Calories calculator

Would someone be so kind to calculate how much calories I should be eating to lose 2lbs/week. Different website is giving me different numbers. I don't want to under eat nor over eat. I'm 28yo female, 5'2 and 121lbs. Thanks in advance!


  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited November 2017
    Your tiny already. I highly doubt you need to lose weight let alone 2lb a week
  • rchelen
    rchelen Posts: 46 Member
    MossiO wrote: »
    2 lbs a week is very aggressive for your height and weight. You'll probably have better luck shooting for 1lb or even a half pound a week. What is your goal? You don't have much to lose.

    Oh I see. I can do 1lbs/week. Honestly I just want to tone up and look fit. I'm what you called a "skinny fat"
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    rchelen wrote: »
    MossiO wrote: »
    2 lbs a week is very aggressive for your height and weight. You'll probably have better luck shooting for 1lb or even a half pound a week. What is your goal? You don't have much to lose.

    Oh I see. I can do 1lbs/week. Honestly I just want to tone up and look fit. I'm what you called a "skinny fat"

    What's your goal weight? Even 1 pound a week would be considered aggressive.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    rchelen wrote: »
    MossiO wrote: »
    2 lbs a week is very aggressive for your height and weight. You'll probably have better luck shooting for 1lb or even a half pound a week. What is your goal? You don't have much to lose.

    Oh I see. I can do 1lbs/week. Honestly I just want to tone up and look fit. I'm what you called a "skinny fat"

    This thread is full of all kinds of good advice for someone in your exact circumstances:
  • rchelen
    rchelen Posts: 46 Member
    What's your goal weight? Even 1 pound a week would be considered aggressive.
    I want to be at 110lbs
  • rchelen
    rchelen Posts: 46 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    Oh I see. I can do 1lbs/week. Honestly I just want to tone up and look fit. I'm what you called a "skinny fat"

    This thread is full of all kinds of good advice for someone in your exact circumstances:[/quote]
    Thanks I'll check it out.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    1 pound a week is definitely too aggressive. Half a pound would be best if you don't want to jeopardize losing precious muscle mass.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Different web sites work in different ways and so would give different numbers meaning you can't directly compare the numbers - pick a method and use the appropriate website.

    This one gives you no credit for your exercise until you actually do it and log it in your exercise diary. Your daily goal is plus exercise calories. Most other sites estimate your exercise in advance and give you an average amount daily.

    Try to be patient and not just in your weight loss, fitness improvements and especially muscle building takes time and dedication. Rapid weight loss isn't the way to fix being "skinny fat".
  • Rincewind_1965
    Rincewind_1965 Posts: 639 Member
    rchelen wrote: »
    Honestly I just want to tone up and look fit. I'm what you called a "skinny fat"

    If you just want to "tone up", than by all means, do so.
    Choose a recomposition-program that best suits your needs.
    But further weight-loss is not required and would (most likely) not solve your body-fat "problem"