Pregnancy – August 2011



  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    She showed me where it had began to calcify because I was overdue..if you're overdue and the placenta begins to calcify and age, will you still be able to encapsulate it? Thanks so much for sharing!

    How overdue were you?

    I am not sure if it can still be done, I will have to ask my doula (but I wont see her again until labour so I will have to get back to you on that).

    I am thinking that maybe they cut out the calcified part?

    I was 41 weeks. Cutting it out makes sense.
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks for the hints and ideas on the diapers!!! I was reading the list I was surprised on all the other members that wanted to be surprised on the sex of their babies. I decided a long time ago I didn't want to know what I was going to have and when I finally got pregnant my husband told me he didn't want to find out what the baby was.
  • Ramitta
    Ramitta Posts: 37 Member
    I am in category B and have been for the last 28 months, would love to join:wink:
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm trying to think of a present for my daughter to give to her the day the baby is born. I already got her a big sister t-shirt and a charm necklace..but i'd like to get something just for her to make her feel special on that day..however, my brain just won't work! I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but she is also getting another baby sister from her dad..only 6 weeks after ours is born, after being an only child for 11 years! So, I'd really like to make it something special! Any suggestions for me?

    Today marks 30 days left til my c-section date!!!!! Can't wait :o)

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    MAJOR charlie horse last night :ohwell: So painful! Looks like I need to start eating banana's more often again! Hope everyone's doing well...I'll try to catch up later!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Here is the list I was keeping to help me keep everyone straight. Post your info if you want me to add you to the list!

    Hey there! May i join? I've been an MFP member for a little while now, but just found this thread, sooo... :)

    Im Marie, from Derby England, and im currently 27 weeks pregnant. My due date is November 3rd. :))

    I joined MFP after i got pregnant. I let myself go in the 1st trimester, after a rough time medically and being unable to exercise etc, and frankly i felt it was carte-blanche to be able t0o eat what i liked w/o any consequences... WRONG!: The idea that i was 'eating for two' and that was OK led me to lump on a large amount of weight in the 1st tri, and just after my 12 wk booking in apptmnt with the midwife i realised i had to gain back some control of my eating, my excessive weight gain, and my body in general.
    Trust me.. at 12 wks i already did not recognise myself when i looked in the mirror - i blew up so fast, and the weight i put on was awfully soft, lumpy, lardy, wobbly fat, focused mainly on my thighs - pure cellulite & all wobble! Ive always been a bit chunky but strong and firm... this loose blubber was something totally new to me! *cries*.

    So anyway, since joining MFP at about 12wks pregnant ive managed to get my weight gain under control. I've still put on 15lbs in total to date, at 27wks... but a large proportion of that was before i joined. Between 12 wks and 27 wks ive gained approx 6lb, which i think is a bit more in controll than before.
    Im not sure if 6lbs is a fairly low gain for the whole of the 2nd trimester, but it all averages out over my whole pregnancy to still more than id like at 15lbs total.
    Id hoped to be able to lose my excess body fat, whilst just baby still gained weight, and i think the weeks i didnt gain any weight at all on the scales that maybe this happened?
    But it seems my body is just set to want to gain fat during pregnancy period, so im just trying to control it as much as i can. Im upset that i cant seem to lose the leg blubber at all yet - i guess i will have to work at that coming off after baby is born ? :S

    So ive set MFP to what i think is maintanance cals for my weight/height. Im 5ft1 and was 135lbs before conceivng - (ie on the cusp of being technically overweight). Ive been eating around 1600 cals a day. Does this seem right?

    Is it normal to still be gaining weight on maintenance cals durng pregnancy? How much has everyone gained so far?

    I know that sounded a silly question... obviously baby needs to gain weight, and theres the weight of the placenta, water etc.. but i figured MY body might actually LOSE weight, so id stay weighing the same if i ate maintenance whilst pregnant.. but still im slowly gaining.

    Is 15lbs gain at 27wks a lot? Im a little confused tbh about whats healthy for someone like me who was a bit overweight to start with.

    Sorry for rambling! hugs to all! Marie xxx

    You are doing great! Your body needs to gain weight when you are expecting. 15 pounds at 27 weeks is awesome! I to am at maintance and even with that I gain about .5 to 1 pound per week. I'm 29 weeks and I've gained 20 pounds. This is the time to gain SOME weight. You don't want to not gain weight unless you were over weight to start which is sounds like you are not. In your first tri you should gain about 5 pounds, 2 nd tri you should gain about a pound a week, and 3rd tri you should gain about .5-1 pound per week. This is what my OB told me but is different for everyone. Work out and eat healthy. Your body is going to do what it's going to do. You should try to aim for 25-35 pounds total for a weight gain unless your Dr says other wise. I know it's hard. I've been having a hard time watching the scale go up. But with my son I gained 50 pounds and I had him a month early! I lost it all. This time I've been on here and working out, it's making a big difference. At this point in my pregnancy with my son I had gained 36 pounds! So I'm thinking I'm doing good at a gain of 20 right now. Everyone on here is awesome! We are all here for support. I think the weight gain is one of the hardest things to get over. Just try to do your best with your diet and working out and let your body do what its going to do. You're doing great!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Melissa - I update the picture whenever I get a couple of new pieces of info and it automatically updates on the site. So your info may not have been there and was added with one of the updates.

    Has anyone heard from Tari (Mamarandall)? She was being induced on 7/27 and I don't think she has checked in since then. I am just hoping that she is enjoying her babymoon and has forgotten about us.

    Jenna - I'm sorry about the cramps. They stink! I think it was Danielle who was suffering mightly from them as well. Maybe she has some tips and tricks for you.

    Lindsey - I don't have any suggestions for gifts for your older daughter. Maybe think of something specifically from the baby to acknowledge her as the older sister?

    Stacy - I think we're the odd balls for not finding out. It's you me and Rachel (who is due in a couple of weeks) who don't plan to find out. Maybe Jen as well. I was tempted yesterday during my ultrasound, but I like the anticipation. Do you have your names picked out?
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Julz- Glad your appointment went well. That’s funny that they forgot to weigh you, that is the first thing they do everytime I go to my appointments so no steering away from it! And they have scales all through out the hall so constant reminders hahaha

    Michelle- Hoping the nausea stops for you soon!

    Ron- Sorry for the awful day yesterday. When it’s one thing after another like that it’s hard to make yourself do anything. I hope today is a much better day for you :smile:

    Katrina- Cute US pictures! I love those profile one’s. They just make you sigh :love:

    Jen- It’s all new to you so I’m sure it will take awhile before you get the full swing of things. I hope it continues to go well, minus the almost fainting part!

    Victoria- I have to see all the doctors at my OB office too. There is 3, and I like them all but it’s like you said, it isn’t like I’m building anything with either of them when each appointment is someone else.

    Rachel- Sounds like a nesting day to me! Hope hubby is feeling better soon too.

    Jenna- I make myself eat a banana daily. Those leg cramps/spasms are the WORST!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Second childbirth class is tonight :smile:

    I am dreaming a lot about delivery lately. I think it's because in all honest, I am a bit nervous about it. But only the delivery, not becoming a parent or bringing my little man home, just how delivery is going to go. Hubby says he feels the same. Hopefully the more classes we have the better we will feel.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Second childbirth class is tonight :smile:

    I am dreaming a lot about delivery lately. I think it's because in all honest, I am a bit nervous about it. But only the delivery, not becoming a parent or bringing my little man home, just how delivery is going to go. Hubby says he feels the same. Hopefully the more classes we have the better we will feel.

    Danielle- I felt nervous about it too and just went in with the attitude that it was happening no matter what so I may as well have an open mind.... still very nervous... you are going to do SO awesome. If you can relax during and just focus your adrinaline will pick up and carry you through. Don't worry, you will rock!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hi all :) No times to respond to everyone today. Elise has been waking up every 1 to 2 hours wanting to eat last night and this morning (she usually sleeps 3ish) and she will eat for 20 minutes and go back to sleep. Silly lady must be growing!

    Rachel- I had to comment :laugh: I would be very proud of you for taking the placenta pills... after my placenta problems I wanted nothing more than to NEVER see that thing again :laugh: I have read that it can be a good thing though.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member

    Stacy - I think we're the odd balls for not finding out. It's you me and Rachel (who is due in a couple of weeks) who don't plan to find out. Maybe Jen as well. I was tempted yesterday during my ultrasound, but I like the anticipation. Do you have your names picked out?

    Yup, I'm in the "not finding out" group! :laugh: This is my 2nd and with my 1st it was a surprise to. It's so cool when you are in labor. It's like Christmas Eve, you're just so excited to open your gift and see what you got. :noway: The thing that I was not expecting when my son was born was when they said "it's a boy" I wasn't even paying attention. I was just looking at my son, making sure he was ok. It did not matter at that point if he was a boy or a girl. It's kind of hard to explain, but it was truly was the last thing on my mind. I loved that! We are done after this baby so it would be nice if we were blessed with one of each. But I didn't want to find out this time because I didn't want to be upset if it's another boy. I know, selfish right?! But I knew I would have that reaction during the ultrasound and I didn't want that guilt. This is just me. We had our 4d ultrasound 2 weeks ago and even though we told the tech we didn't want to know she said "well, she really petite. So if I had to guess, I would say girl." REALLY?! :angry: My husband was pissed that she said that. We wanted it to be a surprise. But she didn't tell us for sure so maybe it's a boy. IDK, we will see in Oct!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    My sister has two little boys and didnt find out with either. I don't think I have patience for that. I have a genetic disorder and so does my daughter. If we have a boy who has it they wont survive and will die in utero so I guess we don't really have the option of not finding out. We go in on August 16th for our level 2 ultrasound. Praying hard that they see a healthy boy or girl.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    My sister has two little boys and didnt find out with either. I don't think I have patience for that. I have a genetic disorder and so does my daughter. If we have a boy who has it they wont survive and will die in utero so I guess we don't really have the option of not finding out. We go in on August 16th for our level 2 ultrasound. Praying hard that they see a healthy boy or girl.

    OMG, wishing you a healthy baby and mommy! :flowerforyou: I would find out to if I was in your shoes!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Julz – Its crazy how accurate my ticker can be some weeks, I really do feel like she’s trying to claw her way out! I keep telling her she needs to keep cooking for a while longer.

    Marie – welcome! Personally I think 15 pounds at 27 weeks is great, according to my scale this morning I’ve gained 34 so far. I used to get really upset about it but I’m not going to beat myself up any more. Baby and I are healthy and I are healthy and that’s all that really matters. And like my husband reminded me, I lost 53 pounds before I got pregnant so it’s not like I don’t know what to do after she’s here to get rid of the weight.

    Katrina – I love Gordon Ramsey! Right now I’m addicted to Master Chef. Yea for good friends, that’s awesome that you were given all that stuff.

    Ramitta – welcome!

    Lindsey – 30 more days!! So close!! That’s great that you’re going to give your daughter a present when the baby is born. I don’t have any suggestions, but hopefully the other ladies with kids here can help you out.

    Danielle – I hope the childbirth classes will help make you feel better about delivery. I’m really nervous and scared about it too.

    Elizabeth - praying for a healthy baby for you!

    Hi to anyone I missed!

    I’m down two pounds this morning. I’m not sure if it’s because I started to pay attention to what I’m eating or because I’m getting sick three times a days.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Has anyone heard from Tari (Mamarandall)? She was being induced on 7/27 and I don't think she has checked in since then. I am just hoping that she is enjoying her babymoon and has forgotten about us.

    i was wondering the same thing! hopefully everything is ok
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Hey everyone!

    Ron- Great job on the eating/weight loss! As you know I am absolutely struggling with this!!

    AFM: Busy day today- off to the dr and for lunch with a friend. I am having SUCH A HARD TIME deciding who will be the baby's doctor! I have two choices.

    We live in the country. There are two big towns near by, each of them 30 minutes drive in opposite directions. My family dr (and my husband's for his entire life) is in one town. For this pregnancy, I had to get a different dr to look after me because he does not deliver babies. So I got a dr in the other town, since I was working there at the time.

    The dr that is delivering my baby is a fairly young female from South Africa. I really really like her. If I want her to be my family dr (and my baby's) she will. But here is the trade off: the office she works out of is EXTREMELY busy. I often wait 30 minutes to an hour past my appointment time to see her. There are tons of people in there. She gets called away for emergencies at the hospital, etc. Sometimes (when not pregnant) it can take a long time to get in and see her for just a normal check up.

    The other dr does not have hospital rights (ie does not work emergency room shifts/deliver babies, etc) and his office is really not that busy at all. I pretty much always get in right on time. But he is old, and will retire soon.

    Bah! This is long and rambling but I am trying to decide which one to make my permanent dr. and the dr of my baby. The female I really like, who is young, and will be around a while, but who is always running behind and is hard to get in to see, or the male who is easy to get into, has known my husband all his life, but who may be retiring soon? I suppose when they retire they have another dr replace them. But still... such a hard choice!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Ok I just had a coworker ask me if she could borrow my tester so she could check her sugars because she was told at her last appt that she was boarderline for type 2 diabetes. Um NO!!! I wanted to say are you for real?! Gross! She was really surprised I said no. I was like "yeah, my blood is on my tester. Not a good idea." WTH are ppl thinking?! :noway: Ok, had to share. Just freaked me out.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Marie - welcome, I'm originally from the UK too, Norfolk but have lived in the States now for ages. Your weight gain thus far is really good, well done reigning it in after a big gain in the first tri! 1600 sounds right for maintenance as well but you could try adding a few hundred cals as you progress and see how it goes.

    Rachel - I like the idea of eating the placenta in a non-canabalistic type of way, i.e. the pills. Can't quite imaging chowing down on a big lump of it :laugh: :sick:
    Hmmm, not an easy choice of doctors, maybe if it's this difficult and neither are quite right, you should look for a 3rd option???

    Ronya - Even though I'm not throwing up at all my weight will fluctuate by as much as 3 lbs in 3 days which is making it difficult to know if I'm on track.

    so great news all around. Glucose test results = normal :drinker:
    Baby kidney measurements now in the normal range so no need to go back every 4 weeks to the specialist - YAY !!!!!!
    Now, if I could only stop waking up at 4am.........
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member