October 21st - Christmas Challenge



  • jkbseehra
    jkbseehra Posts: 6 Member
    Name: Jas
    Age: 41

    Start Weight (October 21st): 210
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 199


    5th November: 210
    12th November:
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Biggest challenges are always hungry, snacking at night and eating out with family.
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    Name: Shani
    Age: 48

    Start Weight (October 21st): 187lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 165lbs

    29th October:
    5th November: 180
    12th November:
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -7
    Weight -/+ this month:-7

    Successes / struggles this week: Cancer patient, going through chemotherapy. Dealing with the water retention of a LOT of steroids - BOO!!!!!
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    Name: Haidee
    Age: 33

    Start Weight (October 21st): 180
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 160

    30th October: 174
    6th November: 169
    13th November:
    20th November:
    27th November:
    4rd December:
    11th December:
    18th December:
    25th December:
  • DreamPhedre
    DreamPhedre Posts: 598 Member
    Name: DreamPhedre
    Age: 32

    Start Weight (October 21st): 250.6
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 240

    30th October: 249
    8th November: 247.2
    12th November:
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.8
    Weight -/+ this month: -3.4

    Successes / struggles this week: I've been thinking about altering my WOE but it's so tricky.
    In the meantime I've avoided the Halloween candy, and offset a weekend away for a friend's birthday with tons of walking/hiking.
  • str82nichelle
    str82nichelle Posts: 1,014 Member
    Name: Nichelle
    Age: 49

    Start Weight (October 20th): 233.2lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 220lbs

    Weekly Friday Weigh-ins:

    27th October: 231
    3rd November: 230.2
    10th November: 227.8
    17th November:
    24th November:
    1st December:
    8th December:
    15th December:
    22nd December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.4 lbs.
    Weight -/+ this month:

    Successes / struggles this week: Success--not having sugar binges as I did in the past when dealing with disappointing news from doctors on the progression of my disease this week.
  • meloyellow27
    meloyellow27 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm late to the game but love the idea!!! Luckily, I was able to pull my stats.

    Name: Melody
    Age: 31

    Start Weight (October 21st): 144.8
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 135

    29th October: 143.6
    5th November: 142.6
    12th November:
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1
    Weight -/+ this month: -2.2

    Successes / struggles this week:
  • katpayne08
    katpayne08 Posts: 0 Member
    me: Kat
    Age: 28

    Start Weight (October 21st): 120
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 115

    29th October: 119.8
    5th November: 119.4
    12th November:
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:
  • motheroftwins95
    motheroftwins95 Posts: 594 Member
    Name: Deb
    Age: 55

    Start Weight (October 21st): 155.2
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 145

    29th October: 154.6
    5th November: 153.6
    12th November: 151.8
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 1.8 lb
    Weight -/+ since start of challenge: 3.4

    Successes / struggles this week: Success - eating out and only eating 1/2 the meal and bringing the rest home for another meal. Struggle - hitting my step goal with the colder weather - the treadmill is not my friend but we are talking
  • jkbseehra
    jkbseehra Posts: 6 Member
    Name: Jas
    Age: 41

    Start Weight (Nov 5): 210
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 207.5


    5th November: 210
    12th November: 207.5
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.5
    Weight -/+ this month: -2.5

    Successes / struggles this week
    Hunger/ boredom during weekdays. Went to sleep early. Friday night binge/ celebration. Socialing and eating a defecit is definately hard.
    Deciding between alotting calories for socializing...or keeping it consistent ( portion control?)
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    Thanks for posting a challenge, been letting things slide!

    Name: Linda
    Age: 47

    Start Weight (October 21st): 167lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 150lbs


    5th November: 166 lbs

    19th November:

    3rd December:

    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1
    Weight -/+ this month: -1

    Successes / struggles this week:

    Not being able to find this thread !!!
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Name: Stephanie
    Age: 42

    Start Weight (October 21st): 238
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 225

    29th October: 237
    5th November: 235
    12th November: 232
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -3
    Weight -/+ this month:

    Successes / struggles this week: huge success this week - work had our Thanksgiving luncheon and there was SO MUCH DELICIOUS AND FATTENING STUFF! i managed to control myself and ate within my regular eating plan. There wasn’t even a temptation to pig out as i normally would.

    note: please feel free to add me as an MFP friend. :)

  • michy84
    michy84 Posts: 342 Member
    Name: Michy
    Age: 33

    Start Weight (October 21st): 129.5
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 123

    29th October: 131.5
    5th November: 128.5
    12th November: 131
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: +2.5
    Weight -/+ this month: -.5

    Successes / struggles this week: Too much stress eating. Trying to battle this.

  • Aprilcoron210
    Aprilcoron210 Posts: 54 Member
    ✳️Name: April
    ✳️Age: 35

    ✳️Start Weight (October 21st): 200.4
    ✳️Goal Weight (December 24th): 185, I know I'm pushing Myself but I have to. Good luck to all of us.

    29th October: 201.2 not a good start.

    6th November: 200.0 weighed at 9:40 am, day late.

    12th November: 190.4 OMG can't believe it. myself. I did a 3 day fast and keto.

    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:
  • mrack1
    mrack1 Posts: 31 Member
    Name: Melissa
    Age: 43

    Start Weight (October 21st): 149 lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 139 lbs

    29th October: 147.4
    5th November: 148.2
    12th November: 146.6
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.4
    Weight -/+ this month:

    Successes / struggles this week:

    Success: Not thinking much about food - limiting my alcohol consumption - weighing less often and worrying less about the scale.

    Struggles: It's been a crazy stressful week. Exercise has been chucked a few times. Back on track today.
  • l_lake
    l_lake Posts: 107 Member
    edited November 2017
    Name: Lauren
    Age: 31

    Start Weight (October 21st): 160lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 150lbs

    29th October: 159lbs
    5th November: 156lbs
    12th November: 159lbs
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: +3
    Weight -/+ this month: 0

    Successes / struggles this week:
    Pretty sure I did not actually gain 3lbs this week. (fingers crossed) It was my birthday over the weekend and I knew going into it that I was going to let myself enjoy the food and drinks. I still kept track of everything and it was way over, but not as bad as it could have been and I'm sure most of that will drop off as water weight from extra sodium.
  • meloyellow27
    meloyellow27 Posts: 29 Member
    Name: Melody
    Age: 31

    Start Weight (October 21st): 144.8
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 135

    29th October: 143.6
    5th November: 142.6
    12th November:140.8
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.8
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -4

    Successes / struggles this week: Struggle= Having a cheat meal while PMSing... not a great idea. The cheat meal turned into a cheat day. Oh well... no regrets! Success= Got in some awesome workouts. My energy level was just not the same after being down with the flu but I'm now back to normal and ready to kick some butt!
  • GW4321
    GW4321 Posts: 523 Member
    Name: GW
    Age: 32

    Start Weight (October 21st): 214
    Goal Weight (December 24th):207

    30th October: 214
    6th November: 214
    13th November: 213.5
    20th November:
    27th November:
    4rd December:
    11th December:
    18th December:
    25th December:

    Successes / struggles this week: I exercised every day last week, but I’m still having trouble consistently staying under my calorie goals.
  • DreamPhedre
    DreamPhedre Posts: 598 Member
    Name: DreamPhedre
    Age: 32

    Start Weight (October 21st): 250.6
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 240

    30th October: 249
    8th November: 247.2
    14th November: 245.2
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2.0
    Weight -/+ this month: -5.4

    Successes / struggles this week: I'm attempting to switch to LCHF and am feeling like I'm making two dinners every night. My partner and child aren't LCHF so finding things to make for everyone to eat has been a bit of a struggle. Anyone have suggestions?
    I've been great at drinking water this week though! It's my go-to while partner is snacking on all the things I'm not eating - sounds a bit depressing, but it's been okay.
  • Adriennecooper72
    Name: Adrienne
    Age: 44

    Start Weight (October 27st): 188lbs
    Goal Weight (December 24th): 175lbs

    29th October: 185.5
    5th November: 186.5
    12th November: 180.5
    19th November:
    26th November:
    3rd December:
    10th December:
    17th December:
    24th December:

    Weight -/+ this week: -6 lbs
    Weight -/+ this month:

    Successes / struggles this week:

    This week was a good week. I stayed within my macros, drank almost all the water I was supposed to be drinking everyday, worked out, and made sure I was getting enough rest.
    I hid my scale in my storage unit and forgot to take it out on Sunday to weigh in, and I also forgot to take it out Monday that's why I'm posting my progress today.