Gimme the Skinny - August Challenge Team 21 - (closed group)



  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    I would like to get down to 209 so thats 8.8 pounds to lose :)
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Who's ready to get those ab crunches done?! Go get 'em, SKINNYs!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Tuesday challenge done. Walk/jogged 3.5 miles instead of my usual 2-2.5. Drank plenty of water. (I stop counting after the end of the work day when I have 8-12 down already). Under calories for the day...check. I have to say, it was the challenge that kept me from having snack last night and pushing me over by 25 calories. So, I was under by 52. Yay.

    Wed challenge, halfway there... Crunches done and 40 oz water down. Water will be easy. Calories should be good today too. I have lime chicken planned for dinner but not sure what I am making with it because I need to go shopping.

    As far as my goal... well, I have not been losing weight for months. I am going to put it at something reasonable, and say I really want to lose a lb per week, so that would be just over 4lbs. But 5lbs would put me out of the obese category. But, I am really afraid to say 5lbs because I do not want to let the team down. But I lost the first 25 reasonably well. But it has taken me 8 months to lose 8lbs. So, what to set my goal at? Suggestions?
  • calition
    calition Posts: 24 Member
    Mommaski4 great job! 3.5 miles! I about die just doing the 1 mile. I usually run my mile on thurs, friday or saturday depending on which day I have to run to my father-in-laws house. (long story) So yesterday I did my mile run but it was the first time I did it on a track at a local highschool. I took my two boys and they played while I ran. It only took me 14 min to do the mile but I was all hot and sweaty. I felt so good that I did 100 Jumping Jacks just to finish it off. So far two days in a row I've been on track with water, exercise and under my calorie goal. I put my clothes on this morning and my work slacks feel loose (size 12) and my top looked smoother. Not only that, but my Aunt Flow is here this week and she doesn't seem to be disruptive of my routine either. GO TEAM!
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Are we weighing in on Sunday mornings? This'll be fine with me after this week because I won't have to depend on the weekday Rec scale! Can't wait til the rec is open everyday for longer periods of time! :) And I won't be a 30 minute walk from it, just a 10 minute walk. Much better when it's morning and I'm barely awake.

    We should weigh in on the same day each week individually. example: I used a friday weight because friday is my weigh in day, so i'll use my friday weight from 8/5 to send to gary that sunday.

    You can weigh in on sunday if you wish, just remember it should be the same day each week.

    I need all weights by Sunday pm, along with points for Gary.

    I've been updating the spreadsheet with everyone's progress this week. What is easier for you guys? to send me a PM with points & weight on sunday....or keep updating points here as we go along? (i still think the weights should be secret)

    I was originally thinking that the "lump sum" in-box message would be easier, but now i'm getting concerned that I won't know if someone drops out until the end of the week, which could loose us a whole lotta points.

    Just for peace of mind...can these members chime in with how the challenge is going for them? I want to make sure all are still interested.


    Let me know!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I usually weigh in on Friday's but I won't be able to weigh in until Saturday NIGHT this week. I may start weighing in on Sunday's though. (I'm moving)

    I like the idea of keeping our weights a bit of a secret. We can always post on here if we completed our 'daily' goals though. Just to make sure everyone's still here and such?
  • Devani34
    Devani34 Posts: 48 Member
    Ok… for Tuesday my dogs & I fast walked 2 miles. I didn't drink as much water as I should’ve . I was under calories for the day...YEAH (I think that’s good).

    Monday I did my jumping jacks in intervals… got to my fourth set of 10s and left knee started bothering me a little so I’m going have figure out another route with the jumpers… I'm going do better, guys. I promise!

    Weight-in! :sad: Right now & for some reason I’m flat lining in losing weight. No change!! ARGGHHH! :mad:
  • kRpRpLgRl
    kRpRpLgRl Posts: 59 Member
    Checkin' in.....

    I am on track for everything so far this week. I've been drinking all of my water and eating at or below my calories for the day. I have also been doing the exercise challenges. Haven't done the sit ups or ab crunches today so far. I usually do them in the evening after work.

    My goal for the month will probably be 5 lbs since it's been awhile for me moving in the right direction.

    I will probably weigh in on Friday since that is when I started my weigh-in for this challenge.

    On a side note.....I have been sick for the last week. VERY sore throat, body aches, ear hurts, and sinus type stuff as well. I've been to the dr twice now as it is getting worse instead of better. Went again yesterday. She gave me a cough medicine but everything else just keep doing. So, I am drinking lots of water but not eating so much or at really weird times. I'm hoping to be over this by the weekend! I'm tired of taking meds for the pain and waking up at 2 in the morning not able to sleep anymore because of this cough.

    I have still been trying to get in my exercise challenge and it has worked so far. I don't want to let my team down by not getting my challenges done....especially for the first week.

  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I've done all the challenges so far, I've stayed below my calories every day, and I've drunk all my water. I can make Sunday my weigh-in day, but... I'm still fairly new to MFP and it gives me such a little surge of inspiration every time I get to check in with a lower weight that I just can't bear not to enter it for a whole month. :( Sorry!
  • Devani34
    Devani34 Posts: 48 Member
    Are we weighing in on Sunday mornings? This'll be fine with me after this week because I won't have to depend on the weekday Rec scale! Can't wait til the rec is open everyday for longer periods of time! :) And I won't be a 30 minute walk from it, just a 10 minute walk. Much better when it's morning and I'm barely awake.

    We should weigh in on the same day each week individually. example: I used a friday weight because friday is my weigh in day, so i'll use my friday weight from 8/5 to send to gary that sunday.

    You can weigh in on sunday if you wish, just remember it should be the same day each week.

    I need all weights by Sunday pm, along with points for Gary.

    I've been updating the spreadsheet with everyone's progress this week. What is easier for you guys? to send me a PM with points & weight on sunday....or keep updating points here as we go along? (i still think the weights should be secret)

    I was originally thinking that the "lump sum" in-box message would be easier, but now i'm getting concerned that I won't know if someone drops out until the end of the week, which could loose us a whole lotta points.

    Just for peace of mind...can these members chime in with how the challenge is going for them? I want to make sure all are still interested.


    Let me know!

    I'm here! Forgot to tell you my weight loss goal for the month: I want to kick off 5lbs but my goal is 15lbs. I'll probably have to starve myself to get at 145lbs... so I'll be happy at around 150lbs.
  • sherrylwilson
    sherrylwilson Posts: 31 Member
    Yes, I am still interested and excited about it!
    I have done the daily exercise challenges, drank all the water, have been under calorie goal since the start. I just now seen that we are suppose to post it daily, right?
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    I've done all the challenges so far, I've stayed below my calories every day, and I've drunk all my water. I can make Sunday my weigh-in day, but... I'm still fairly new to MFP and it gives me such a little surge of inspiration every time I get to check in with a lower weight that I just can't bear not to enter it for a whole month. :( Sorry!

    Ohhhhh sorry if I was confusing. I don't mind if everyone updates their MFP profile/tracker. If someone REALLY wants to know that bad, and hunts us all down to add up our weights, then congrats to them! I just don't want to make it super easy for them!!
  • watrmlon
    watrmlon Posts: 34
    I've stayed within my calories allowed, drank my water every day including today and I've done the daily exercise challenges including the crunches today :)
  • diamondgirl1995
    HI TEAM!!! I am doing great, still motivated, finishing all of my challenges and my regular workouts all is well. I am SURE I've lost some weight, but I'ts getting crazy at home with school about to start again. I hope everyone else is doing just a well or better with the challenge. :-)
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Did all exercises so far this week and stayed within calories and drank the water :)
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    All done for the day :) Water check! Calories check! Exercise check!
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    Hey everyone! Got my Crunches in for the day. I did actually 100 today because thats what my video told me to do. haha.

    I am on target for all the points as well for the week. I like the idea of sending on Sundays my pts and weight. I am weighing in on Sunday Am's Keeps me in check for the weekend.

    I am nervous for the up & downs for tomorrow though.

    We got this in the bag.

    I would LOVE to lose 5lbs this month. Dreaming of doing 7lbs but Don't want to push my luck!

    Take care all and goodnight my early 530 am workout isn't far away!
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    Checking in!

    Crunches/Water and under calories (just barely, but I made it!)

    Thanks Skinnys
  • lmmiller1
    Day 3 Check in......Crunches, water and calorie intake check.... My weight lose goal for this month is 8 pounds with fingers crossed!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Hump Day check in (otherwise known as Wed, Day 3).
    Water - check
    Calories - check
    Crunches - check

    Let's go Skinnies!