Exercise, when and what?

Hi, i am new here and just had my first weekly weigh in - lost 6lbs, which i assume is water weight but i am happy nevertheless. My question is this, i have just over 40lbs to lose and i carry most if not all of my excess weight in my middle. My arms and legs are not at all fat in comparison. I have never exercised and want to start as i am very aware that when i lose this weight i will have loose skin. I don't feel able to do much cardio at the mo as i feel too heavy and am very unfit, however i do want to do something.
So, any ideas on what i should start with, ideally at home and not at a gym (don't feel confident at the moment to go to a gym). Any equipment i should buy? I can't quite believe that i have got to 46 and never exercised in my life but hey ho, i am determined to do this.



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what do you like the idea of trying? the worlds your oyster... but it'll be easier to stick to if you enjoy it.

    do a bit of cardio, a bit of resistance/strength training...
  • Thank you, i have been looking at some youtube videos and i quite like the idea of resistance/strength training. I don't feel able to do anything like jog/run as i feel so heavy......for now
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Thank you, i have been looking at some youtube videos and i quite like the idea of resistance/strength training. I don't feel able to do anything like jog/run as i feel so heavy......for now

    You don’t have to run. Take a walk, go swimming, do some YouTube videos. Anything will help.
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Youtube literally has aerobic routines you can do in a chair, if you're worried about your joints or about looking odd, you can do it in the privacy of your own home.

    Strength training is great. I just use dumbbells and the routines in Strong Women Stay Slim. It's very inexpensive to get started. All you really need are 2, 3, and 5 lb weights at first, then as you get stronger you move on to 6. 8, 10, etc. I found my first weights on Craigslist actually. I just did a search for dumbbells and was able to get 4 sets for 10 dollars.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Anything that cause you to get out of breath when you are doing it is burning a significant amount of calories.
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    edited November 2017
    Exercise must be built up from wherever you are now. If you do not exercise, start by walking a consistent pace for a period of time that is comfortable for you. You can add speed, distance, and stride length as you want to start challenging yourself. Once you can walk at a brisk pace for half an hour without feeling too many issues the day after, I would say that you're ready to start an exercise program. If walking is not a good idea for you, something similarly basic and low-impact will work great.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Another vote for walking here. Start by walking a mile and as you feel more fit try to walk it faster like you are late to be somewhere. After you have added some speed to your walks add a bit of distance each week. An app like Runtastic can be used to track your time and distance. I started out this way and kept at it until I was able to run a half marathon. Good luck.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi, i am new here and just had my first weekly weigh in - lost 6lbs, which i assume is water weight but i am happy nevertheless. My question is this, i have just over 40lbs to lose and i carry most if not all of my excess weight in my middle. My arms and legs are not at all fat in comparison. I have never exercised and want to start as i am very aware that when i lose this weight i will have loose skin. I don't feel able to do much cardio at the mo as i feel too heavy and am very unfit, however i do want to do something.
    So, any ideas on what i should start with, ideally at home and not at a gym (don't feel confident at the moment to go to a gym). Any equipment i should buy? I can't quite believe that i have got to 46 and never exercised in my life but hey ho, i am determined to do this.


    For cardio a good starting point is Leslie Sansone or Jessica Smith walking videos. The term "walking video" refers to a workout without complicated choreography, the beauty of this is you can always go at your own pace.



    For strength training start with body weight exercise. Jessica Smith, Fitness Blender, BeFit....tons of resources on line. As you become more fit, then look for weights.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I really enjoy the stretching and cardio workouts on the youtube account FitnessBlender. Most don't have equipment and can be done at home. I like the stretching videos because they're really more like body weight exercises.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I'm with everyone who has posted here - walking, YouTube, lifting or resistance, all are good. Try any and everything if you are so inclined- just don't do too much too soon.

    Start slow, go light, perfect form, and don't worry if you can only do 5 min of a 30min programme. Work your way up to the full 30- that is a good goal in itself.

    I was 54, and wanted to lose 30lbs, when I first started exercising. It was aqua fit that got me going.

    I was terribly out of shape, hated puffing and panting, and absolutely despised sweating, heck I disposed exercise

    . Aqua fit meant I didn't feel sweaty, could go at my own pace, and got in both cardio and resistance work done in one fell swoop.

    I honestly wasn't self directed enough when I started exercising to do home workouts or even walk daily as exercise, that came after a few months, I needed the commitment of a class to start establishing a routine.

    As someone who doesn't have a natural inclination to exercise, I am so glad I found something that suited me, and I could stick with at the beginning.

    Try different things, at home, or at at gym or pool until you find something you can do consistently.

    Also don't worry about what you look like. I started aqua fit looking pregnant at 54 as I too carry all my weight front and forward.

    Cheers, h.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,816 Member
    One strength training option is bodyweight training, which requires little/no equipment and can be done at home. This very helpful thread identifies and links to some specific bodyweight programs, and discusses other options for beginners:

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    im a morning cardio person. i do some weight training and its before cardio when i do it.

    find what works best for you.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    One strength training option is bodyweight training, which requires little/no equipment and can be done at home. This very helpful thread identifies and links to some specific bodyweight programs, and discusses other options for beginners:


    I love the idea of bodyweight exercises, but have yet to see a truly beginner one suitable for someone who is older and out of shape. For example, I am active, but the earlier, easier You are your own gym was too hard on my knees and what I've seen from youtube, the newer version is even harder.

    Re Nerd Fitness, I don't consider a program that doesn't give the easier options for pushups truly a beginner program. Heck, when I was 18 and in the USAF, we did knee down/girl push ups. And heavy people are moving a lot more weight with standard pushups than they would when starting off with chest presses at a gym.

    Now, for an actual beginner level workout one can do at home with very little equipment, I highly recommend The RBG Workout: How She Stays Strong . . . and You Can Too!. This gives two easier options for pushups. While it does suggest a stability ball and medicine ball, I'm doing it with just a chair, door, resistance band, and 5# dumbbells.

    I was getting by with a 5 foot resistance band and shopping around for a 6 footer, which would be much better for @ three of the exercises, when I spotted one at my neighbors' they're not using so let me have. So far my total cost was $10.32 for the book.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Thank you, i have been looking at some youtube videos and i quite like the idea of resistance/strength training. I don't feel able to do anything like jog/run as i feel so heavy......for now

    I haven't run since I got out of the military and no one could force me to run anymore. However, I do very much enjoy walking and hiking (and gardening, swimming, yoga...)
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Is there a reason you can't walk? Walking for someone who has never worked out before, is a great place to start. I lost about 50 lbs just by walking every other day.
  • NR81206
    NR81206 Posts: 54 Member
    I agree with walking, it has been my go to exercise.. I started my journey at 202# (5'1) just by walking a mile a day 3x a week, worked my way up to 3-5 miles a day 3x a week. Now I Jog/walk 3 miles 2-3x a week and do a YouTube video workout once a week that included push ups and other strength training .. I'm down to 158# I use mapmywalk. I've logged 110 miles as of yesterday since starting my journey.. that's my NSV
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    natasor1 wrote: »
    Also try not to eat after walk for 30 min, then 45 min, then 60 min. Can only drink water and L-Carnitine.


  • Thank you all so much for the great advice. I can walk so that's where I will start and will gradually increase distance/ intensity. There are some great links too for me to get started. It's much appreciated.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Thank you, i have been looking at some youtube videos and i quite like the idea of resistance/strength training. I don't feel able to do anything like jog/run as i feel so heavy......for now

    If resistance strikes your fancy then give it a try. If you don't like it (or even if you do) you can always switch to something else. Do whatever you like best.