20 week weight loss Challenge! (With SpreadSheet!) 8/13 to 12/31



  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Gained 6 pounds over 3 days of meetings with drinks and meals and a party to top it off. Hopefully it melts away just as quickly.
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    I feel your pain, and your gain. It's 4.5 pounds for me. I'm hoping to lose a couple this week, then the rest by mid-Nov. I lose really slowly, but if I eat/log/exercise like I should, perhaps I can get it done. This is where the rubber meets the road, so don't give up! <3
    Gained 6 pounds over 3 days of meetings with drinks and meals and a party to top it off. Hopefully it melts away just as quickly.

  • msmith404040
    msmith404040 Posts: 84 Member
    Have been doing so great since July, but it was DH's birthday yesterday and had cake and popcorn during movie night and gained a bit! But today is a new day!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    SheilaCali wrote: »
    I feel your pain, and your gain. It's 4.5 pounds for me. I'm hoping to lose a couple this week, then the rest by mid-Nov. I lose really slowly, but if I eat/log/exercise like I should, perhaps I can get it done. This is where the rubber meets the road, so don't give up! <3
    Gained 6 pounds over 3 days of meetings with drinks and meals and a party to top it off. Hopefully it melts away just as quickly.

    Thanks for the encouragement, Sheila! Got down to 207.5 for the third time last week, but I'm up again this week. Fishing camp was fun, and there were lots of carbs and whiskey. Already dropping though - back to logging the food. ONEderland by the New Year!
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    That's the right attitude! Keep on making better choices, and they will catch up to you. I'm preaching to the choir here. I wish I'd take my own advice. You'll be in onederland soon!
    SheilaCali wrote: »
    I feel your pain, and your gain. It's 4.5 pounds for me. I'm hoping to lose a couple this week, then the rest by mid-Nov. I lose really slowly, but if I eat/log/exercise like I should, perhaps I can get it done. This is where the rubber meets the road, so don't give up! <3
    Gained 6 pounds over 3 days of meetings with drinks and meals and a party to top it off. Hopefully it melts away just as quickly.

    Thanks for the encouragement, Sheila! Got down to 207.5 for the third time last week, but I'm up again this week. Fishing camp was fun, and there were lots of carbs and whiskey. Already dropping though - back to logging the food. ONEderland by the New Year!

  • lady_bug_jd
    lady_bug_jd Posts: 221 Member
    We've weighed in 5 weeks now since our starting weight and we're a quarter weigh through our challenge so I thought I'd calculate our top weight losses by percentage so far. Great job everybody, let's keep it up!

    Congratulations to our top 5:
    @Bluetail6 - 7.02% (15lbs)
    @Jaynee1961 - 5.98% (16.1lbs)
    Tina - 4.59% (7.6lbs)
    @mob82 - 4.57% (10.6lbs)
    @savvy85 - 4.43% (7.92lbs) (3.6kg)

    Hi Everyone,

    We're more than half way through this challenge. Great job for hanging in there! Time to post our top weight losses. I've calculated the total percentage lost from 08/13 - 10/22 and also the percentages lost for 5-week period 09-17 - 10/22. Keep up the excellent work!

    Congratulations to our top 5 overall 10-week weight loss (08/13 - 10/22):
    @Bluetail6 - 12.64%
    @msmith404040 - 9.42%
    @techqu767 - 8.75%
    @mob82 - 7.41 %
    @Kate - 7.2%

    Congratulations to our top 5 for 5-week period (09/17 - 10/22)
    @Bluetail6 - 6.04%
    @msmith404040 - 5.79%
    @Justlilly - 4.62%
    @lehe0943 - 4.18%
    @Shrinkydink1977 - 3.73%
  • techqu767
    techqu767 Posts: 3 Member
    Too bad this didn't start when I started in June. On the 17th of June I weighed in at 298.6 and the last time I weighed myself I was down to 246.7. Waahoo for me!! Been overweight since high school which is now more than 20 years ago.
  • lady_bug_jd
    lady_bug_jd Posts: 221 Member
    Wow @techqu767 you're doing amazing! You've lost 1/6th of your weight already.

    I've been overweight the last 20 years too. I've been dieting since August 7th. It's coming off slowly for me but I'm happy I've stuck with it for 3 months.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,921 Member
    Thank you for the mention!! I've been away from home for the last couple of weeks. Goes to show, with the right mindset we can accomplish the weight loss goals we have set for ourselves. Mindset, not willpower. :):)
  • techqu767
    techqu767 Posts: 3 Member
    Please people let's be clear. YOU ARE NOT DIETING! You are changing the way you eat to better your body and mind to achieve your goals. If you think of it as a diet then once it's over you go back to the way you ate before and all your hard work is lost. Yes, it is a mindset to change how you think about food and what is does to your body and in the long run you will all be better off for it. =)
  • MarylandRose
    MarylandRose Posts: 239 Member
    Just back from four days in wine country. Didn't visit the hotel gym once, so it was a true vacation, and much needed. I was really happy to get back to my gym and my 0530 spin class today. I'm also finally getting over the cold that plagued me last week (and for the duration of my mini-vacation :/ ) Expecting to see the scale equalize as I get back to drinking water and eating my 'normal' foods, but not worried about it. Getting some time away with my fiance was AMAZING and I enjoyed every second. I'm almost disappointed the scale didn't go up more!
  • Juslilly
    Juslilly Posts: 40 Member
    Stay strong challenge members. Congratulations to all who forge ahead. You deserve to be happy and healthy. You have the power within you to accomplish your goals. Keep at it.
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    Juslilly wrote: »
    Stay strong challenge members. Congratulations to all who forge ahead. You deserve to be happy and healthy. You have the power within you to accomplish your goals. Keep at it.
    Amen to that. This is really going to be a test of our willpower/mindsets, as we're entering into the holiday season. I'm already eating more bizarre carby foods, and I'm visiting family this weekend. Thanksgiving will be a one-plate event. No seconds/thirds for me. Try to plan ahead for those upcoming parties and get-togethers. I'm bringing some healthy snacks on my road trip, and will watch my portion sizes. Have a plan...to choose wisely.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,921 Member
    @SheilaCali I love the one-plate event idea for Thanksgiving! We too will be on a road trip with 4 other friends. The nice thing is that we are going to get one of those pre-made dinners. We will then bring sides. My plan is to bring a lot of salad greens and fruit for sides. It will be weird, to not be at a huge sit-down dinner, or preparing a huge dinner. But I'm excited we are mixing it up this year.

    What do others have planned?
  • amdsf
    amdsf Posts: 24 Member
    I haven't really been active in the comments section here, but I wanted to tell you guys that I am hugely motivated by doing this challenge with you. This is otherwise quite a solitary pursuit for me - not in a bad way, it's just that I am the only person around me dieting - and I am very motivated by your hard work, through life and colds and holidays and less-than-I-wanted-weight-loss and more holidays (damn you, Halloween!). Thank you for that! Hopefully our OP, or someone, will continue this after Jan 1, as I am going to need more time. :-)
  • mob82
    mob82 Posts: 48 Member
    I stopped reporting for a month because after my birthday I plateau-ed, and got frustrated. But I'm back to it, still plateau-ed, but determined to break through!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Was at 206 on Thursday. Left for a two day road trip. Two restaurant meals and I'm at 210 today. Mostly water retention, but still mildly irritating. Next weigh-in will be better.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    edited November 2017
    amdsf wrote: »
    I haven't really been active in the comments section here, but I wanted to tell you guys that I am hugely motivated by doing this challenge with you. This is otherwise quite a solitary pursuit for me - not in a bad way, it's just that I am the only person around me dieting - and I am very motivated by your hard work, through life and colds and holidays and less-than-I-wanted-weight-loss and more holidays (damn you, Halloween!). Thank you for that! Hopefully our OP, or someone, will continue this after Jan 1, as I am going to need more time. :-)

    Here's a link to another challenge with a goal of reaching desired loss by June 2018. Please join us if you like.

  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,921 Member
    0.2 lb. gain. I'm not going to complain. :)
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Down 4.5 lbs. from last week. Color me pleased! :)