eating disorder as a possibility.... I always thought anorexia bulemia was something that a person conciously does, they choose to starve themself or make themself throw up for the fear of gaining weight. Is it really possible to have an eating disorder without knowing it or intentionally doing it to yourself?